Compliance Chart

Duration lines

Poor compliance is immediately obvious at a glance from the chart. It can enable the pharmacist to do a much better job of monitoring compliance while saving the considerable amount of time needed to read carefully though a history and calculate repeat dates etc. But before acting on an apparent poor compliance problem, always check the text sig to confirm that the computer has interpreted the duration correctly. There are some sigs that it will not be able to interpret.

If compliance is perfect, AND the medicine is one that should be taken continuously, the duration lines will meet and with no gaps, overlaps or expired repeats.

Overlapping duration lines

If the duration lines overlap significantly and are not matched by reasonable gaps nearby, the patient is taking too much medication. Look at the text sig to check that the computer has interpreted the duration correctly, and follow up the cause of poor compliance.

Gaps in lines

If the lines have gaps that are not matched by nearby overlaps, the patient is missing doses. So if the drug is one that needs to be taken continuously, check the text sig to confirm that the computer has interpreted the duration correctly, and follow up cause of poor compliance.

Expired (red) repeats

Expired repeats indicate missed doses and poor compliance unless there is a new script for the same period or the drug has been changed.

To find more info about an item

Rest the mouse cursor on the line and a popup will give you quantities and exact dates of dispensing etc.