Bag Labels
[March 07]
You can print bag labels for Dispensed items.
To turn Bag Label on or off
This will automatically print a bag label after each lot of rxs.
Dispensary screen > Options > RxOne Options > Print Bag Label
One off Bag label
If you need a bag label for a script, right click on the script and select Print Duplicate, then tick Print Bag Label.
Bag Label printing too far to left and losing part of street address.
This situation will probably only occur when the label stock is slightly undersize and dispensary receipts are printing to A5 and not the label printer. The dispensary label paper size will have been set to standard dimensions (720mm X 640mm) and the label layout adjusted to compensate for the undersize label stock. The bag label gets its margin from the dispensary receipt, so if this is printing to A5 the margin is zero and cannot be adjusted.
The solution then is to either print dispensary receipts to the label printer or to correct the label paper size (this may be something like 680mm X 640mm. If the label size is changed then the bag label will now be OK but the dispensary label will now need to be adjusted to suit the new paper size. (All information would now be too far to the right).
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