The pharmacy procedures manual states that you should defer any uncollected scripts from claims. In the coming claims you should ensure than any uncollected scripts are deferred to the next claim. This will ensure that the script is claimed at the correct amount when collected by patients.
If you have claimed uncollected scripts that have been claimed they will be paid at the current rate.
RxOne makes it easy to defer uncollected scripts and this should be standard practice when running SmartClaim.
Open the SmartClaim utility and click Defer Script Utility
A list of all scripts due for the next claim will be displayed. Resize the window to display the Sold column. Click on the Sold column name to sort by this column. Click on the first script which is marked as N. Holding the shift key use the down arrow key to scroll to the last N.
The selected scripts will be highlighted in Yellow. Click Defer Rx and click Yes to the question Are you sure you want to defer these items to the next claim?
The deferred scripts will be highlighted in Red in the Next Claim Date. Exit the Defer Utiltiy and continue processing your claim.