RxOne Basic Dispensary User Guide
- 1
- 2 Introduction to RxOne
- 2.1 Troubleshooting
- 2.2 Keyboard vs Mouse
- 3 Patient
- 3.1 Search for a Patient
- 3.1.1 Searching by Name
- 3.1.2 Search by Script
- 3.2 Create Patient
- 3.3 New Patient through NHI Search
- 3.3.1 Family Members
- 3.3.2 Special Conditions
- 3.3.3 Account
- 3.3.4 Allergies
- 3.3.5 Cards
- 3.3.6 Special Authority
- 3.4 Other Patient Details
- 3.4.1 Events Audit Tab
- 3.4.2 Script History
- 3.1 Search for a Patient
- 4 New Scripts
- 4.1 New Prescriptions
- 4.1.1 Click New Script (Alt+N)
- 4.1.2 Scan the Barcode on the eScript
- 4.1.3 Click on Dispense Basket (Alt+S)
- 4.1.4 Entering multiple eScripts for the same patient
- 4.1.5 Manual Script
- 4.1.6 Button options
- 4.1 New Prescriptions
- 5 Issuing Repeats
- 6 Script Pricing Options
- 6.1 Setup Prescription Pricing Option
- 6.2 Setting Price while Dispensing
- 6.2.1 OTC Pricing
- 6.2.2 NSS Pricing
- 7 Editing Scripts
- 8 Reprinting
- 9 Patient Instruction Codes (Sigs)
- 10 Dispensary Options
- 11 Dispensary Print Options
- 12 Sundry Prescription Charges
- 12.1 Sundry Charges Setup
- 12.2 Using Sundry Charges
- 12.2.1 Important
- 13 Delivery Module
- 13.1 Setup
- 13.2 Setup Delivery Provider
- 13.3 Setup Delivery Packaging
- 13.4 Setup Delivery Status
- 14 Using the Delivery Module
- 14.1 Delivery Details
- 15 Virtual Dispensing Basket
- 15.1 Dispensary View
- 16 Repeats Due / Messaging and Dispensing Basket
- 16.1 Repeats Due Report
- 17 Backups
- 17.1 Performing Daily Backup
- 17.1.1 Sending Backup to RxOne
- 17.1 Performing Daily Backup
- 18 Stock Take
Introduction to RxOne
RxOne is an integrated pharmacy dispensary and retail environment. Included in RxOne are the following:
Dispensary management
Retail (POS)
Inventory management
The first section of the manual is designed to get you up and running in Dispensary, providing an overview of the frequently used functions. The second part covers the Retail environment. The third part of the manual looks at management functions in more detail.
Please note: RxOne is constantly updating functionality, some of the screenshots in the manual may appear slightly different to the screens on your system.
Many issues can easily be resolved before phoning RxOne. There are extensive Help files available. Before phoning the help desk we recommend that you try the following:
Download and Update All Files
Home Screen -> Additional Options -> Program Update -> Download and Update All files
This will ensure you have the latest version of RxOne running on your system.
Restart the Computer
Restarting the client computer can also help clear any issues.
Keyboard vs Mouse
RxOne follows Windows conventions when using a Mouse or Keyboard. Most functionality, especially when performing routine tasks, are available using standard Windows shortcuts or Mouse clicks.
Windows shortcuts are accessed by holding down the Alt or CTRL key and pressing the appropriate letter or number on the keyboard.
How to tell whether a button has a shortcut available
If there is a shortcut available then the button will have one letter underlined. You access the button by holding down the Alt key and pressing the corresponding letter on the keyboard.
For example:
In the above image the S is underlined so holding down Alt and then pressing S will activate that button’s features. Generally throughout the manual we will give the keyboard shortcut when providing instructions – shortcut keys are shown as Alt+S -> which means hold down the Alt key and press S
Search for a Patient
There are a few ways to search for a patient.
Search by name
Search using address
Search by NHI
Search by script number
From within Dispensary main window click on any of the following:
New Script (Alt+N)
Repeat (Alt+R)
Edit Rx (Alt+T)
Searching by Name
To search by name type in the patient’s first name and surname (ie Joe Smith) and press enter or Alt+O. This will bring up a list of people with that name.
You can also search using part names for example:
J smi – will find anyone with the initial ‘J’ and surname beginning with ‘smi’
If it is easier you can search by typing the surname first and then the first name. For example, “smith, joe”
Search using address
Type in the person’s address and this will bring up a list of everyone at that address.
Search by NHI
Type in the person’s NHI number and press enter.
