The Smart Claim SmartClaim system generates a claim based on the state of dispensings and smart claim dispensing's and SmartClaim settings at the time of preparation. For this reason, the following can be done, any time prior to the claim being prepared:
Don't Claim Use to manually suppress a claim for an item that would be normally claimable, e.g. a script for a foreign tourist where the operator forgot to mark the patient category as 'NSS' at the time.
NSS Claim Regardless - Flag this to force a claim of the original script of an NSS item for which a special authority approval has been applied for and may be available for subsequent repeats. The script is sent with an ‘I’ transaction code. Note: This original script has to be submitted in a separate claim from the repeats.
Claim regardless Use to force a claim of an item which is normally not claimable. The script will be sent with an 'N' transaction code. It is rare to have to use this. Please call the HealthSoft Support desk before using this option.
Cancel HBL Payment and Price again - Use to resend an already paid script for repricing if there has been a change in dispensing details such as quantity and number of repeats. Script is sent with a ‘C’ & ‘R’ transaction code.
Resubmit Script not yet Paid - Use to resend an unpaid errored script. Script is sent with an ‘I’ transaction code.
Reverse payment on Rx- Reverses an item already claimed and paid for. Script is sent with a ‘R’ transaction code.