The Pharmacist can also choose to type the streamline authority in a free text box, or ignore the streamline authority selection and treat as a normal authority (phone authority script) if the script is prescribed for the first time, or for an increased quantity or number of repeats)
RPBS (Repat PBS) and DVA Authority Scripts [15/11/2024]:
PH: 1800 552 580
For scripts covered under DVA with gold card.
Call DVA to confirm Authority code and PRICE for DRUG CARD.
Create a new DISP DRUG CARD for Repat PBS item and enter COST as the price given by the DVA
Select new card when dispensing the script, and enter Authority code on script
DVA Authority number identifies the drug for claiming
Check CLAIM tab and script should have successfully claimed on PBS
Authority Prescriptions
Some medications listed on the PBS are covered by the schedule for specific authorised indications. The patient must meet the criteria as stated in the Schedule in order to qualify for these authority prescriptions.