Drug Card

Drug Card

[Adapted from RxOne Help dated - Revised Jan 2013]

Every item in stock has a stock card and items that can be dispensed have a drug information card attached to the stock card. A drug card to be accessed from the dispensary and must also have an Indication set up

Usage figures cover the whole system, whether dispensed or sold OTC, are taken into account for orders, and will appear on the usage reports.

Most of the data on the Drug cards is maintained by RxOne through monthly updates

To access Stock/drug cards.

For convenience there are many points of entry to this function. The most commonly used ones are:

  • From the Main Dispensary Screen, 'StockCard' button.

  • From most points in the program, Window then StockCards. Or,

  • From 'RxOne 'Start menu' 'Stock Cards'

 You will be prompted for the name of the item. Stock cards can be looked up using the name or Price Lookup Number ie. PLU (a.k.a. 'Pharmacode' or 'PDE') number.

The Stock Card will be displayed. Select Drug Information to view the drug card.


Information marked "Monthly maintenance" is maintained and kept up to date by RxOne. The fields will be overwritten next time it changes on our master file. Any user's change to these fields will be temporary.

Items marked "User maintenance" are avoided by the monthly update and will permanently retain the user's own information.

  • Trade name. [Monthly maintenance]. The 'Trade name' shown on the Drug card is the 'Name' on the stock card and is shown again on the 'Drug card' for convenience. To change it, change the 'Name' on the stock card.

  • Generic name [Monthly maintenance]. Shows the generic name when possible. For some multiple ingredient drugs it will be left blank. For convenience of use on some manufacturing items such as Glycerol, for which a trade name is meaningless, the trade name is shown as 'Glycerol' and the Generic name left blank. Drug lookups during dispensing can be by generic or trade name, and they can be switched during dispensing by selecting 'Generic' or 'Trade name'

  • Therapeutic group [Monthly maintenance]. Use for interaction and allergy warnings, and for many reports

  • Description ( Monthly Maintenance ) Used for the medication chart - information comes from Med+Info

  • Smart Claim [Monthly maintenance] Sets the units for dispensing and multiplier for smart claim

  • Dispense in Whole Packs Only [Monthly maintenance]. Ticked to indicate 'whole pack only' applies, eg on Inhalers, injections etc. If you dispense less than a whole pack a warning will appear to remind you to enter in multiples of whole packs.

  • Preferred Drug [Monthly maintenance]. Indicates pharmac choice for use.

  • Safety Cap Required [Monthly maintenance].

  • Automatically Shrink Label [User Maintenance ] Also from tick box during dispensing.

  • Brand Cost Source Required [Monthly maintenance]. Indicates the regulation & supplies prompts during dispensing.

  • Claim Wastage [Monthly maintenance] If this is ticked wastage is automatically claimed in a script eg Antibiotic syrup wastage.

  • 'Indication' panel. [Monthly maintenance]. Next to the main panel, there are one or more 'indications' to allow for different numbers, pricing and restrictions on the same drug when used for different indications, or with different solvents, different pricing etc. Eg, 'Sofradex drops' may have 'Eye' or 'Ear', leading to different pricing. Your own indications, which will be coloured blue, are not updated.

When creating a new drug card, you must add an indication in order to be able to dispense it. From Drug card Choose 'Indication' 'Add Indication'. If the drug is NSS, then make sure Subsidy (high) and Subsidy (normal) are $0.

  • Indication The name of the indication to allow for easy choice during dispensing. 

  • Special regulations. [Monthly maintenance]. The special regulation or warning selected will be displayed in the status panel when the drug is dispensed.

  • C & A label. [Monthly maintenance]. 'Cautionary and Advisory label'.

    • The text conforms to Pharmacy Society recommendations and cannot be altered,

  • Default C & A label. [User maintenance]. Used for entering your own choice of C&A notes to be on the label. Type in the numbers of the C&A notes required to be the first choices on the label. More than one C&A note can be applied to the label if there is room This field can be altered during dispensing. If this field is empty then the Pharmacy program will automatically use the Society's recommended C&A note if there is any.

  • Info Note [Monthly maintenance]. Number of the patient information note produced (if switched on) when the drug is dispensed. Cannot currently be altered by the user.

  • Standard instruction. [User maintained]. Any text, in short sigs "2t tds" or full English, which will be offered as a standard instruction available off one keystroke during dispensing. This can save considerable time for those pharmacies where a particular drug often has the same instruction.

  • NSS override, % or $. [User Maintenance] This allows user specified automatic override of normal pricing for particular drugs. Eg, if showing 25% , will price all dispensings at cost plus 25% (plus GST, dispensing fee etc), regardless of the usual markup. Eg, if showing $9.95 will charge a total retail to the patient, including GST, of $9.95 (for the pack size), and will calculate pro-rata for different quantities. In this case the user must recalculate occasionally as the price will not respond to changes in the cost.

  • Dispensary Message [Monthly maintenance] This is used by HealthSoft to relay important messages to pharmacies. The message will flash up in a Script after the drugname is entered. Users should use the 'User Dispensary Message'.

  • User Dispensary Message This is for you to put in any message you'd like flashed up (pop up) when you enter the drug name into a script, (e.g. add a reminder on Section 29 drugs)

    • Go to the Drug Information tab and add a ‘User Dispensing Message’.

  • Additional HealthSoft Label This is a field only HealthSoft can modify. Any messages here will print on a label whenever this drug card is dispensed.

  • Additional User Label  This is for you to put in any message you'd like to have print on a label every time you dispense the drug card.

    • Each time when you dispense this stock card, you will have your normal dispensing label printed followed by your custom label. Labels will be printed from your labeller machine.

To create a custom label

  1. Go to  Stock Card / Drug information / click on ‘Additional User Label’

  2. After typing your label, click ‘Save Label and Exit’. You will need to create a file name for the label you want it to save as

  3. You may click on ‘Load From Database’ to choose an existing label from the left panel, highlight the selected label then click  ‘Use Selected Label’ to apply

  4. You may click ‘Remove Label From Stock Card’ to remove the existing label attached to this stock card

  5. Save the change and exit out of the stock card

Please see  Dispensary Labeller for how to create / delete a label and options for formatting text

  • Price as [Monthly maintenance]. For calculating estimated subsidy price. Used when there is a different pricing contract for different categories of medicine. At present used for Triple Region Hospital 3 tier hospital pricing eg Hosp A,B,C,D This can be selected at the time of dispensing for a particular script if it is not already set up in the stock card.

  • Premium [Monthly maintenance]. Premium is the 'Premium Cost' cost in $ per unit (G, ml, or count). To this is added the wholesaler markup, pharmacy markup, a 'Premium PSF' and gst, and the 'Premium Retail' calculated for the patient receipt. See also Premium markup.

    • After changing a Premium, or anything else, select the Search button to save the changes and look up the next item.

Bonus stock to remove premium

If you are receiving bonus stock and wish to edit your list cost and premium to reflect the bonus price you will need to change it each month.  The update mechanism cannot do this automatically due to Commerce Act regulations.   Subsidy costs for subsidised drugs are downloaded from the Pharmac Schedule – do not change this.

  • Subsidy Normal [Monthly maintenance]. The normal Subsidy value from Pharmac

  • Subsidy High [Monthly maintenance]. The alternate Subsidy value from Pharmac

    • If both Subsidy High & Normal are both $0 then the Prescription will be priced as NSS.

    • MPSO limit. [Monthly ` maintenance]. Maximum amount available in NZ on MPSO.

    • Super Sig - this is currently going through testing and help files will be available for it when it has been tested and released

  • New MultiDrug (Replacement Drug) You can set a replacement brand or indication in this field for the drug. This field is indication specific (i.e. you can choose another indication within the same card or so when choosing the replacement brand make sure you choose the right indication if there is more than one indication.)

    • Once the replacement brand/indication is set in the stock card, when you select the “old” brand or “old” indication, a prompt will come up alerting you that the brand/ indication has been replaced and would you like to use the ‘new’ brand / indication.

  • Check Boxes. Indicate appropriate applicable regulations for the drug. Tick = on Not ticked = Off

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