Calulating Days Supply
RxOne can calculate repeats due and days supply however it needs to have the dose and frequency to calculate these. For some scripts these are not available, for example:
apply tds - this does not give an amount to apply, therefore RxOne cannot calculate how much will be used
take 2t prn - this is an ‘as required’ script, so has no frequency
To switch on/off Days supply calculation
Set the switch; Options, RxOne DISPENSE Options, tick 'Show Dose and Freq'
Options > RxOne Dispense > Tick ‘Show Dose and Freq’
RxOne learns to extract dose/frequency
If RxOne is not sure what the dose/frequency is it will pop up a box and ask ONCE only for a particular sig. It will remember the response and will automatically put in the dose/frequency next time is sees that instruction so this is a short term process as you teach it. It will continue to ask on repeats until they work through the system.
It knows that 'prn' and similar instructions, or drugs like eye drops, do not need the dose/frequency question asked, so the option is grayed out in those cases.
Dose & Freq
RxOne automatically takes the numbers off the raw 'sig' before translation. Misinterpretation can arise if the unit of dose for the patient is different from the unit for the pricing office, E.g. "1 teaspoonful mane" has a dose of '1' but the pricing office requires '7g'. Enter this as "7g (one teaspoonful) mane" so that it will advise a dose of '7g' to the pricing office, and the patient has both the technically correct, and common language, doses. If this happens often, define a new sig "tsp" = "Take 7g (one teaspoonful) and use that to save time.