Repeats Expiry

Repeats Expiry

The repeat expiry dates calculated by the system take into account short and long months and will be correct for 30 / 60 / 90 days.

When you are processing repeats, you can use the shortcodes in the system (as below. To see a list of the options for repeat days (i.e. what to enter into the ‘Total Repeats’ box) select the tab ‘3. Repeat’, and you can see a list of options to choose from:

  • Putting a ‘0’ in the Total repeats box means no repeat will be available for the item dispensed

  • Putting a ‘1’ in the Total repeats box means 1 repeat will be available for the item dispensed, and it will be available to pick up for 2 months/60 days after the date of first dispensing.

  • Putting a ‘2’ in the Total repeats box means 2 repeats will be available for the item dispensed, and it will be available to pick up for 3 months/90 days after the date of first dispensing.

  • Putting a ‘T’ in the Total repeats box means 1 repeat will be available for the item dispensed, and it will be available to pick up for 3 months/90 days after the date of first dispensing.

  • Putting a ‘C’ in the Total repeats box means 1 repeat will be available for the item dispensed, and it will be available to pick up for 4 months/120 days after the date of first dispensing. Note – ‘C’ stands for contraceptive, as this option is usually used in dispensing Combined Oral Contraceptives and Progesterone Only Contraceptives.

  • Putting a ‘B’ in the Total repeats box means 2 repeats will be available for the item dispensed, and it will be available to pick up for 1 month/30 days from the date of first dispensing. Use ‘B’ for controlled drugs to provide 10 days supply with 2 repeats of 10 days supply each.

  • Putting a ‘U’ in the Total repeats box means unlimited repeats will be available for the item dispensed, and it will be available to pick up for the time that you set by entering the Expiry date.  This is used seldomly and is usually for NSS items.

  • Putting a ‘V’ in the Total repeats box means that the Variable repeats option will open and allow you to enter the number of variable repeats required, an expiry date, and then you can edit the quantities and instructions as desired ( see Variable Quantity Repeat notes’

  • Putting a ‘H’ in the Total repeats box prompts a box to open that will ask you how many repeats to go, then will prompt for an expiry date.

  • Putting an actual number of remaining repeats then enter the Expiry date.


To enter repeats expiry, you can either:

  a)    Type a date of your own selection

  b)    Enter the number of days (if less than 100 days), eg, 30, 60

  c)    Add ‘d’ before or after the number of days you want to set e.g. d30 or 30d, will automatically calculate a date 30 days from the date of the first dispensing. Please note this option must be used for any number of expiry days from 100 days or over.


On those occasions when you enter an expiry date by hand, remember to allow for long months, eg.30 days after 15th January is 14th February, if you put '15th' it is 31 days and the pricing office will reject it with a type 087 error.


To correct ' 087 Error'

Correct the repeat expiry on the Original and tick 'Resubmit Rx not yet paid' on 'claims' panel.

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