August 2024 Updates

RxOne updates August 2024


S Category:

In this update, RxOne will automatically update the script code to S in the following ways:

Scenario 1: when the number part of the script code (1, 3 or 4) matches the patient’s CSC and enrolment status.

  • Patient has enrolment details, has no CSC, and you have accepted the prompt to change patient code from A4 to S4

  • eScript scanned had script code A4 and was issued from the medical centre that the patient was enrolled with

→ RxOne will automatically change script code to S4.


Scenario 2: when the number part of the script code (1, 3 or 4) does not match the patient’s CSC and enrolment status


  • Patient has enrolment status and CSC updated from RxOne silent NHI validation.

  • eScript scanned had script code A4

→ RxOne will prompt to change script code to S1 as below.



You can choose to only update script category to S1 and leave patient category as S4, or update both script category and patient category to S1, or Don’t update.

Once the update option is selected, the script category will be automatically changed to S1. All subsequent items on the same eScript will have code S1. You only need to action the prompt once.


Public Hospital scripts: All Public Hospital scripts will be automatically coded as Y4, J4, A4 or S4.



A ‘View Old Basket’ button has been added on the RxOne Script Queue screen. You can search for escript/repeat baskets from here.

Escript/repeat baskets can be searched by Patient Name if the script was for an existing patient.


Foil grid settings:

A new field has been added to the Foil grid setting, ‘No Of Loose Tablets’. You can enter the number of tablets that are dispensed loose for a foiled medication.

Example: Metformin 500 mg tablets, take TWO tablets TWICE daily.

Patient wants the morning dose to be in a separate bottle to other medications in foil pack. You can enter 2 tablets at Tea-time for foil and 14 tablets as loose for 1 week supply.


How to enter foil dosages for 4 weeks in advanced with weekly foils:

If you have a foilscript with titration dosages over the next 4 weeks and medicine to be dispensed weekly, you can set the foil dosage for all 4 weeks in advanced.

  • Enter the medication to dispense, press F2 to set foil grid.

  • Select Foil type as ‘1 x Weekly’

  • Tick ‘Enter 4 Weeks For Weekly Foil’. The Foil grid will display grids for 28 days.

  • You can now set the foil grids for 4 weeks while still only dispensing the quantity for the first week.

  • Each week the grid is displayed in a different colour for easy identication.

  • Once you finish setting the foil grids, the system will auto-calculate the dispense Quantity for the first week. Enter Total Repeats as ‘V’ for Variable quantity repeats and enter the number of repeats and quantity required for each.

Bulk copy:

R column: An ‘R’ column has been added to Bulk Copy to indicate the repeat status of a script.

Y = there is repeat available to be dispensed

N = no repeat available

E = repeat has expired

The 20 day interval from last dispensing prompt has been turned off for Bulk Copy. The system still check for any scripts that were dispensed within the last 20 days by displaying (20) in the ‘R’ column.