[Reviewed: 24th August 2022]
Table of Contents
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This will ensure you have the latest version of RxOne running on your system.
Restart the Computer
Restarting the client computer can also help clear any issues.
Windows shortcuts are accessed by holding down the Alt or CTRL key and pressing the appropriate letter or number on the keyboard.
How to tell whether a button has a shortcut available
If there is a shortcut available then the button will have one letter underlined. You access the button by holding down the Alt key and pressing the corresponding letter on the keyboard.
If it is easier you can search by typing the surname first and then the first name. For example, “smith, joe”
Search using address
Type in the person’s address and this will bring up a list of everyone at that address.
Search by NHI
Type in the person’s NHI number and press enter.
If the person will be charging prescriptions to an Account then select Account(F7) and then “Click to Create”. For more details on Accounts view the section on Accounts.
Patient’s Disp Info (Alt+A)
When you are entering a patient’s details you can navigate through the fields using either the Enter key or TAB key. The Enter Key will take you through the required fields whereas Tab will take you through all fields.
The first three buttons (Face to Face Meeting, Phoned – Talked to Patient and Phoned – Patient Unavailable) will create an event prefilled with the button details. You can then elect to add any additional comments.
Send Email to Patient
Selecting this button will open the Email dialogue box. You can the type an email or select from an existing template. Full details on how to create templates can be found in the “Email” section of the manual or help files.
Type your message for the patient and select to either send without preview or with preview. A copy of the message will be saved in the Events Audit tab.
Send SMS to Patient / Send SMS Repeat Reminder
These 2 options will open the Text messaging screen. You can select either to use a saved template or to type a personalised message. More information on messaging is given in another section.
Other Event
Allows you to enter a free form Event.
Delete Event
Delete the selected event
Show / Add Comment
Allows you to View any comments and add new comments to the Event.
Show SMS Message
View the text message for the chosen event
Change Event Status
Change the status of the event.
Forms & Files Tab
In this Tab you can add any saved forms relating to the patient. These can be added in PDF format.
The patient’s script history is displayed in the Patient’s Disp Info tab.
Full History
Shows the full history of the patient.
Shows repeats that are due for the patient, and repeats issued in the past.
Shows Owings
Shows Held scripts
Shows Scripts that have been marked as “Phoned”
Service Fees
Fees paid for previous dispensings
Shows Foil history
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eScripts – prescription data is downloaded into RxOne
manual – as a user you will manually enter the script details eScript
eScripts can be received via email or a paper copy handed over from the patient. An eScript will have a barcode that identifies the script to the eScript service and allows it to be downloaded.
In the example above we have created a sig for ‘Once or twice daily’.
Modifying Existing Sigs
RxOne has a number of sigs defined within the Patient Instruction Codes. We recommend that you don’t modify them as locums may already be used to the standard codes; rather define new sigs with the instructions you want.
Troubleshooting Robot errors:
1. RxOne not Sending Foil pack to Robot
Go to Printer Setup from the Home Screen and select Foil Packaging