Search by Script
If a person has brought in the label from a previous prescription (for example they are after a repeat), you can type in the script number and this will find the person and the relevant prescription.
Create Patient
If the person is not found using these methods then it is possible that the person is new to your pharmacy. RxOne will prompt you to create a new patient.
Click “Yes”
Type in the person’s name and Date of Birth (DOB)
Click on Utilities from the top menu and select “Get NHI Number”
A new window will open with the Patient’s details from Ministry of Health. Check that the details are correct and click OK.
The patient’s info will now autofill.
Click on “Patient’s Disp Info” tab to start dispensing.
New Patient through NHI Search
If you have searched using an NHI number, and the person is not already in your system the following message will display.
Click “Yes” . RxOne will bring up the NHI details confirmation screen.
If the details from the NHI service are correct and match the person then click Correct Person & Save. The Patient’s details will be updated so that your database contains the same information about the person as the NHI system.
Family Members
Once you have filled the Patient’s basic information from the NHI service, you can add family members.
Right click in the Family Members box
Click “Add Family Member”
Search for the Family member using name or NHI number
Double click on the person to be added and they will appear in the Family Members section
Special Conditions
Add any special conditions by Right Clicking within the Special Conditions box and clicking “Add Client Group”. A list of Conditions will appear. If the Condition is not listed you can also create a new one from this screen.
If the person will be charging prescriptions to an Account then select Account(F7) and then “Click to Create”. For more details on Accounts view the section on Accounts.
Patient’s Disp Info (Alt+A)
When you are entering a patient’s details you can navigate through the fields using either the Enter key or TAB key. The Enter Key will take you through the required fields whereas Tab will take you through all fields.
Before you can start entering prescriptions you will need to assign a category to the Patient. Add ‘A4’ to category. You can add any Allergies, cards and Special Authority numbers at this point.
Right click within the Allergies box. The Add Allergy dialogue will show. Select relevant options and click OK to add the allergy.
Right click on the cards sections and add any cards for the patient. This includes Community Service Cards, Southern Cross or Prescription Subsidy cards.
Special Authority
This section allows you to enter any special authorities that the patient may have. Right Click within the Special Authority box
Click “Add Special Authority Number”
The Special Authority Dialogue Box will show
Enter the Special Authority details (Use Links -> Special Authority to go to the Special Authority website if needed)
Other Patient Details
There are 8 TABS for the Patient screen, each TAB holds different pieces of information about the person. “Patient’s Disp Info” and “Personal Info” display the important information required for Dispensing.
You can add a Photo of the patient to the “Photo” tab.
Events Audit Tab
‘Event Audit’ shows a list of system events that are recorded automatically by the program. This is also where you can initiate any interactions you had with the patient that you wish to record. Use the buttons on the right hand side to record any manual event.
The Events audit tab allows you to record interactions with the patient. Down the right hand side you can select the type of Event.
The first three buttons (Face to Face Meeting, Phoned – Talked to Patient and Phoned – Patient Unavailable) will create an event prefilled with the button details. You can then elect to add any additional comments.
Send Email to Patient
Selecting this button will open the Email dialogue box. You can the type an email or select from an existing template. Full details on how to create templates can be found in the “Email” section of the manual or help files.
Type your message for the patient and select to either send without preview or with preview. A copy of the message will be saved in the Events Audit tab.
Send SMS to Patient / Send SMS Repeat Reminder
These 2 options will open the Text messaging screen. You can select either to use a saved template or to type a personalised message. More information on messaging is given in another section.
Other Event
Allows you to enter a free form Event.
Delete Event
Delete the selected event
Show / Add Comment
Allows you to View any comments and add new comments to the Event.
Show SMS Message
View the text message for the chosen event
Change Event Status
Change the status of the event.
Forms & Files Tab
In this Tab you can add any saved forms relating to the patient. These can be added in PDF format.
Script History
The patient’s script history is displayed in the Patient’s Disp Info tab.
Full History
Shows the full history of the patient.
Shows repeats that are due for the patient, and repeats issued in the past.
Shows Owings
Shows Held scripts
Shows Scripts that have been marked as “Phoned”
Service Fees
Fees paid for previous dispensings
Shows Foil history
New Scripts
New Prescriptions
There are two main ways to enter a new script.
eScripts – prescription data is downloaded into RxOne
manual – as a user you will manually enter the script details eScript
eScripts can be received via email or a paper copy handed over from the patient. An eScript will have a barcode that identifies the script to the eScript service and allows it to be downloaded.
