Drugs Owing

Drugs Owing

 If only part of a script quantity can be supplied, RxOne records this and handles it correctly for stock control, reordering, reporting, SmartClaim, and eventual supply.

Checking Stock and setting Owings to calculate automatically

Dispensary Options > RxOne options > Tick 'Check SoH when dispensing.'

If this 'owings' system is NOT used it can cause problems with stock management.

To mark a drug as 'Owing', during dispensing;

  • While the script is on the screen, select 'Drug owing' or click on the 'Drugs owing' box in the 'Status' panel of the script. It will ask the quantity owing.

  • The label will show the amount dispensed, and the amount owing

  • The patient record will show a tick in the 'Drugs owing' box next time an item is dispensed for this patient, and the quantity owing will show in the script history in the 'Owe' column.


To mark as 'Owing', later

Edit the script as usual to bring up the script, and select 'Drug owing' or click on the Drugs owing box in the 'status' panel. It will ask the quantity owing.

Select 'Label' if a new label is required.

The patient record will show a tick in the 'Drugs owing' box next time an item is dispensed for this patient, and the quantity owing will show in the script history in the 'Owe' column.


To supply an 'Owing'

Edit the script as usual to bring up the script, and select 'Drug owing' or click on the Drugs owing box in the 'status' panel to cancel the 'Owing'

  • Select 'Label' if a new label is required.

The main patient label will show the previously owing quantity. The 2nd and 3rd parts will continue to show the full quantity for pricing office use.

  • The patient record will show that the 'Owing' was supplied on a particular date, in case the patient asks for it again.

'Owings' must be zeroed individually on each item when it is supplied. There is no mechanism to do this in bulk.

To be alerted about drugs owing on a script:

On the Main Dispensary screen, go up to Options then RxOne Options and choose "Check SoH when Dispensing".

To delete an 'owing' on a script

To delete an owing on a script without dispensing the owe. i.e. when script has expired. Bring up the script, in the owing box type in zero. Then untick the owings box. Put in the correct quantity of what has actually been dispensed. You may want to make a note in the script comment in regard to this e.g. 'dispensed x, owed y but owings not collected so removed on ddmmyy'.

SmartClaim and drugs owing

Drugs owing will automatically be partially claimed immediately, i.e. 'claim as you go'. When the balance is dispensed the balance is claimed then.

Note These 'owes' (partial claim) will appear as a negative variance on your Variance reports. This is because the 'estimated subsidy price' or 'amount claimed' is calculated on the full amount that is entered for each dispensing and not on the partial amount. Print an 'Owings Report' for each batch period and when the variance report comes back, these can be eliminated. When the balance is dispensed you will then get two lines on the variance report, one as a credit line and one as a resubmit line with a positive variance. This only affects scripts where the balance was supplied in a later batch than the original supply, if in the same batch then it is a normal script.

Stock on hand values when using owings facilities.

The "Owings" amount is not taken off the SOH until it's dispensed  however RxOne recognises there is an owing and will take that into account when ordering.

Drugs Owing report

Home Screen > Reports > Drug Reports > Drugs Owing Report


Dispensary Window > Drug Reports > Owing Drugs

Drugs Owing Patient History

If there is anything owing on a script, the caption 'Drugs Owing' will be shown in red.  The patient history shows all owings on a separate tab.

There is an 'Owings'* button on the daily log screen. Select this, then type in a patient's name to bring up the list of Owings for that patient.  (*Only owings less than 6 months old will show on this screen).

The Owing Expiry date prints on the A5 receipt if  “Print Extra Info on Receipt” is ticked in Dispensary, Options, Print Options.

Dispensing owings from Repeat screen

In repeat history screen select the button 'Show Owings' and a list of the scripts with owings will be displayed, select an item and dispense. When finished, the screen will refresh to the repeat screen again for you to select any script(s) to be repeated.



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