Patient Name parses incorrectly

[Revised Jan08]

RxOne parses the patient 'name' into its parts automatically, allowing "Mr. Fred Bloggs" to be put in as one entry. Or, you may choose to feed it smaller pieces of data. As it learns how to interpret your conventions, likely mistakes will be;

 Title not known.

If entering a title for the first time, RxOne will not recognise it. E.g. 'SIR NED KELLY' will be interpreted as first name of 'SIR' and middle name of 'NED' since the computer does not know that 'SIR' is a title. Focus on the title box and enter Sir . You will be asked, "The Title 'SIR' is new to this system. Would you like to add SIR to your records?." Press <Enter> or click OK button. Next time when you enter SIR it will be placed in the Title box automatically.

Multiple word family names.

Names like HERMAN VAN MIDDEN. The computer will parse as first names of Herman Van and a family name of Midden. In itself this does not matter, since it will look them up the same way and find it again so long as you enter as Herman van Midden, or H van Midden next time. A lookup under the family name of Van Midden will not bring up 'Herman van Midden' since it will be looking for 'V Midden' not 'H van Midden'. In these cases it will be found if looked up under script number, but not name.

Known patient 'Not found'

"Invalid patient" msg.

"Invalid Patient" message, or a known patient not able to be found, is usually caused by the first or last name of the patient having previously been defined as a 'Title'. E.g. 'John" is being treated like 'Mr' and filtered out.

Check Patient Titles

Tools > Utilities > Paitent Utilities > Modify Patient Titles

Check the list to ensure that there are only titles included. Delete anything, such as names and addresses, that shouldn’t be there.