Follow these steps to enter an eScript
Click New Script (Alt+N)
The Patient Search window will open.
Scan the Barcode on the eScript
Using your barcode scanner, scan the barcode. If the scanner won’t scan the barcode you can manually type in the code. This will display the patient information screen. If this is the first time the patient has visited your dispensary, you will need to add their details.
Click on Dispense Basket (Alt+S)
This will open the Dispensary screen, and automatically go through each script item on the prescription form.
The Dispensary screen will show the following details automatically.
Rx Category
Date Disp
Date Prescribed
From the details on the script RxOne will try to match the medicine prescribed to a drug in RxOne. (In some cases you may need to find the medicine through the search). From the instructions given RxOne will automatically fill the Quantity and fill in any repeats. You will need to check that these are valid. In some cases doctors may have put in repeats for medicines that should be dispensed “Stat”. Adjust the quantity and instructions using the same steps as Manual prescriptions.
Entering multiple eScripts for the same patient
In some cases, you may receive multiple scripts for the same patient. You can issue these all at once if you prefer.
Scan the first script barcode from the New Script window
Once you have entered all the items from that script click on More (Alt+M)
Click in the Date Prescribed box
Scan the barcode for the next prescription
Continue entry for the script items
When you have finished entering all script items click on Finish (Alt+N)
Manual Script
Manual scripts do not have a barcode and all details will need to be entered manually.
Search for the patient in accordance with your SOP using name or NHI
From the Patient screen click on Script (Alt+S) – this will open the New Script screen.
The New Script screen is broken into a number of different sections.
A – this will be your main data entry section for Manual and eScripts.
Starting from the top:
Patient – this will be prefilled from the Patient Info screen
NHI – will also be prefilled if the patient has an NHI number
Rx Category – will default to the Patient Category from the Patient Info screen. Change this if required.
Date Disp – will default to the current date
Date Prescribed – will default to the current date – change to the date on the prescription
Doctor – this will generally default to the last doctor
Drug – enter the name of the drug that has been prescribed. This will bring up a list of medications that match your search pattern.
Hint: you can use a shortcut in your drug search. If you type the quantity of the medication, the name of the medication and the strength, RxOne will automatically fill the drug and quantity. Example: Typing
“21 amoxi 500 “
Should return Amoxicillin 500mg. It will also fill in the quantity 21.
Price will default to the appropriate price for the patient category.
Enter in the instructions. You can use shortcuts (sigs) or type the instructions in full. If your pharmacy has set up standard instructions for a medication you can type ‘s’ and this will give the standard instructions for your pharmacy. If the patient has had the medication before, the letter ‘p’ will bring up the instructions from the last dispensing.
Enter the number of repeats. If repeats are variable then type V and this will bring up the variable repeat dialogue.
In section C of the New Script page you will see the C&A notes. In many cases your C&A notes will be set up to default for certain medications. You can also select any to add from the drop down list. Select any C&A notes you want to add to the label.
Hint: If you want a C&A note to be included as default for a medicine – Press Ctrl+X and it will be included in all future dispensings of that medicine.
The label preview in Section D will automatically update as you type.
Section B of the New Script screen contains 8 tabs. For prescription entry the most important Tab is “1 Status”.
| Script Contributor – select who is paying for the script, usually Government. |
| Counted on S’Net – if it is ticked then it will be counted towards the patient’s annual total |
| NSS (F7) – select this if the prescription is not subsidised. Pressing F7 will select or deselect this option |
| Foil Pack – if the drug is going to be included in a foil pack |
| Phoned – tick if the script is a Phoned script |
| Variable Qty Repeat – will be ticked if the repeats are variable |
| Stat Disp – if a non-stat medication is being dispensed as STAT then select this |
| Drugs Owing – if there is not enough medication for the current dispensing selecting this will allow you to put an owing on the script | |
| Take Away – | |
| Held Rx – used if the patient has asked the pharmacy to hold a script until a later time | |
| Southern Cross – select if Southern Cross is paying | |
| Special Authority – tick this if a Special Authority is required for a medication. | |
| Certified Condition – certain medications require the patient to have a Certified Condition – tick this if that is the case. |
In general, these options will be selected automatically based on your response to prompts displayed during the data entry process.
Button options
Labels – prints a label
More – once you have finished entering in the details for your current prescription item, click More (Alt+M) if there are more items to enter, or Finish (Alt+N) to finish prescriptions for this patient. Labels will print automatically after pressing ‘More’ or ‘Finish’.
