RxOne Dispense Manual 2022 (Draft)

RxOne Dispense Manual 2022 (Draft)

RxOne Dispense Manual

(v 8.2.2022)


Table of Contents


Search Patient

There are two ways to search patients

  1. Search patient by name

  2. Search patient using address

Search patient by name

From the RxOne Dispense Program select 'New script' to bring up the ‘Patient Search’ Screen.

You can also do this on the search screen on the top of the dispense program.



Search the patient using one of the following two ways

  1. First name followed by last name i.e. Joe Smith

  2. Last name followed by comma followed by last name i.e Smith,Joe

RxOne accepts partial text, therefore instead of typing ‘Joe’, you can type it just ‘J’, partial name search also applies to the last name search, the program will find a list of patient(s) matched to the search criteria.

Select the right patient and click ‘Ok’ to continue



Search patient by mobile number

You can search for customers (Loyalty Card, Account) using their phone number. Ensure that you have their phone number stored in their Person or Account details and then simply enter the phone number in the customer field when you are processing the sale. You can then select them from the box that appears on the screen.


Search patient by address

You can also enter the partial street address to bring up a list of patients who lives in the matching address.


Create Patient

If no patient match is found the program will ask if you would like to create a new patient profile, select ‘Yes’ to create the new patient then enter the patient details.



Personal Information


On the ‘Personal Information’ tab is where the patient information is kept. Fill in as much information as you can.



Enter the appropriate category for your patient. Select the information mark to see what categories are available. For compounding pharmacies who does private scripts only please select ‘F’ for patient category.



Medicare Number

Medicare number is crucial not only for PBS script claiming but it is also used to validate the patient IHI (Individual Healthcare Identifier) which is compulsory for paperless script dispensing. Please ask your patient for their Medicare card if the Medicare No. is missing.

RxOne alerts you if the same Medicare Number already exist in another patient’s profile and asks you if you would like to search the patient using the Medicare number. By selecting ‘Yes’ the program will find the patients with the same Medicare number, you should make sure you don’t end up having duplicate patients in RxOne, refer to ‘Merge Patient’ section on how to merge patients.



Medicare Name

Medicare name is the official name that is on the patient’s Medicare card. The patient’s may be known as ‘Chris’, but his Medicare first name could be ‘Christopher’, ensure you enter the person’s ‘Medicare First Name’ and ‘Medicare Surname’ if it is different to the patient’s first and last name.

RxOne uses the Medicare First name and Medicare Surname instead of the name in patient profile to do IHI validation if Medicare is available.


PBS Discount

From 1st of January 2016, pharmacist have the option to discount the patient co-payment by up to a maximum of $1.00. If you choose to give the patient discount for all their PBS script, then select the ‘PBS Discount’ box and enter the value up to maximum of $1.00




Date of Birth is mandatory for IHI search please make sure the patient’s DOB is filled in.



Postcode is mandatory for IHI search please make sure the patient’s Postcode is filled in. Please note in Australia postcode is numeric, entering alphabets in the post code field will result warning for eScript transmission


Family Members

Link family member to the patient by right mouse click on the ‘Family Members’ screen and select ‘Add Family Member’. Family member can reach PBS Safety Net threshold sooner. Please refer to official PBS website for family eligibility.






Special Conditions

Add special condition by right click on the screen and select ‘Add Special Condition’. Select the condition from the list and select ‘OK’ to add.


‘Special Condition’ tab will turn yellow next time when you view the patient profile to indicate this patient has at least one special condition.


Care Facility

If the patient is under a care facility / nursing home you can assign patient to the facility by selecting from the ‘Care Facility’ drop down options.



To create a new facility or modify an existing one, select ‘Add/Modify Care Facility’ and enter the care facility details.

There is an option called ‘Don’t Change Stock on Hand’. This option is commonly used for facility residents’ scripts where their medicines are packed by outside source i.e. Webster where you do not wish the stock from your pharmacy to be deducted.


When ‘Don’t Change Stock On Hand’ is selected, each script dispensed for patients in the care facility will have the ‘Remote’ box selected by default to stop the program from deducting the SOH. ‘Remote’ box can be unticked for certain exception i.e. the inhalers are still provided by your pharmacy therefore you with to deduct SOH (‘Remote’ is unticked)



Select the CTG box if this person is CTG eligible. When dispensing script for CTG patient the program will prompt and ask you to enter the CTG number on the screen.



