eScripts - Depots

eScripts - Depots

eScripts - Pharmacy and Depots

Some pharmacies may have one or more depot locations where the main pharmacy dispenses on behalf of the depots and allows patients to pick up their medications at depot locations. The main pharmacy and its depots must have separate HFIs (Health Facility IDs).

eScript Basket

RxOne allows you to set the pharmacy and depot details in RxOne Editor so when prescribers send an electronic script to the RxOne Basket the basket will display the eScript notification for each depot location.

To setup go to the RxOne Home Screen, search for ‘RxOne Editor’ > Pharmacy Depots, select ‘New’ and enter the following information for the depot location(s)

  • Depot Name

  • Parent Stock location ID – If you are a multilocation pharmacy choose the location the depot belongs to.

  • Depot Health Facility ID – Enter the HFI of the depot location.

  • Primary Dispensary Computer ID – This is the workstation where you want depot eScripts to print from. For example, you may have a workstation in the office designated for processing depot scripts that prints to a different printer away from the main dispensary.

  • Account Name – Select ‘Set Account’ to link a debtor account to the depot if you wish scripts to be automatically charged to the depot’s account when finished. Select ‘Clear Account’ to remove/delink the account.

  • Delivery Provider ID – Select the delivery provider. This will automatically associate the depot script with the delivery provider if you have one.

  • Code – Enter the code for the depot. This is used in the Basket to identify the depot location.

Note: Please check the HFI website for the depot HFI. If there isn’t an HFI then request one from Te Whatu Ora. For the depot eScript to show on the Basket of the main pharmacy Whanau Tahi will also need to add the depot HFI under the main pharmacy Entity ID.


This is what is required to apply for an HFI:

Name of the Organisation that will own/manage/operate the depot facility

Name of the depot facility

Street address of the Depot facility (and any other info such as building name if relevant)

Contact details for the depot facility – e.g., Phone, email

Type of facility – e.g., mobile vaccination site, Pharmacy, service station, etc.

Printer for eScript

A new printer called ‘eScripts’ has been added to the RxOne ‘Printer Setup’. This is the default printer for the eScript PDF to be printed from. If you are using Recare they have their own printer setup.

Frequently asked questions

How to distinguish between escripts for main pharmacy and depot?

Escripts sent from prescriber to the Depot HFI will appear on the RxOne ’Scripts Waiting’ tab with the depot code in the SL column.

How to flag an eScript basket as a depot script?

A Script basket in the ‘Scripts Waiting’ tab can be flagged as a depot script by highlighting the script and clicking the ‘Set Status and Depot’ button on the Right hand side.


How to add a patient to a depot?

Patients can be added to Depots under ‘Preferred Depot’ in the Patient profile.

Allocating a patient to a depot will ensure all electronic scripts for this patient are marked as the correct depot’s scripts, even when the script was sent to the main pharmacy HFI by mistake.

How to set all eScripts to be automatically printed from a specific machine?

In RxOne Options – User Details tab, set the Primary Dispensary computer.

From the computer that was set as the Primary Dispensing computer, go into RxOne Printer Setup and set the printer for ‘eScripts’.

Once set up, eScript PDFs will be automatically printed from that printer as soon as they appear on the RxOne Scripts Waiting tab.

An eScript PDF that was printed (automatically or manually) will be flagged as ‘P’ on the PDF column and will not be printed again when the eScript is dispensed. You can reprint an Script PDF from RxOne Scripts Waiting tab by using the ‘Print PDF’ button on the Right hand side.

How to set depot eScripts only to be printed from a dedicated machine?

In RxOne Editor – Pharmacy Depots setting, make sure a computer is set as the depot ‘Primary Dispensary Computer’.

Set printer for ‘eScripts’ in RxOne Printer Setup from the depot primary dispensary computer.

Only eScripts sent to the depot HFI will be printed from this machine.

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