Issuing Repeats
In the main Dispensary screen hold down the Alt key and press R, this will open the patient search. Find the patient by searching for their name, NHI or script number
The patient info screen will open to the Repeats Tab
The list of repeats will have numbers from 1 to 9 next to them. Press the numbers you wish to repeat. Hold the Alt button and press R to process the selected repeats.
The Repeat screen will open.
For each repeat, make any adjustments (if needed) and once finished hold the Alt key and press N.
The next repeat will then show. Repeat steps 1 to 5 until all repeats are finished.
If you are entering an eScript for a patient and they have repeats for other medicines you can issue the repeats at the same time:
In Dispensary hold the Alt key and press N – for New script
Scan the eScript barcode in Patient Search
In the Patient Info screen – go to the Repeats tab
Select the repeats you wish to issue
Click Add Repeat (Alt+R)
Click Dispense Basket (Alt+S)
RxOne will go through the eScript items first and then go through the repeats.
Script Pricing Options
Within the RxOne dispensing screen you can override the default pricing scheme for a patient. This may be for times when you are issuing an emergency supply or dispensing an OTC medication.
Setup Prescription Pricing Option
Pricing options are set in RxOne’s main options screen.
Home Page -> Main Menu -> Tools -> Options (Or type Options in the Search Bar)
Most services will be set according to the pharmacy’s contract with the Health Authority. The pharmacy owner should check that these are accurate as differences in this page will lead to increased variances in your claim report.
To set OTC or NSS prices, scroll down through the Current Price Options table and enter your markup as a percentage, the handling fee, and Service Fee. Please ensure you have entered details for ‘Premium’ otherwise your premiums won’t be correct.
You can also set prices for individual medications in the Drug Info tab on the Medicines stock card. Within a medicine’s Drug Information tab on the Stock Card you can set an NSS Override, as a percentage or Dollar amount. This will override any settings in the main Options screen.
Setting Price while Dispensing
While entering or editing a script you can change the price to NSS or OTC. To view the options click on the Price Tab (Alt+2) and this will show you the pricing structure and options for pricing.
OTC Pricing
Press F6. This will change the patient price to the calculated OTC price as set in options. It will also prevent the dispensing from going into the next SmartClaim.
NSS Pricing
Press F7. This will change the patient price to the calculated NSS price as set in options. It will prevent the dispensing from being claimed in the Smart Claim.
Press F8. This will change the price back to the subsidised price for the patient, and will add the dispensing to the next SmartClaim.
Editing Scripts
There are a few ways to edit a script:
Double Click the script from the script list on the main dispensary screen
Highlight a script and click the Edit Script button (Alt+T)
Enter a patient record (Using New Script) and selecting the script from the patient history
Use the original script number. Use New Script and enter in the Rx number
Once in the edit script, make any changes required. RxOne will not automatically print a new label. If you wish to print a label, click ‘Label’ (alt+B) before you finish working on the script.
You can use the following to access the Reprint options for script related reprinting
Select a script on the Dispensary screen, right click the script and select ‘Print Duplicate’
Select a script in Patient History and click on Print Duplicate (ALT+C)
Highlight a Script and click the button on the left-hand side of the Dispensary Screen
The Print Duplicate options will display.
Patient Instruction Codes (Sigs)
Patient instruction codes allow you to set up commonly used abbreviated sigs so they can be used in the script instructions.
RxOne has a list of commonly used sigs that are already built into the system ready to be used, however you can create any special sigs yourself. Re-opening the Dispense program is required whenever a new sig has been added or an existing sig is modified to ensure the new changes take effect.
From RxOne Dispense select ‘Edit’ then 'Patient Instruction Code (Sigs)' (or the shortcut of Ctrl + I from within dispensing) to open the utility.
Click ‘New’ to create a new sig.
Setting up a new Sig
Select ‘New’ and enter the detail of the Sig and click ‘Ok’ to finish.
Sig Code - This is the abbreviated text you would like to use.
Change Case - Sigs are case sensitive. 'A' is distinguished from 'a'. Select the box to change the sig code to change the sig to either uppercase or lowercase.
Initial Instruction – Select this option if the sig is always going to be used at the beginning of the instruction.
Following Instruction – Select this option if the sig is always going to be used following some instruction.
Not To Be Taken – ‘Not To be Taken’ will be automatically attached to the sig. and print at the top of the label.