To be completed



Patient account can be set up by selecting the ‘Account’ box on the screen.


To create an account, select the option ‘Own Account’ then ‘Create Account’ and enter the account details.


To link the person to an existing account, select ‘Other Account’ and type in the account name you wish to link the person to. In the care facility scenario you may have multiple patients linked to same account


‘Autocharge Script’ allows the scripts to be automatically charged to the patient’s account as soon as the script is finished.

Any scripts that has been autocharged will show ‘Yes(Acc-Auto)’ on the RxOne Dispense screen.


Patient Dispensary Information



‘Comment’ box allows you to add important message that needs to be alerted to the dispenser each time script is dispensed. Double click on the comments section to open the comment box.


You can add an exclamation mark to the comment (!) if you want the patient comments to pop up for a patient whenever you bring up the patient profile or you can tick the option 'Show Patient Comment on Patient Lookup from RxOne Dispense Option if you wish to have the comments pop up every time.


Adding a ‘\’ to the comment will ask the dispenser to enter their ID to enforce the message is read.



Safety Net

Safety Net value is calculated automatically from the script dispensed in RxOne.

Enter the Safety Net value into the ‘External’ box if patient presents Safety Net record provided by another pharmacy.




ASL refers to ‘Active Script List’, please refer to ASL Manual located in ‘Main Menu’ > ‘Help & PDF Files’ > ‘Dispense’ > ‘Active Script List (ASL) Manual’.



Right click on the Allergies section and select ‘Add Allergy’.



Enter the allergy using the ‘Interaction Category’ or ‘AMT Concept’. Enter the allergy in the ‘Custom Allergy’ section if you cannot find the allergy from the previous two options.

Please note although most of the RxOne master drugs has interaction category and AMT concept which means you will be given a warning when you are dispensing a drug that person is allergy to, however not all drugs have the interaction and AMT information available. It is the pharmacist’s responsibility to ensure the patient is not allergic to the drug dispensed. RxOne does not check scripts against ‘Custom Allergy’ text due to lack of allergy information.



Scripts On File

Tick this if you keep this patient’s scripts on file in your pharmacy. ‘*Script on file*’ will also be printed on the patient’s repeat forms.



No Generic

Tick this if the patient has said they don’t want generics. When the option is ticked a red label will appear on the script screen to alert the dispenser there should be no generic substitution.




IHI (Individual Healthcare Identifier) is mandatory for escript transmissions and it is required to be validated periodically to ensure the IHI number is valid, the number status and record status are up to date. You will need to ensure the following patient details are entered before you can find or validate the patient’s IHI

  • First Name, Last Name (RxOne uses the Medicare First name and Medicare Surname to search/validate IHI if the Medicare First and Surname are present.)

  • DOB, Gender

  • Medicare number or DVA number

  • Address including suburb, postcode, state



After selecting ‘Find IHI’ if the person is found in the HI service (Healthcare Identifier Service) you will be given a box to ask you to confirm the patient detail. Select ‘Yes’ if it the patient found is the patient you are dispensing to, or select ‘No’ to cancel.


If no patient is found the following screen will show. Please review the patient detail and correct patient details and try again



This allows you to attach a patient photo, the common photo format accepted by RxOne is .JEG. Photo files only get backed up with RxOne fortnightly backup. Need to confirm


Event Audit

‘Event Audit’ shows a list of system events that are recorded automatically by the program. This is also where you can initiate any interactions you had with the patient that you wish to record. Use the buttons on the right hand side to record any manual event.


Example of system event

  • IHI validation

  • Patient category change

  • Allergy Removed

  • Medicare Number expired

Example of manual event

  • Face to Face Meeting

  • Phoned – Talked to Patient

  • Phone – Patient Unavailable

  • Emailed Patient – Select this will open an email screen for you to send an email to the patient

  • Send SMS to Patient – Select this will open a SMS screen for you to type the SMS message (RxOne SMS cost applies)

  • Other Event – Use this to free type any subject and comment of the event

  • Delete Event

  • Show/Add Comment – Use this to add or edit the comment of an event

  • Show SMS Message – Use this to see the content of the SMS message

  • Change Event Status

Event Status

  • None

  • Action Required – This will make the ‘Event Audit’ tab red to alert dispenser that there is an event that requires attention.

  • Action Required (Main)- This will make the ‘Event Audit’ tab red to alert dispenser that there is an event that requires attention, and the event will appear on the RxOne Task list.

