End of Day Report Walkthrough
At the end of each trading day it is important to balance your cash takings for the day. To do this you can use the End of Day Report to balance each till. The End of Day report totals up the sales for a selected till from the end of the last End of Day for that till. If you run an end of day at 4:40pm on a Tuesday, then your End of Day for Wednesday will start at the next sale after running the 4:40pm End of Day.
Open End of Day Report
Point of Sale > Reports > End of Day
RxOne will open the report dialogue. From this you can display previous End of Day reports, or generate a new one. Using the Options menu item you can select the options for this report. These options are outlined in End Of Day Report .
Click End of Day and select the appropriate till. The options will default to the machine you are on.
In the top left of the report you can see the date and time range for the report. This report includes sales from 4:47pm on 20 September through to 4:50pm on 21 September.
Balancing the Till
Count the money in the till excluding your opening float
Compare the cash counted to the Cash Total amount
If you more cash than the Cash Total then your till is up, and less cash then the till is down.
Viewing more details
If you would like to view more details for an End of Day report then exit out of the current End of Day and adjust the options in the End of Day Report main screen. You can select more or less details, and then double click on the report you would like to view