Bulk Process All Repeat Baskets
Repeats scripts sent to the RxOne Rx Waiting tab can now be dispensed in bulk using a new RxOne Dispensing function.
From the RxOne Dispensing Rx Waiting tab, click File – Process All Repeat Baskets. This will go through and process all the repeat script baskets waiting in the queue, excluding any new eScript baskets.
The Patient screen with the first repeat basket on the list will display. Click ‘Dispense Basket’ on the top right corner to start processing all repeats.
Go through each repeat loaded on screen thereafter to complete the dispensing as per your usual process.
Auto-firing repeats
Repeat scripts can be processed automatically without needing to click ‘Finish’ to complete each dispensing. The Screen for repeat scripts will only show for a repeat dispensing if there is a special alert that needs the pharmacist’s attention.
To turn on this function, go to Options – Show Options on Main Dispensing screen.
On Lookup Options tab, tick ‘Don’t show screen for repeats (Global)’. Please note: once turned on, this function will auto finish all repeat dispensings on all machines.
Should you wish to make any changes for a repeat dispensing (e.g. stat dispensing), highlight the repeats in the patient profile as usual, then select File>Finish Repeats Showing Screen. This will take you through the repeats individually.