1CHART Integration: Set up and Bulk Export to 1CHART
Click on the ‘Person Details’ tab, then select the resthome you want to report on. Select Ok to bring up the report.
The report displays the details of each script to be exported, including the foil dose times under the column ‘Periods’ versus the periods allowed by 1CHART ‘Default Periods’ and a ‘Periods Okay’ column.
*At the bottom of this report, there is a button 'Replace existing scripts dose time with default’. You can use this to bulk change the foil headings in ALL existing RxOne scripts to the default 1CHART periods. E.g. if you have MORN in the existing scripts and you want to replace MORN with Breakfast , then click on the button and select the dose period heading you want to replace.
9. Export Selected Patients to 1CHART