Bulk Stock Edit Utility
Always look through the items on the list before changing them. This is a powerful feature and should be used carefully as it can be difficult to restore. We recommend that you back up your files before running this utility. There may be a charge if RxOne has to restore files after a bulk change.
The Bulk Stock Edit utility is a powerful that allows you to make changes to chosen stock cards.
Main Menu > Tools > Utilities > Stock Utilities > Bulk Stock Edit
Select Stock Cards to Bulk Edit
Use the different options to filter which stock cards you are going to bulk edit. You can filter by Supplier, Product Group and Class, Club and Tradename. Use the other selections to filter even further. The Stock Type option will allow you to filter Dispensary or Point of Sale stock.
Search by Tradename
You can filter by tradename and only items that match the search text will be shown. You can use * to enter a wildcard search. Some examples:
Go > Will find all items beginning with Go
*Go > will bring up all items with Go in the name
Go Mag > will display all items beginning with Go and Mag somewhere in the name
The Tradename search will be filtered by other options selected. For example:
Tradename Search (no other filters)
Go Mag will bring up all stock items that begin with Go and contain Mag so may bring up all GO Healthy Magnesium products and all Good Health Magnesium products. If you only want Go Healthy then you can further filter the results by selecting Go Healthy as the supplier.
Dispensary Items
If you are wanting to bulk edit dispensary stock cards, there are additional filters that can be used under the Drug Card Options only section.
Editing Stock Cards
Once you have selected your search options, click OK. The Bulk Stock Card Edit Utility will open and display the Select Items from the list tab. You can remove any items that you don’t want to edit at this stage by highlighting the item(s) and pressing Delete.
You can choose to either edit all items in the list, or highlighted items by selecting the option at the bottom. Bulk Stock Edit defaults to making changes to only items you have highlighted. Once you have selected the items to be changed you can bulk edit on the remaining tabs:
Select Option - shows a range of editing options for the stock cards. This includes options for tradenames, shelf labels, price stickers
Price and Price Options - use this to set prices, markups and other options relating to the price of stock cards
More Options - you can use this to force printing of price stickers or shelf labels, add items to the next order or set Reorder to false.
Once you have chosen your options click Make the Changes. RxOne will update the stock cards based on the changes you have selected.
Notes on Price Changes
If you select options to change prices, RxOne will automatically print shelf labels or price stickers. Shelf Labels will be queued in the Reprint Labels utility.
Importing Products from Zebex using Bulk Stock Edit
Scan the products you wish to make changes to using your Zebex Handheld scanning unit. You can also add retail prices if this is what you wish to change. Select Import in the Select Stock Cards to Bulk Edit screen.
Make sure the correct Comm Port is selected by clicking on the ‘Stocktake Unit Settings’ drop down menu. Enter the number of the Comm Port.
Select ‘Import’ and use your Zebex instructions to download the products scanned. This will import the products to the Bulk Stock Edit Utility.
If you are choosing to update retail price you’ll need to select the checkbox ‘Update Retail from Scanner’. Then choose either ‘Only the Highlighted Items’ or ‘All Items Listed Above’ and make the changes.
You can also select other options on the panel at the same time e.g. change product group or print stickers.
Related Links
Delete Stock Cards using Bulk Stock Edit