RxOne Dispensary Update December 2024

RxOne Dispensary Update December 2024

Auto set Patient Category

As requested by many pharmacies, we have removed the Age Check prompt on the Patient profile screen. Patient category will now automatically change to the correct code (Y, J, A, S) according to the patient’s age without prompting.

For example, if a patient is 70 years old but the existing patient code is A, when you next access the patient profile, the patient category will be automatically changed to S. You will not need to accept the Age Check prompt for this to happen.

Patient and script category check and prompts

Currently there are 3 options for the category check and prompts in RxOne.

  1. Auto accept Category change: this option will auto set both Patient category and script code based on the patient age, cards and enrolment status

  2. Don’t check category: this option will leave the number part of the script code as per escript but will check for the patient age and change the letter part of script code accordingly.

  3. Check and prompt for category changes: this is the default option. This option will check for patient age, cards and enrolment status and prompt to suggest an appropriate script code on the first item of each prescription.

We have made some enhancements on options 1 and 2 above to improve the flow of dispensing.

Edit RxOne auto-assigned script category

With ‘Auto Accept Category Changes’ turned on, the system will automatically change BOTH the patient code and script code to the code that it deems to be correct. However, now the pharmacist can change the auto-assigned script code to another code should they consider that to be more appropriate.

A prompt will pop up for pharmacist to confirm that they definitely want to use the manually changed code instead of the auto-assigned code.



Example: patient’s existing code is S4, escript code is A4.

When the eScript is dispensed, RxOne will automatically change the script code to S3 as the patient does not have CSC, or PSC, and the escript was from a doctor that the patient was not enrolled with.

At this point, the patient code is also automatically changed from S4 to S3 to match the new auto-assigned script code.

The pharmacist can now edit the auto-assigned script code by RxOne before finishing the dispensing. For example, if the pharmacist manually changes the auto-assigned script code S3 to S4, they will see a prompt reminding that the script should be using S3 code.

If you definitely don’t want to use the auto-assigned script code, click Esc or ‘Don’t Update Category’ here will keep the script code as S4. All the subsequent items of that prescription will have script code S4.

Please note: the patient category will stay as S3 until their cards and enrolment status have changed.


Change in ‘Don’t Check Category’ option

When selecting ‘Don’t Check Category’ option, RxOne will not check for cards and enrolment status of the patient but will still check the patient age.

To make the dispensing process more efficient, the letter part of the eScript code will automatically change to match the patient’s age and keep the number part of the eScript code as per the doctor’s setting. You will no longer see a prompt during dispensing to change script category from A4 to S4, for example, when dispensing an eScript for a patient over 65 years old if the doctor prescribed code A4.



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