  • Please read - This will make the ‘Event Audit’ tab red to alert dispenser that there is an event that requires attention.

  • Please read (Main) - This will make the ‘Event Audit’ tab red to alert dispenser that there is an event that requires attention, and the event will appear on the RxOne Task list.

  • To Be Completed - This will make the ‘Event Audit’ tab red to alert dispenser that there is an event that requires attention.

  • To Be Completed (Main) - This will make the ‘Event Audit’ tab red to alert dispenser that there is an event that requires attention, and the event will appear on the RxOne Task list.

Patient Form and Files

This section allows you to add patient document in PDF format in patient’s profile.


Patient Additional Information

This section allows you to record patient’s additional address, additional contact, patient’s communication preference and permission, indigenous status etc.


My Health Record

Please refer to the My Health Record manual located in ‘Main Menu’ > ‘Help & PDF Files’ > ‘Dispense’ > ‘My Health Record Manual’.


Delete Patient

You can only delete a patient if the patient has never been dispensed a script in RxOne. To delete a person, select ‘Edit Patients’ > ‘Delete Patient’, click ‘Ok’ to proceed.


You will not be able to delete the patient if the patient has script dispensed in the past, use the ‘Merge Patient’ instead.


Merge Patient

Merge the two patients when you are sure they are the same person, check the patient information carefully before merging.

To merge bring up the person profile you wish to retain, select ‘Edit’ > ‘Edit Patients’> ‘Merge Patients’.


Enter the patient to merge and press ‘Enter’ and select the person from the selection screen.


Double check the information is correct and select ‘OK’

Script History

Patient script history are divided into several panels

Full History - This shows all types of scripts.

Repeats – This shows scripts with repeats left.

Drug Owing – This shows any scripts with drug owings.

Deferred – This shows scripts marked as deferred. Deferred scripts are marked as ‘D’ and highlighted blue on the ‘Rp’ column.

Rx Owing – This shows scripts marked as script owing. Owing scripts are marked as ‘Y’ in the ‘Owe’ column and highlighted red on the ‘Owe’ column.

Deleted Scripts – This shows scripts that have been deleted. There is an option called ‘Show Deleted Scripts in Patient History (Local)’ located in ‘Dispense Options’ > ‘Lookup Options’ section.

Foils – This shows scripts marked as ‘Foil’.


By default the program only shows up to 100 scripts dispensed in the last 3 years on patient history, if you wish to view patient’s entire dispensing history select ‘View’ >‘Show Full Patient Medical History’ to display patient’s full history.

Email Patient

There are several ways you can email patient

  1. From ‘Patient’ screen, ‘Event Audit’ panel.

  2. From RxOne Reports. Refer to ‘Report Section’

SMS Patient

  1. From ‘Patient’ screen, ‘Event Audit’ panel.

  2. From RxOne Reports. Refer to ‘Report Section’



Create script

There are several ways you can create a script.

  1. Enter the script manually.

  2. Download eScript.

Manual Script

  • On the ‘Patient’ screen select ‘Script (Alt +S)’.

  • ‘Date Prescribed’ will be today’s date as default, change the date prescribed to the date script was written.

  • ‘Date Dispensed’ will be today’s date as default.

  • Enter the doctor’s name or enter the doctor’s prescriber number. You will be asked if you want to create a new doctor if the doctor entered is not found.

  • Enter the drug name and select the appropriate indication from the list available.

  • Enter the instructions (refer to ‘Patient Instruction Code’ section for how to setup instruction sigs).

  • Enter the number of repeats authorised

  • Select ‘More’ to enter the next script or select ‘Finish’ to finish the dispensing.


Download eScripts

Download script information by scanning eScript barcode from paper script or scanning the eScript token from paperless script. eScripts is only applicable for Australian pharmacies, please refer to RxOne ‘eScript Manual’ located under ‘Help & PDF Files’ > ‘Dispense’ > ‘eScript Manual’.


Types of Scripts


Deferred Script

Sometimes a patient presents an original script with several items, one of which they wish to defer or hold until later.


How to defer a script

  1. To defer an item, select 'Deferred' on the 'Status' panel at the RHS of the screen during dispensing. A repeat form will be printed but no label.

  2. A deferred prescription will show under the patient history with an ‘H’ after the prescription number, and with a ‘D’ in the repeat column.

Please note, stock included in a deferred script is not deducted from stock on hand until the prescription is dispensed or un-deferred.


