RxOne update September 2024 V2
In this update, three new options were added in Dispensary Options – Prompts tab
Auto Accept Category Changes: when this option is ticked, the system will apply the script code that RxOne deems to be correct without prompting.
Don’t Check Category: when this option is ticked, RxOne will not check for CSC and enrolment status to apply on each script. NHI silence validation still happens in the background, CSC and enrolment information is still downloaded if available. RxOne will load the script code from eScript without prompting to use A1 code, for example, even if the patient has a CSC.
However, RxOne will still check for age and will prompt users to use S code where appropriate.
Don’t Check Foil Quantity: this option will turn off the Foil grid quantity check against the dispensed quantity and will not alert if the 2 quantities are not matched. Please utilise this option with caution as users will have to manually document the mismatch of foil quantity and dispensed quantity for auditing purposes.