Versions Compared


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[Revised Apr 2016]


Pharmacy Details printed on the statement

If The Pharmacy Address or Phone Number is incorrect, from the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Options, User Details Tab. Correct and go <OK>.


To add your bank account details, go to Debtors, Debtor Options and add to the Message.


Ageing statements and debtors rollover

Statements can be printed at any time for any period. For a normal monthly run of statements, do them AFTER the end of the month as they are 'aged' and the last month closed off automatically on startup on the first day of the new month.


E.g.  It is OK to do sales on 1st or 2nd of the month and then later printout the statements for last month, which will cut off at 31st.


Print All statements, AFTER End-of-Month.

(Normal End of Month statement run)


  • Current – this is the current balance


Email Accounts

Statements can also be emailed. Select 'Email selected statements' or 'Email all'. To set up accounts for emailing, go to Debtors, Tools, Debtors Utility, Set Highlighted accounts to be emailed. Make sure you have entered an email address for the account (you can double-click on any account to go into the details to add an email address).


NB: To check which email address you are sending from eg From the RxOne Start Menu, go to Tools, Options, Switchboard. On the bottom right hand corner, go to “Advanced Email Settings”. Change the email sender.


To print BEFORE the end of month.

(Avoid this if possible).  Select 'MonthToDate', but first consider the disadvantages of printing MTD;


Taken together, these points can falsely make it seem that there are serious errors in the statement and for this reason printing before EoM is not recommended.


List of debtors and balances

To have a printout of the amount owing at EoM by each debtor, load 'All' debtors onto the screen, use 'Print' to print a list. It is recommended to print this list after each monthly run of statements, and keep off-site in case of fire, burglary or unrecoverable data corruption.


View old statements

On bringing up a debtor the last three months statements are displayed, plus MTD. To look further back bring the 'last three months' onto the screen then View and 'Last 12 months' or 'all statements'.


Zero balance active accounts

  • One of the debtor options is to print or suppress zero balance active accounts (those which have had transactions during the month.)


Whether printed or now, ALL accounts will be shown in the statement preview on screen.


Minimum Charge for Statement to Print

To turn on, go to Debtors, Tools, Options and add in a "minimum charge for statement to print". If you have entered for example $1.00, then any statement with a value of -$1.00 to $1.00 will not print.


  1. The print box will come up - can either print all, or a selection or a page using the check boxes.


Email Monthly Statements

If a customer has an email address in their personal details then you can email a statement to them. In the Debtors Utility, highlight the customers you'd like the statements emailed to (rather than printed for posting), then click on the "Change selected accounts to email statements.


Sort Rest Home Statements internally by Patient Name

If you want to print a statement for a resthome with the patients sorted in alphabetical order, bring up the Rest Home account and the list of statements in that account. Highlight the statement you want to print, then go to tools and select 'Print Statement Sorted by Name' or Ctrl+P.



Statements print perforated A4 paper. For phone/address see under consumables.


Statements cut off

If statements only partly print, eg cutting off the last digit of the year and with insufficient length for item description, it is likely that the printer font size has been changed in windows, or the display size has been changed, usually to meet the needs of a website.


Print NHI Number on statement

There is an option to print the NHI number of the customer when a script is charged to an account. To switch on go to Debtors, Debtors Options, tick ‘Display POS customer on Statement’ and tick ‘Display NHI number on statement’.


Printing a specific page of a statement

When printing a statement, a specific page can be printed if necessary. To do this:


  1. The print box will come up - can either print all, or a selection or a page using the check boxes.



Email not being received:
