Account Sale
Enter the Sales screen as above
Scan the items to be sold
Press F7 or click the Account Sale button
Club Sale
Enter the Sales screen as above
Scan the items to be sold, any items that are in a club will show a club icon
Press F7 to search for the club customer and select the correct one to fill in the customer field
Once all items have been scanned press + to finish the sale
Changing Price and Quantity
Enter the Sales Screen
Scan the items to be sold. Use ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬅️ ➡️ arrow keys to move the cursor to the Quantity or Retail box next to the item to be changed. Type in the correct price or quantity.
Total and finish the sale
Calculate the Change
Once all items have been scanned press + tot subtotal the sale
Enter the amount tendered in the Cash field
The change will be shown on screen and will display at the bottom of the sales screen
Delete an item from a sale
Use the arrow up key to highlight the line to be deleted. Press the Delete key to remove the item
Cash out with Eftpos
When all items have been scanned, press + to subtotal
Enter the amount of cash out as a negative amount in the cash field. (-50.00 will be $50 cash out)
Abandon or Put a Sale on Hold
Scan or enter the items for sale. Hit the ESC key. RxOne will ask:”You are about to leave this sale. Do you wish to put it On Hold?”
Click Yes to put the sale on hold, No to abandon the sale or Cancel to return to the sale
Retrieve a Sale on Hold
On Hold sales will be blue in the Point of Sale history
Click to highlight the held sale and press Enter to retrieve the sale
In the sales screen move to the Discount box on the same line as the item to be discounted. Type in the percentage discount