Script History
Initial display off 'New Script' button
Automatically displays all script history for the patient.
CM means Continuous Medication
F means Foil
P means phoned script
Initial display off 'Repeat' button
Automatically displays either display all history, or only items which still have a repeat remaining, depending on the user's choice of repeat display option.
Middle of script display
To view the history while in the middle of a script, select View then 'Patient History/Patient Details'. This will put you back to the Patient Screen.
You can also change the patient details here and still continue with the script.
To return to your script press the <Esc> key.
To view all of today's scripts during dispensing, View then 'Scripts Recorded Today'.
This will flip you back to the main menu to view the scripts done.
To resume the current script press <Esc> key.