RxOne ePrescription Compare Screen

The ePrescription Compare Screen allows you to:

  • Compare the instructions on a script to check differences between the doctor’s instructions, the standard instructions and the previous instructions entered into RxOne

  • Copy the blister pack layouts from the previous dispensing

Enabling the Compare Screen

From RxOne Dispensary screen:

Click Options → Show Options


In the section called Lookup Options, tick Check previous eScript for Dispensing Info

Please note that this is currently a Global option, meaning that it will affect all dispensary computers.

Scanning an ePrescription

When you scan an ePrescription the following dialog box will be displayed.

The dialog box displays:

  • the prescriber’s instructions as entered into their prescribing system and extracted from the ePrescription

  • the previous instructions as entered into RxOne

  • the standard instructions for that medication.

In the Use Instructions box, type in the instructions as you would in the standard Dispense screen. You can use p to automatically copy the previous instructions.

Foil Pack Medication

If the previous ePrescription was for a blister pack, you can tick Use Foil Pack from Previous Script. This will copy the previous dose pack layout.