There is a button on the Sales screen called ‘Receive Script’. This is for staff members to place script orders from your walk-in patients. Please note this step is optional, scanning the barcode directly into the dispense system will also download the barcode.
This will open the ‘Add Script to Queue’ screen.
Continue scanning barcodes until you have finished adding all the barcodes. Click ‘Cancel’ to exit the ‘Add eScript’ screen once scanning is finished.
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The Dispense program displays the ePes status. If the status is green it means ePes is active. If the ePes is red that means the ePes service is temporarily offline.
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Sign off selected scripts – All finished scripts have the status ‘Awaiting Sign Off’. To sign off, highlight the script and click ‘Sign off selected scripts’ to open the sign off screen.
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Scan the eScript barcode directly into the dispense screen. You will be taken to the patient history screen, click ‘Dispense Basket’ to proceed with the dispensing.
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The button will always say ‘Dispense Basket’ for both scripts added using the basket system and those that are directly scanned into the Dispense program. |
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Scripts already in the basket will have an ‘O’ (stands for ‘online’) next to it, so you know this script is already in the basket. A warning will show if you tries to add the script to the basket if it is already in a basket.
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The original prescribed details can be found under the ‘Dr Info’ > ‘Original Script’ tab while dispensing. This will help you double check what is being dispensed with what was prescribed. Use the scroll bar to scroll down and see more prescribed details.
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For a repeat prescription the previous repeat detail from the previous pharmacy is displayed under the ‘Dr Info’ tab ‘Last Dispensing’ tab. This allows you to check what was dispensed by the last pharmacy.
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During the dispensing you may notice the ‘Options’ tab turns yellow. This means there is an annotation to be viewed. Double click into the Doctor’s Note highlighted in yellow to see the message.
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The dispenser may also want to add their annotation to the script during or after the dispensing. This ‘Annotation’ refers to ‘Medical annotation’. This is clinical information related to this script. Please
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The annotation entered by the dispenser will be sent with the eScript and will be seen by the next dispensing pharmacy. |
To add the annotation during dispensing, use the ‘Edit’ menu and select ‘Add Annotation Note’, alternatively you can add the annotation after the script is finished using the ‘Print Duplicate’ screen by selecting ‘Add Annotation’.
An annotation added by the dispenser appears on the audit log under ‘Annotation’. Double click will show the content of the annotation.
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A doctor may indicate if brand substitution is allowed or not allowed. This will be reflected on your screen during the dispensing process.
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The patient’s email address will show under ‘Email To Use’.
If the script was texted to the patient, the ‘Contact Method’ will be ‘SMS’ with the mobile number showing under ‘Mobile To Use’.
Please note: the electronic address of the script may be different to the one in the patient’s profile as a patient may nominate the script to be sent to a different email / mobile number.
The patient may request the pharmacy provides an ‘Evidence of Prescription’ be printed. To do so you will need to leave the contact method as ‘Paper Token’. Evidence of Prescription can be re-printed using the ‘Print Duplicate’ screen.
Please note: Evidence of Prescription only prints when the script has repeats left or the script is a deferred script. An ‘Evidence of Prescription’ printout is only a proof of prescription; it is not to be treated as a legal script.
Sample of an Evidence of Prescription printout
Any paperless script not yet signed off will have a (V) next to the script number, and the sign off column will be blank. As soon as the sign off is finished, the (V) will disappears and repeat token will be automatically sent to your patient via their preferred contact method.
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To email the Evidence of Dispensing, highlight the script and right click to bring up the ‘Print Duplicate’ screen and select ‘Resend eScript Token’. The token will be resent to patient in the form of a URL using their preferred contact method.
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The repeat token will be delivered to patient via their preferred contact method. However, the RxOne standard text message charge will apply. Email contact method will not incur any charge.
Please note, you cannot resend the repeat token to patient until the script has been signed off. This is because the transmission to Medisecure only happens after the sign off is done. Resending the repeat token prior to sign off means patient will receive the token however the URL link will display ‘Prescription information is not available’.
You will also get a warning by RxOne when this happens.
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Correcting the DOB on the s8 details screen will update the DOB on the patient profile automatically.
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If the doctor has specified a minimum repeat interval for an s8 drug this will be populated on the S8 detail screen automatically. This is also specified on the Dr Info tab.
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Please note only staff members who have either ‘Pharmacist’ or ‘Pharmacist Manager’ can do the final checking and sign scripts off. Please go to ‘Modify Staff’ and make sure all pharmacists have at least one of the 2 staff groups set correctly.
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You will be asked to enter the sign off pharmacist’s ID.
You can also use the sign off button on the basket with state ‘Awaiting sign off’.
The sign off screen contains 3 columns. The first column from the left is the script dispensed in RxOne
The sign off pharmacist may want to enter some comments on the sign off screen, this can be done using the section ‘Annotation for sign off pharmacist’. This will be saved under the script audit together with other annotations.
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When a pharmacist is ready to sign off, click the button ‘Sign off script’. The screen will disappear automatically, and the ID of the pharmacist used to login to the sign off screen will be recorded as the sign off pharmacist.
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Please note this is only ideal for pharmacies where there is only one pharmacist at one time, and please note this is for paper script only. Paperless script still requires manual sign off using the sign off screen.
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If a script was dispensed by a technician who does not have an HPI-I this means the script will not be claimed until the script has been signed off by a pharmacist with an HPI-I.