Previously Deferred

When patient present a script that was previously deferred and wanting it to be dispensed.


How to dispense a previously deferred script

Scan the barcode from the repeat form of the item that was previously deferred, the program will automatically tick the ‘Previously Deferred’ box, finish the script as usual.


You can also type in the script manually as if you are doing a new script and tick the ‘Previously Deferred’ box manually.


Prescriber Bag Supplies

Certain pharmaceutical benefits are provided without charge to prescribers who in turn can supply them free to patients for immediate administration or emergency use.


Ho to dispense a prescriber bag script

  1. Proceed the same as for a normal script, with the 'Patient' having the name of the practitioner, E.g. Dr A Smith.

  2. Use a ‘D’ for 'Patient category' on patient profile and 'D' for ‘Rx Cat.’ on ‘Script’ screen.

  3. Dispense the items as usual. When searching the drug the program will only show you the drugs that have either ‘DOCTORS BAG’ or ‘PRIVATE’ indication. Select ‘DOCTORS BAG’ indication if it is available. Select ‘PRIVATE’ indication will incur a script charge.

  4. For Non-Dr Bag Items, change the ‘Rx Cat’ to ‘F’, this will force the script to turn in to a private script and allows you to select drugs that are outside the NHS Dr Bag funded list.



To dispense a script prescribed by a dentist select ‘Dental’ on the ‘Status’ panel and when enter the drug name the program will only show you the drug with ‘Dental’ or ‘PRIVATE’ indications.


S3 Recordable

By ticking this option the program will only show you the drug with ‘S3’ and ‘PRIVATE’ indications.



For 'Regulation 24' PBS prescriptions, a pharmacist should charge the usual patient contribution for the original and for each repeat quantity needed to make up the total supply (plus any applicable special patient contribution, brand premium or therapeutic group premium, for the original and each repeat quantity in the total supply).”


How to dispense Regulation 24 script in RxOne

Example: Placil 25mg Maximum Quantity = 50 Maximum Repeat = 2, Patient has a Reg 24 script for collecting 150 tablets at once.


  1. Enter the total dispense quantity on the screen for example 150 in the ‘Quantity’ box.

  2. You will get a prompt to alert you that you have exceeded the Max PBS quantity. Select ‘Regulation 24’ then press ‘Ok’.

  3. Enter the prescribed quantity excluding the quantity in repeats, for example 50.

  4. The patient co-payment will change to $18.30 (c category co-payment is $6.10 for each dispensing, $6.10 x 3 = $18.30)

How to dispense Regulation 24 with Authority


Example: Placil 25mg Maximum Quantity = 50 Maximum Repeat = 2, patient has a Reg 24 script with Authority for increased quantity. Doctor prescribed 200 tabs with 2 repeats, the prescription is for collecting 600 tablets at once.


  1. Enter the total quantity you are dispensing in the ‘Quantity’ box. For example 600.

  2. You will get a prompt to alert you that you have exceeded the Max PBS quantity. Select ‘Regulation 24 & Authority’ then press ‘Ok’.

  3. Enter the authority number on screen

  4. Enter the total number of tablets you are dispensing. For example 600.

  5. Enter the prescribed quantity excluding repeats. For example 200.

  6. The patient co-payment will change to $18.30 (c category co-payment is $6.10 for each dispensing , $6.10 x 3 = $18.30)



Rx Owing

Under certain circumstance the doctor may order a script over the phone and only provide the pharmacy the written script the next day.


How to dispense a owing script

  1. While dispensing the item, select ‘Rx Owing‘ box on the 'Status' panel or use the keyboard shortcut ‘F9’.

  2. Dispense the script as usual. Repeat box will be disabled.

  3. ‘P’ will be displayed next to the script number on the script history screen to indicate this is a ‘Phoned’ script.

  4. ‘Owe’ column on the patient screen will be highlighted red with a ‘Y’ inside.

Printing an owing script reminder

An ‘Owing Script Reminder’ will get printed if the option ‘Print Owing Rx Reminder Automatically’ is selected in ‘RxOne Dispense Print Options’. You can also print an owing reminder manually when you right click on the script from the ‘Print Duplicate’ screen.


Script Owing Report

On the RxOne home screen, type ‘Owing Scripts’ on the search box and enter the search criteria to run the report.


Reset Script Owing

On the RxOne home screen, type ‘Reset Script Owing’ on the search box. The report allows you to untick script owing for one or more scripts


Serial numbers for Script Owing

There is an option to print a symbol in front of the serial number for any owing scripts. To do so, go to Dispense main screen, click Options, select ‘RxOne Print Options’ and under ‘Label Options’ section select ‘Print @ on labels when unticking Owing Scripts.



Please refer to Foil (Unit Dose) dispensing section of the manual for detail


Pend Script

Delayed Supply (Pend Script)


At the end of a claim period, if a request for payment transaction has been submitted to PBS Online, but the item has not been supplied to the customer during this claim period, go back to the script and 'pend' the transaction by


  1. Selecting the Status Tab

  2. Tick the Pend Script box.

  3. Finish the script.

The script will be credited and held until ‘Pend Script’ is unticked. When ‘Pend Script’ is unticked the script will be claimed in the new period.


Notes in the Claims > PBS Online Claims > PBS Online Claiming - there is a "Pended Scripts" report


Streamline Authority

When selecting the drug choose the one with streamline number matching to the streamline number provided by the doctor


Answer ‘Yes’ to the Authority question and select the appropriate ‘Streamlined Authority’ from the drop down and enter the Authority Number and click ‘OK’.



When an authority applicable drug has been selected the program will ask you if this is an authority script. Select ‘Yes’ and enter the authority number on screen and select ‘Ok’.


Emergency Authority

Enter the emergency authority number if the doctor has written a script with emergency authority under emergency provisions.


Drug Owing

While the script is on the screen, select 'Drug owing' or click on the 'Drugs owing' box in the 'Status' panel of the script. It will ask the quantity owing. The label will show this in a format like, "2 Salbutamol Inhalers (1 owing)"


The patient record will be highlighted red, show a tick in the 'Drugs owing' box next time an item is dispensed for this patient, and the quantity owing will show in the script history in the 'Owe' column, also highlighted red.



The patient co-payment is reduced to the value of the co-payment as if the patient had reached the next level of entitlement under the PBS safety net rules.


If the patient has CTG ticked in patient profile you will be asked to enter the CTG number on the screen during dispensing. If the CTG number is missing you will be given a screen with options to r



CMP (Continuing Medication Program) is operated as a manual co-payment relief program by a small number of not-for-profit organisations for people who are homeless. The PBS Co-payment for eligible people is reduced from the concessional rate to a zero co-payment. Tick CMP and enter the approved CMP number from the script if patient is eligible.



To be completed



To be completed



SN20DR and Immediate Supply

The Safety Net early supply rule means that for some PBS medicines a repeat supply of the same medicine within less than a specified interval will fall outside the Safety Net.

If the early supply rule applies for a prescription, this means that:

  • your patient payment for that prescription will not count towards your Safety Net threshold

  • your pharmacist cannot discount the PBS co-payment amount

  • if you have reached the Safety Net threshold, the charge will be your usual pre-Safety Net PBS payment – not the reduced Safety Net amount.


Follow the prompts in RxOne Dispense when dispensing scripts within 20 days. Should you choose to proceed and dispense a script with the new Safety Net consequences the script will be marked ‘SN20DR’ and ‘Immediate Supply’ and will not count towards the patients Safety Net Count.


‘Immediate Supply’ applies to drugs that does not have SN20 day rule restriction but is dispensed within the clear period of that drug.


SN20DR scripts in Patient History are highlighted in green.




To be completed


HPF Benefit

To be completed


Counted on S’Net

Any scripts that are eligible for Safety Net count will have this option ticked automatically.


Chemotherapy Script

To be completed

Doctor Order


Upload to MyHR

Please refer to the My Health Record manual located in ‘Main Menu’ > ‘Help & PDF Files’ > ‘Dispense’ > ‘My Health Record Manual’.


Continued Dispensing

Continued Dispensing is the supply of an eligible medicine to a person by an approved pharmacist, where there is an immediate need for the medicine but where it is not practicable to obtain a valid PBS prescription. A patient can only get 1 supply per eligible medicine every 12 month. Refer to Services Australia or PBS website for official guideline.


How to dispense Continued Dispensing


  1. Dispense the script as usual, enter the Pharmacist name in the ‘Doctor’ field or create new ‘Doctor’ if needed. (Click ‘Edit’ then ‘Edit Doctor’ and enter your AHPRA Number and choose 'Pharmacist 'in the ‘Doctor Type’.)

  2. Tick the 'Continued Dispensing Script' box on the Options panel. *Please note that as no repeats are able to be dispensed on this script. The Repeat field will be disabled.

  3. When selecting the drug, check the selected drug is eligible for Continued Dispensing ('Y' in the 'Continued Dispensing' column on the drug lookup). Choose the one with the fewest repeats (e.g. choose the one with 5 repeats instead of 11 repeats). Note the check column for Continued Dispensing 'Y/N' on the drug lookup screen.

  4. Finish entering the details and select finish script. After the dispensing is completed, one repeat form will be printed with CONTINUED DISPENSING printed in the Original Prescription Details box. This is a standard repeat authorisation form to be kept by the pharmacy. This allows the consumer’s acknowledgement of receipt, and will support the DHS-Medicare claim process. Repeats remaining will always be 0 and the number of times dispensed will always be 1.

  5. Two prescriber notification forms will be printed; one copy for the pharmacist, one copy for the patient. This supports the consumer declaration that they understand and consent to the supply. The form will also be used for written notification to the prescriber.


Repeat Script

There are several ways you can repeat a script

Scan the barcode from the repeat form into the patient search screens. The program will highlight the script from the patient history, select ‘Dispense Basket’ to continue the repeat process.


Search the patient by name to bring up the patient history. Select ‘Repeats’ tab to show a list of scripts with repeat remaining. Double click into the script to continue the repeat process.


Enter the script number into the patient search screen. Navigate to the ‘Repeats’ tab as per step 2, either double click the highlight script or select ‘FINISH’ on the highlighted script to continue repeating process.



A repeat form will automatically be printed after script is finished.

Please note you can tell you are in a ‘Repeat’ mode when the top left-hand corner of the script show text ‘Repeating Script’, the orange label on top of the label preview will also indicate you are in repeating mode.


Search script


Select ‘View’ > ‘Display Other Script’


Enter the script number on the screen and select ‘OK’. This will bring the script number to today’s script list for you to click into.


Edit Script

There are several ways you can edit a script

  1. Double click into the script from today’s script list.

  2. Highlight the script from today’s script list and press ‘E’ on your keyboard.

  3. Type ‘E’ followed by the script number in the script search screens.

Please note you can tell you are in a ‘Edit mode when the top left-hand corner of the script show text ‘Repeating Script’, the orange label on top of the label preview will also indicate you are in repeating mode.



Scan product barcode

There are two methods you can use to scan the drug barcode to check dispensing accuracy:

  1. While dispensing.

  2. After dispensing using the search box on the top of the RxOne Dispensed screen.

  3. After dispensing using the ‘Scan Drug Barcode’ function on the RxOne Dispense screen.

Scan while dispensing

To activate go to ‘RxOne Dispense, Options’, ‘RxOne DISPENSE OPTIONS’, tick ‘Show Scan Drug Barcode While Dispensing (Local)’. Once this is activated, when dispensing directly after the drug has been entered into the drug field the prompt for to Check Drug Barcode will come up.

Either scan or manually enter the barcode and 'OK'. At this point you can also select cancel to bypass the barcode check.



If the drug barcode matches the drug selected it will then allow you to continue dispensing the script and the script comment will have a ‘Barcode Check Successful’.


If the drug barcode doesn't match the drug selected or if the barcode is not found a prompt will then appear. At this point identify whether the barcode or the selected drug is incorrect. Then you can do one of the following:

- Scan the correct drug; dispensing continues normally.

- Click Cancel to enter a different drug or bypass the check.



If the Barcode Check is bypassed, this will be recorded in the script comment as 'Barcode Cancelled' for future reference


Scan after dispensing

Scan the script label barcode into the Dispense Search Box on the top of the screen or press ‘Scan Drug Barcode’ button on the left hand side of the main dispense screen.


This will bring up the patient name and the list of the scripts that are done in the same group. To display scripts dispensed under different groups click on ‘Options’ from the ‘Drug Barcode Scanning’ screen and make sure the option ‘When scanning Script Label Barcode, only show Scripts in that Group’ is unticked.


Scan the drug barcode into Drug Barcode Scanning box and once the barcode has been scanned successfully the scripts will be marked green as ‘Already Scanned’.



There are several ways you can do reprint script related documents in RxOne.

  1. Right click on the script, select ‘Print Duplicate’ and select the document you wish to print then click ‘Ok’.

  2. Highlight the script from today’s list and press the blue key on your keyboard that correspond to the panel shortcut.

  3. Click into the script and use the buttons on the bottom of the screen.


Move Script to another person

Need to think about if we should disable this function?

Patient Instruction Codes (Sigs)


Patient instruction codes allows you to set up your abbreviated sigs so it can be used in the patient instruction for commonly used instructions.


RxOne has a list of commonly used sigs that are already built into the system ready to be used, however you can create any special sigs yourself as well. Re-opening the dispense program is required whenever a new sig has been added or an existing sig is modified to take effect of the new changes.


From the RxOne Dispense select ‘Edit’ then 'Patient Instruction Code (Sigs)' (or the shortcut of Ctrl + I from within dispensing) to open the utility.


Setting up a new Sig

Select ‘New’ and enter the detail of the Sig and click ‘Ok’ to finish.

Sig Code - This is the abbreviated text you would like to use.

Sig Type – Type ‘U’ for standard Sig, type ‘E’ for expiry Date Sig

Change Case - Sigs are case sensitive. 'A' is distinguished from 'a'. Select the box to change the sig code to change the sig to either uppercase or lowercase.

Initial Instruction – Select this option if the sig is always going to be used at the beginning of the instruction.

Following Instruction – Select this option if the sig is always going to be used following some instruction.

Not To Be Takenneed to check that this does

Frequency and Period – These are used internally to calculate the number of days supply given, to predict when repeats are due and check on patient compliance. When creating a New sig, or Modifying an existing one, enter the maximum number of doses in 24 hours as 'Frequency' and always select 'Daily' for the 'period'. Other periods should not be used.



- 'tds' implies a Frequency of 3 times in 24 hours ('Daily' period).

- 'qqh' implies a frequency of 6 times in 24 hours.

- 'prn' does not imply any frequency, so leave blank.

- '2c' = 'Take TWO capsules' does not imply a frequency, so leave blank (it does imply a dose, but 'RxOne' will take care of that itself).


Expiry Sig

Expiry Sig calculates the actual date for you using the date dispensed. For example you can create a sig called ‘d7’ with ‘E’ in the ‘Sig Type’. Enter the instruction, the program will calculate the actual expiry date and put it under the <DATE>. On the dispense screen if you type the instruction Take ONE ml daily. d7 it will get translated into Take ONE ml daily. Discard the content after 7 days 10/02/2022

Modify existing Sig

'RxOne' comes with all common sigs pre-defined. These should not be removed as relievers will expect to find them there. We recommend you create a new sig instead of modifying an existing sig to avoid the new changes affecting on scripts already have the sig applied.

RxOne Dispense Options

Dispense option is in RxOne dispense > Options > RxOne Dispense Options. Options are split into four categories

  1. Prompts

  2. Lookup Options

  3. Pricing Options

  4. Print Options

Local Options

Any option with the word ‘(Local)’ at the end means this option apples the current computer you are working. You will need to select the option on all machines if you wish all computers to behave the same.

Global Option

Once the option is ticked on one machine, it will be ticked on all machines. Same applies when untick the option.

RxOne Print Options

Dispense option is in RxOne dispense > Options > RxOne Print Options.

Options are split into four categories

  1. When finished dispensing a drug, print..

  2. When finished dispensing a group of scripts, print..

  3. When finished dispensing a group of scripts with a foil item, print…

  4. Label Options

  5. Other Options

  6. Prescription Receipt Options

  7. Options for Packing Slip

  8. Foil Options

  9. When finished dispensing a compounding script, print …

All options in RxOne print options are ‘local’ options.


Additional Message on Receipt

RxOne allows you to save messages against the script and have the message printed on the printout such as Official Pharmacy Receipt, Tax Invoice, Packing slip and Repeat Reminder. You can add an additional message on a receipt multiple times and you can also disable certain message from printing.


Adding Messages

There are two ways to add message on receipt

  1. Right mouse click on the script and select ‘Add Receipt Message’.

  2. On ‘Script’ screen go to ‘Edit’ > ‘Add Receipt Message’


Enter the message in the comment box and click ‘Ok’ to save.

Edit Message

Added message are recorded in the ‘Option’ panel of the script screen. Double click to open the comment box and edit the message if necessary.


Cancelling Messages

Highlight the Receipt Message from the ‘Option’ panel and go to ‘Edit’ > ‘Set Event Status’ and chance the event status to ‘Cancelled’, click ‘Ok’. This will stop this receipt message from printing.



User Message On Receipt (Printer Setup)


There is an option in ‘Printer Setup’ under ‘Script Receipts’ called ‘User Message On Receipt’. When this is ticked you will be prompted to enter an additional message on every printed receipt. This option can be switched off if you do not wish to see the prompt each time.


RxOne Dispense Pricings

Private Price Override

Private Price override allows you to set your private price based on the quantity of the medicine dispensed. The Private Price override is managed on the indication level so it is important the setup is on the right indication and the right indication is selected during dispensing.


Two ways to setup Private Price Override

  1. During the dispensing process using the ‘Private Price Override’ box on the right hand side. Enter the price for 1 pack up to 10 packs.

  2. From Stockcard select > ‘Drug Info’ panel, double click into the indication and enter the private price(s).

Note: You can setup the private price override on the PRIVATE indication only and use the PRIVATE indication whenever you dispense a private script, or you can also setup private price override on all indications including NHS indications if you wish. The private price override only takes effect in if the script you are dispensing has been turned into private script.


Script screen will have the yellow highlight when Private Price Override has been applied


Private Price Markup

During the dispensing process RxOne also shows you the private price based on the markup you set up in RxOne Options. Use the Ctrl + F key to apply any pre-set markup to the patient price.


Private Price markups A, B, C and D can be customised by going to ‘RxOne Options’ > ‘Prices’ panel. Please note you can only cutomise private prices, most of the NHS prices are regulated by PBS and is maintained by RxOne.




How to turn a script into a private script

There are two ways you can turn a script into a private script


Use the Private Indication.

Dispense the script using the ‘PRIVATE’ indication. If there is no private indication found in stockcard, then you can right click on the indication section and select ‘Add Indication’. Enter ‘PRIVATE’ in the ‘Indication’ field.


Use General Indication.

Dispense the script using the ‘GENERAL’ indication. Select ‘PRIVATE (Ctrl + P)’ on the ‘Pricing’ panel to turn the script into a private script.


You can also change the ‘Rx Cat.’ to ‘F’


Under Safety Net Override


Under Safety Net Override’ allows you to set your under safety net price per pack when script is fallen into under safety net category (UG). The Under Safety Net Price override is managed on the indication level so it is important the setup is on the right indication and the right indication is selected during dispensing.


Two ways to setup Under Safety Net Override

  1. During the dispensing process using the ‘Under S-Net Override’ box on the right hand side. Enter the price for 1 pack.

  2. From Stockcard select > ‘Drug Info’ panel, double click into the indication and enter the under safety net price.

Script screen will have the yellow highlight when Under Safety Net has been applied.




Manual adjust patient price


In some situation you may want to manually override that patient prices. However any patient price that has been manually typed in will have the ‘Has Manual Price’ ticked. Re-select the drug will reprice the script and clear the flag.


Add GST to patient price

GST can be added to script by selecting ‘Add GST (Ctrl + G)’ during dispensing. Patient price with GST added will have ‘(inc GST)’. Patient history will have an ‘*’ to indicate this script has GST added.



Foil / Unit Dose Dispensing





Smart Sigs / Super Sigs (to be completed)

Smart Sig is located on stockcard indication screen and most of them are maintained by RxOne. However you can also create your own Smart Sigs by going to ‘RxOne Editor’ > ‘Super Sig’. Need to have consistent naming.

Standard instruction



Preferred Generic Manufacturers

This utility allows you to set your preferred generic brand(s) and have the generic brands appear in yellow colour during drug lookup. From ‘RxOne Dispense’ select ‘Utilities’ > ‘Select your Preferred Generic Manufacturer(s)’.


Select your 1st, 2nd and 3rd preferred brand and tick the box ‘Colour all this brand of drugs Yellow on Drug Lookup in Dispense’. You can also select one of the options on how you’d like the program to remind you when there’s a generic preferred brand available.

Press 12 to manually select a substitute – When you have selected a drug, you can press F12 to see the generic equivalent available and select your preferred brand.


Prompt Before Assigning Substitute – You will see a prompt that there is a preferred brand available and you can select ‘Yes or ‘No’ to change the brand.


Automatically Assign Substitute – If you have selected a non-preferred brand and there is a preferred brand available the program will automatically change to the preferred brand.


Only substitute if drug is in stock (SOH more than 0) – Tick this if you only want substitution to happen when you have stock.


Preferred brands show yellow on the drug lookup screen


Please exit out of Dispense and re-open to refresh any changes you made in this utility.

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