1Chart Integration

1Chart Integration

1CHART Integration: Set up and Bulk Export to 1CHART


1CHART integration is an additional module that requires activating. There is a charge for setup and a monthly support fee.



The integration involves bulk exporting patients’ existing foil medicines (foil scripts) to the third party ‘Electronic Chart’ software 1CHART so you don’t have to manually enter them into 1CHART. Once the export is done, you can also see the patient’s 1CHART details under the ‘Other Schemes’ tab in dispensary.


There are a few steps in the set up and checks you will need to do before going live, so give yourself plenty of time to do these. The setup is best done straight after doing a ‘cycle’ to gives you plenty of time to set up and check the export (and tidy things up) and also give the doctors time to do the charting in 1CHART.


HealthSoft support will activate the integration*. (HealthSoft Staff, please refer to procedure help).

We will then assist you and show you what to set up in the RxOne Staff Utility, Care Facility, Person Profiles and how to run the ‘Bulk Export report’ and what to check before doing the export.


1CHART will email you and HealthSoft your pharmacy’s master 1CHART Credentials and the allowed ‘named dose periods’ for the resthome(s).


1CHART support will train and assist you in the use of 1CHART and setting up within 1CHART.


*If your pharmacy has never done an export to 1CHART from RxOne, we will set up the integration to the 1CHART’s test environment for you to do a dummy export for 3- 4 patient so you can check the data before exporting ‘All’ to the live 1CHART environment.


**Also if you have not been using bulk copy to dispense the scripts for the patients, you will have to spend a bit of time marking the scripts as continuous.


New Integration

What needs to be done on the pharmacy computer before ‘going live’?

Once HealthSoft have activated the integration with the test environment, do the following. (See next pages for details).


  1. In RxOne Staff Utility, check that staff security is on and add the 1CHART staff credentials for each dispensary staff member registered with 1CHART. (1CHART will give you the master username and password to access 1CHART. You will need to go into 1CHART to set up the 1CHART staff credentials for your dispensary staff)

  2. Add a quick link via RxOne Editor in the main dispensary menu to the 1CHART (test) web site.

  3. Set up the resthome in RxOne Editor> Care Facility with the HFI (Health facility Identifier) number, and the 1CHART allowed ‘named dose periods’ in text format.

  4. Assign 1CHART as the Internet Scheme to the resthome.

  5. Assign patients to the resthome.

  6. Set the ‘continuous medication’ flag on the most recent foil scripts for each patient. This part may take a while, so give yourself a bit of time to do this before the ‘go live’ date. (Skip this step if you have been using bulk copy to dispense for patients in this resthome).

  7. Run the ‘1CHART Bulk Export’ to bring up a report of what will be exported.

  8. Check the Bulk Export report to ensure the dose periods in the foils are in the same format as what is allowed in 1CHART. (If they are not in the ‘allowed’ format, the script will not export). Change the dose period headings in the foil scripts if necessary or add extra ‘allowed’ periods.

  9. Highlight a few patients and then select ‘Export selected’ to export the medications and the dose periods to the 1CHART test environment. Go to 1CHART website and check the charts.

  10. Once you are happy with what’s been exported to the 1CHART test environment, call HealthSoft to change to the live environment. Then you can select ‘Export All’ to 1CHART’s live environment.

  11. Change the quick link on the RxOne main dispensary screen to the live 1Chart website.


Detailed Steps for New Integration


1. Staff Utility

A) Go to RxOne Start Menu, Tools, Utilities, Staff Utilities, Modify Staff, File and tick ‘Staff Security on’.


B) Add the 1CHART master user name and password provided by 1CHART against the pharmacy owner’s ID.


C) Add the 1CHART staff credentials for each staff member registered with 1CHART.


Do this by highlighting the staff name and double click to take you to the ‘Edit Staff’ screen. On the right hand side (RHS) of the screen, enter in the 1CHART User Name and Password under ‘Value’. (RxOne will automatically encrypt these fields. The code displayed is the encrypted code).


