Selecting Products for a type of Special
You can edit a product individually or bulk edit if there is a number of products that will have the same special applied. For example if you have a number of products that will sell for $20 on special you can select all those products and Bulk edit them. With any multi-buy specials you will need to group the products for the multi-buy.
Single Buy
Select the following options:
When is the Special Given
When this item is Bought
What item is the special given on (Select One)
The current item or items - will give the special on the current item
A Specific Item - select another stock item for the special price /discount
Any Item in the Special Group
Promo message (No Special)
Special Price Details (select one of the following options)
At Retail Price - select a $ retail price
%Discount Given - select a discount % for the item
$Discount Given - select a $ discount
Multi Buy Quantity
When is the Special Given
When X Items are bought and enter the number of items in the Items field
What Item is the special given on
The Current Item or Items - this will apply the Special Price details to all the items in that group. For example if you have 3 items and have chosen At Retail Price $15, then it will price the three items at $15 total for all.
A Specific Item - buy x items and get a specific item at a set price or discount
Any Item in that Special Group - buy x items and get any item in that group at a set price
The Lowest priced Item in that Special Group On That Sale will reprice the lowest item to the chosen Special Price Details
Promo Message(No Special) - A Promo message will pop up
Special Price Details (select one of the following options)
At Retail Price - select a $ retail price, this will apply a total price to the items bought
%Discount Given - select a discount % for all the items
$Discount Given - select a $ discount across all items