We recommend that users get familiar with keyboard navigation. If you are not familiar with Windows key strokes a comprehensive list can be found here:
RxOne uses standard Windows navigation keys to move around the various screens and modules. A keyboard shortcut is shown on screen by underlining a letter on the tile or button. On the most part the underlined letter means that you can hold down the Alt key and press the underlined letter. In the help files we show this as <Alt+N>. We give more information about shortcut keys in the help files for individual modules and reports.
Examples of keyboard strokes:
<F1> Displays Help files
<Tab> will move the cursor through all the fields on a screen. In dispensary you can press Tab to move through every field and edit.
<Enter> will move the cursor through the essential fields for that screen. When dispensing, it will move the cursor to the yellow highlighted fields.
<Up Arrow><Down Arrow> In keeping with conventions from older DOS based systems, the Up and Down arrows move the cursor up to the previous field, or down to the next field.
Top Menu items. Many screens have Menus at the top which give extra functions. The most common instructions in these menus have a shortcut key convention, which will usually use the <Ctrl> key to access.
<Esc> will take you to the previous screen
Mouse Operation
In our documentation we refer to certain actions to be completed using a mouse. These are:
‘Click’ means to use the left mouse button to activate that function. Move the cursor over the button and press the left mouse button to activate it.
‘Double Click’ means to click the left mouse button twice in succession.
‘Right Click’ means to use the right mouse button. This is not commonly used in RxOne. In Windows it is used for extra properties for a program or app.
‘Drag the Mouse’ is used to highlight text, or to move an object. To move an object, click on the object and while still holding down the mouse button move it to its new position or place. Let go of the button to drop the object. To highlight text, click at the beginning of the text and while holding the button drag the mouse to the end of the text you want highlighted.
RxOne Home Screen
RxOne’s Home Screen will open when you first run the program. The screen is divided into sections.