Dispensing Close Control Scripts and Repeats

Dispensing Close Control Scripts and Repeats

[Revised Aug 2015]


A special function is provided to allow bulk selection and fast dispensing of 'close control' repeats.

To dispense 'close control' repeats in bulk

  1. From the Main dispensing screen, File, Close control Dispensing.

  2. Enter the drug, e.g. "Methadone". All patients who have a repeat still available for that drug will be displayed in a list.

  3. Select the repeats to be dispensed, by either clicking on them while holding down the <ctrl> key, or by 'dragging' the mouse. When dispensing controlled drugs, if there are more than 2 repeats, instead of a message coming up asking if the script

  4.    is Close Control, it will automatically tick Close Control.

  5. 'Finish' when all selected, and each repeat will be displayed for individual acceptance.


Multiple repeats

  • To dispense several repeats at once, as separate repeats, eg 3 x 10ml as a weekend supply, click on the 'dispensing's' column and change from '1' to '3' etc.

  • Each dispensing will come up separately to be accepted and three separate repeats each of 10ml will be claimed.


Bulk change of number of repeats to be dispensed

The number of dispensing's is defaulted to ‘1’, you can bulk change this by using the following two buttons:

‘Change No. of Dispensing's for ALL Scripts’ and ‘Change No. of Dispensing's for Selected Scripts’.

a) To bulk change the number of repeats to be dispensed for all the scripts to the same value (e.g. three repeats for all the scripts), select ‘Change No. Of Dispensing's for ALL Scripts’. Enter in the number of dispensing's required (e.g.  3) in the pop up box. Select ‘OK’. To dispense, click on ‘Dispense All scripts’.   

b) To bulk change the number of repeats to dispense for selected scripts, press <Ctrl>+ click to select the scripts. Then click on ‘Change No. Of Dispensing's for SELECTED Scripts’.  Enter in the Enter in the number of dispensing's required. Select ‘OK’. To dispense, click on ‘Dispense Selected Scripts’.   


Option to not preview script - ‘Don’t Preview Scripts When Dispensing’

  • From the Main dispensing screen, go to File, Close control Dispensing, enter in the drug e.g. Methadone.

  • Click ‘File’, tick ‘Don’t Preview Scripts When Dispensing’.   

  • RxOne will then automatically dispense the scripts without you having to click on ‘Finish’ for each script.

  • However, if there is not enough stock for the drug, and you have got the ‘Check SOH when dispensing’  prompt switched on, the question ”Do you want to apply owing?” will still come up and you will have to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the question and then select ‘Finish’ on the script.


SmartClaim - Close Control flag

  • On the 'Status' panel, tick the 'close control' box to flag a script as being close control. A note will be automatically added to the comment box.


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