Subsidy Normal [Monthly maintenance]. The normal Subsidy value from Pharmac
Subsidy High [Monthly maintenance]. The alternate Subsidy value from Pharmac
If both Subsidy High & Normal are both $0 then the Prescription will be priced as NSS.
MPSO limit. [Monthly ` maintenance]. Maximum amount available in NZ on MPSO.
Super Sig - this is currently going through testing and help files will be available for it when it has been tested and released
New MultiDrug (Replacement Drug) You can set a replacement brand or indication in this field for the drug. This field is indication specific (i.e. you can choose another indication within the same card or so when choosing the replacement brand make sure you choose the right indication if there is more than one indication.)
Once the replacement brand/indication is set in the stock card, when you select the “old” brand or “old” indication, a prompt will come up alerting you that the brand/ indication has been replaced and would you like to use the ‘new’ brand / indication.
Check Boxes. Indicate appropriate applicable regulations for the drug. Tick = on Not ticked = Off
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