Note: Please make sure the Staff Initial is not easily identified by another person to ensure only staff members that have permission to access 1CHART will access it. (Using staff ID swipe cards is an easy way of doing this. You can order these from HealthSoft).




D) On each computer, go to Dispensary, Options, and Show Options and make sure ‘Ask Staff ID before each script’ is ticked.


2. Add a quick link in the main dispensary menu to the 1Chart web site. Go to RxOne Editor< URL and add in 1Chart’s test website address https://uat1chart.toniq.co.nz/. This is where you can view and edit the charts. Change this web site link when go live. See later on)


3. Enter in the resthome’s HFI number and the 1CHART allowed ‘named dose periods’ in the RxOne Editor Care Facility


From the RxOne Start Menu, go to Tools, Utilities, Other Utilities, RxOne Editor, Care facility. Find the resthome in the table and under the Health Care Facility ID column, enter in the resthome’s HFI number.


On the right hand side of the screen, under ‘Default Periods’, enter in the ‘named dose periods’ (i.e. dose periods in text format)* as provided by 1CHART. Enter these in with a pipe symbol ‘|’ to separate out each named dose period. (E.g. Breakfast|Lunch|Dinner|Bedtime).


The formats for dose times such as 08:00, 0800, 8am, 8:30am, 11pm etc. and PRN are automatically allowed. *However for the dose times/periods in text format, you will need to enter into the Default Periods exactly as what 1CHART had set up for this resthome. If you want this change or have any extra periods added, please call 1CHART.


4. Assign 1CHART as the ‘Internet Scheme’ to the resthome

In the Care Facility editor, under ‘Additional Details’, ‘Internet Schemes’, tick ‘Enabled’ for 1CHART*. Select Save. This will automatically tick the 1CHART box in the resthome patients’ profile in the ‘Personal Info’ tab.

This activates the RxOne Patient-1CHART interface. You can then see the patient’s 1CHART (if there is one) under the ‘Other Schemes’ tab on the top menu bar without logging into the 1Chart Website.



*If you don’t see the 1CHART box, go to RxOne Editor, Internet Schemes, scroll across to ‘Internet Scheme Type’ and it would probably say ‘Active For Selected People Only’. Click on the scroll arrow and reselect to ‘Active for People In Selected Resthome’. Select ‘Save’].

5. Assign patients to the resthome/care facility

If patients are not already assigned to the resthome, assign the patients to the resthome now.


a) go to Bulk Copy Utility. Select the resthome, select ‘Add Patient’, type in type in the patient’s name and select from list, this will add the patient into the resthome. Select ‘Add Patent’ again and type in another name to add more.


b) go to each patient and on the patient screen select the resthome from the drop down list.


6. Mark the foil scripts as continuous medicines.

If you have been using bulk copy to dispense scripts for these resthome patients, the continuous medication ‘C’ flag will already be set on their scripts, so you can skip this step.


If you have not been using use bulk copy for dispensing to these resthome patients then follow either method A or B for the patients you want to export to 1CHART.

Go to each patient's dispensing history and highlight the most recent foil scripts that you want to export to 1CHART.

Right click on the selected scripts and select continuous medication and select ‘Yes’ to flag as continuous med.

For continuous PRN meds (e.g. long term paracetamol), mark as continuous and PRN.

(By using the continuous flag, we prevent the same drug being added into 1CHART in twice).


Go to bulk copy, add the resthome into the bulk copy utility. If the patients has already been assigned to the resthome, a list of the patients will appear. If not, then add the patient. Then highlight the most recent dispensings and add scripts to Bulk copy. This will mark the scripts as continuous. Repeat for each patient. Select ‘Save without copy’. (See on screen help for Bulk Copy if needed).

