RxOne LTC Checklist

Long Term Condition Service Checklist


Always use the RxOne Compliance Chart

Leave it turned on and print it


 This chart shows the Patient Compliance Score automatically saving you hours of time calculating.

Under 80%? Print off the chart and clip to the prescription.

Always assess all patients on complex medicines


Under 80% Compliance? Assess every time.  Even someone ineligible at that time of assessment can be saved so you have a history of that patient. 

After running an LTC Assessment,  review the LTC conditions after discussing with your patient


Some medicines have different uses so make sure your patient conditions are correct.


Add Event Audit tabs regularly

They’re a quick ‘click and go’ so document what you do

The Event Audit tab buttons are quick to do, and capture the things you do in practice to support patient care.


Start Management Plans Now

A quick tick box and comment when you can builds the picture of support

Don’t wait! RxOne Management Plans are quick to start and easy to update. After every patient visit, it takes about 10 seconds to quickly record any observations.


Use the RxOne Last Contact Report weekly for:

  •  Whose due for reassessment?

  • Which LTC patients now require a new script?

  • Whose due for contact?

Your key LTC follow up report.  Run this report every week and use it to track all requirements for LTC service support.

Exiting LTC Patients?

The exit date is automatic but you should select the reason the patient is exiting

Patient moved, passed away or now compliant? Once service type is changed to Core exit date is added automatically - you just need to select the reason.


Use RxOne texting for those customers who love it

It’s very simple to use. Just call us to set up and you’re away.


Use the RxOne Verification Report at least once or twice a month before the end of each month

This report shows the difference between the LTC registration info on the EAR Portal and your database in RxOne. Look at this regularly to sort out any inconsistencies.

 Look at the EAR Online Portal every month to check your payments

After you’ve received your LTC payment check the portal.  Email bsshelpdesk@moh.govt.nz  if you need help with this.