Sentinel Extraction
[Revised Dec 2015]
If you are a Guild Pharmacy, the Sentinel Extraction can be switched on in RxOne.
Please obtain your Sentinel ID from the Guild
From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Options, Switchboard. Tick 'Sentinel' and enter your Sentinel ID.
On the RxOne Start Menu, Help (at the top of the screen), 'About System' the Date sent will display when Sentinel Data is sent.
The data gets uploaded every week.
The Sentinel Pharmacies Program (SPP) is an initiative developed by the Pharmacy Guild to provide industry analytics on dispensary efficiencies and to analyse patterns of interest to Pharmacists and the NZ Healthcare industry.
An essential component of the SPP is to have many contributing pharmacies volunteering their site data via a secure transfer system so that the data can be collated and aggregated; a contributing pharmacy is referred to as a Sentinel Pharmacy (SP).
The consultation process between the District Health Boards and sector representatives on the Pharmacy Services Agreement (PSA) highlighted the need for a database of information to assist the Guild with these discussions.
The Guild has developed a Sentinel Database - an electronic system that collects and collates dispensing information from pharmacies that choose to participate.
The Sentinel Database system automatically transfers dispensing information from pharmacies to a secure database. Information collected includes the type, frequency and dosage of prescription medicines. Patients are not identifiable.
The information collected will help assist Guild with modelling the changes to the PSA, identifying data trends and informing the Guild’s input into discussions about the PSA.
If you would like to participate, please contact the Pharmacy Guild on
The more information the Guild has, the more useful it will be to inform their discussions on the PSA.
For more information, please contact the Pharmacy Guild on 04 802 8200.
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