Held Scripts
[Revised Mar 2008]
Put a Script on Hold
Enter the patient details as you would a normal script. After entering the drug, tick Held Rx on the status panel next to Phone script and continue with entering the instructions as usual.
This script will not be claimed until you edit the script and untick the Held Rx button again.
This held rx will not show on CRCs, foils, phoned scripts, or on the main body of the receipt but will print on the additional information of the receipt to show there is a script on hold for that patient. A script label will not print when an item is put on hold.
When a script is unheld, a new script number will be assigned and the repeat expiry date will be recalculated based on the current dispensing date.
A prescription which has been put on hold will show on the drugs owing screen, with an H after the script number. You can edit the script and untick the Held Rx box.
A message will come up if you are trying to dispense a script to a patient and they already have an identical script on hold. An alert message will also show up if there is a repeat still to be dispensed.
The label will auto print when the held button is unticked.
Held Script Report
From the RxOne Start Menu, go to Reports, Script Reports, Held Rx Report.