Note: The export/import utility is only for packed medications. Non-packed medicine cannot be imported into the 1CHART system as there are no corresponding dose periods for the system to match.   Non-packed medicines have to be manually entered into 1CHART. If you have any questions about this or need help with this, please call 1CHART support.


7. Run the 1CHART Bulk Export Report

From the RxOne Start Menu, go to Reports, Script Reports, Script Drug Reports and 1CHART Bulk Export.

On the ‘Script Details’ tab, enter the date of the last cycle you did for the resthome or the date range of the most recent scripts you want to export

Click on the ‘Person Details’ tab, then select the resthome you want to report on. Select Ok to bring up the report.



The report displays the details of each script to be exported, including the foil dose times under the column ‘Periods’ versus the periods allowed by 1CHART ‘Default Periods’ and a ‘Periods Okay’ column.


8. Before exporting, check the dose periods for each script matches the 1CHART allowed (Default) periods. Check for lines where the ‘Periods Okay” is not ticked


The lines that have ‘Periods Okay’ ticked can be exported to 1CHART.

Look for the lines that have ‘Periods Okay’ unticked, as these cannot be exported to 1CHART. It means the foil script has one or more dose periods (dose times) not exactly the same as what 1CHART allows.

1CHART allows the dose periods in any time format (e.g. 0800, 8am) and ‘PRN’ for ‘As required’ medications. The wording of any other dose periods must match exactly what 1CHART have set up (allowed) for that resthome as requested by the resthome.


Have a look at the information under ‘Periods’ and ‘Default Periods’ and see what the difference is.

If not obvious, check also it’s been entered correctly into the RxOne Editor Care Facility.

Also go to the scripts for that patient within that date range and check the foil headings.

Change the dose period headings for the foil scripts if appropriate* e.g. the foil may have ‘bed’ as the dose period, but 1CHART allows only ‘bedtime’ then go to the foil script and change the heading in the foil to ‘bedtime’.


If there is an extra dose period in text format that you use but has not been allowed by 1CHART (E.g. Pre-dinner or before breakfast etc) then please call 1CHART to add for you on their system. This also need to be added to the RxOne Editor>Care facility.

NOTE: The dose periods can be different for each resthome. Even if you have checked and done an export for one resthome, you must check the bulk export report for each other resthome before export.



*At the bottom of this report, there is a button 'Replace existing scripts dose time with default’. You can use this to bulk change the foil headings in ALL existing RxOne scripts to the default 1CHART periods. E.g. if you have MORN in the existing scripts and you want to replace MORN with Breakfast , then click on the button and select the dose period heading you want to replace.



9. Export Selected Patients to 1CHART

Once all the lines have ‘Periods Okay’ ticked, export a few selected patients to the 1CHART test environment. Check the data in 1CHART web site.


10. Switch over to the live system and Bulk Export all to 1CHART

Once you are happy with the ‘test export’ call HealthSoft to change the site option to the live environment and you can then export ‘All’ to 1CHART. This will take a while.


11. Change the URL quick link

Change the quick link on the dispensary daily log screen to 1CHART’s live URL by going to Tools, Utilities, Other Utilities, RxOne Editor, URLs and replace the 1CHART URL to https://1chart.nz/


Steps for when a new Resthome starts 1CHART.


The dose periods can be different for each resthome as each resthome will have their preferred ‘named dose periods’, so you will need to check the ‘Bulk Export Report’ and export 3-4 patients’ before Exporting ALL.


If you are already doing live exports to 1Chart and they have a new resthome starting 1CHART then do the following:

  1. Set up the resthome in the Care facility with the HFI ID, the allowed ‘named dose periods’ for the new resthome and internet scheme. (See #3-#6 above)

  2. Run the ‘Bulk Export Report’, check the column ‘Periods Okay’. Fix any ‘named dose periods’ not matching the 1CHART allowed ‘named dose periods’. (See#7-#8 above)

  3. Export a few selected patients to 1CHART and check the charts on 1CHART website. (The data is exported to the live environment).

  4. Export ALL when ready.


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