Frequency and Period – These are used internally to calculate the number of days’ supply given, to predict when repeats are due and check on patient compliance. When creating a new sig, or modifying an existing one, enter the maximum number of doses in 24 hours as 'Frequency' and always select 'Daily' for the 'period'. Other periods should not be used.
Once you have finished, click OK and exit out of Patient Instruction Codes.
You will have to close dispensary and reopen for the changes to take effect.
In the example above we have created a sig for ‘Once or twice daily’.
Modifying Existing Sigs
RxOne has a number of sigs defined within the Patient Instruction Codes. We recommend that you don’t modify them as locums may already be used to the standard codes; rather define new sigs with the instructions you want.
Dispensary Options
To access Dispensary Options, click Options -> Show Options.
There are two types of Dispensary Options:
Local – changes to these options will only affect the device that you are working on • Global – changes to these will affect all RxOne devices.
The Options screen is divided into four sections:
Pricing Options
Printing Options
Lookup Options
Dispensary Print Options
Dispensary Screen > Options > Show Print Options
Dispensary Print Options are Local to the device you are working on. The Options are divided into 7 groups.
When finished dispensing a drug, print
These options will tell RxOne what you want printed after you have finished entering in a prescription for a drug.
When finished dispensing a group of scripts, print
This tells RxOne what you want printed when you have finished entering a group of script items for a patient.
When finished dispensing a group of scripts with a Foil in them, print
RxOne will print the selected options when a foil is included as part of the group of prescriptions. If ‘Send Robotics File’ is ticked then the Foil pack file will be sent to your foil packing robot.
Label Options
Ticking ‘Preview Label when entering a script’ will allow you to view the generated label while entering the script.
Receipt Options
Select the options you would like included on your receipt.
When finished dispensing a group of repeats, print CRC
Select the options for printing Certified Repeat Copies
Foil Options
Select the options for printing foils
Foil Dispensing
The team at RxOne can help with your initial setup for Foil Dispensing.
Dispensing a Foil Script
Create a new script, enter in the standard information. Once you have entered the standard information return to the Status Tab (Alt+1)
Click in the Checkbox next to Foil Pack (Alt+K) to open the foil pack screen.
Select the foil type you are doing i.e. 4xWeekly, 1xWeekly or Monthly.
Click ‘Day Up’ or ‘Day Down’ to set the start day of the week. The foil start date will change to correspond to the day of the week.
Check the dose period MORN, NOON, EVEN, NIGHT is correct. Rename if necessary.
Enter the number of tablets into the first row of the grid. When select ‘OK’ the program will extrapolate the grid to the rest of the days for that period so you only need to enter once.
Press ‘F2’ again on the script screen to view the Foil grid if required.
Enter any other items following normal script entry processes. Once you have finished a Foil will print, and if you are using a Robot the file will be sent to the robot. If you wish to preview foils before they print you can set this up in Dispensary Print Options
Dispensary Screen > Options > Show Print Options > Always Preview Foils
Troubleshooting Robot errors:
1. RxOne not Sending Foil pack to Robot
Go to Printer Setup from the Home Screen and select Foil Packaging
Home Screen > Main Menu > Tools > Printer Setup
Select Foil Packaging and click Advanced. Check that your foil robot name is selected in the drop down next to Foil Robot.
If this does not fix the error you may need to give RxOne a call.
Sundry Prescription Charges
RxOne enables you to charge ‘sundries’ onto a prescription. Some Sundry fees are setup within RxOne and you can add your own depending on the needs of your pharmacy.
Sundry Charges Setup
Sundry Charges are setup in RxOne Options. To get to Options, from your home screen:
Main Menu > Tools > Options
In the Options select the Charges tab and then the Other Charges (Sundry Charges) tab.
Click ‘’Add a Sundry”, type in the Description and the Fee. If you would like it to show on the Receipt as an itemised item, tick “Show on Receipt”
Using Sundry Charges
You can add sundry charges to a dispensing in the New Script or Edit Script screen.
Click on the white space below Sundry.
A drop down box will appear, click on the down arrow
Select the Sundry Item
If needed, you can also edit the price.
The price of the script will change to reflect the new charge.
For security and tracking it is important to set up individual staff members in your system. To do this you will use the Modify Staff utility
Main Menu > Tools > Utilities > Staff Utilities > Modify Staff or type Modify Staff into search box
Enter the person’s initials, this is what they will use to login to RxOne. If your store uses barcoded staff cards tick ‘Has Barcode’ this will allow you to scan in a barcoded staff card for the person. If you use passwords, tick ‘Has Password’ and enter the person’s password.
RxOne recommends using barcodes for staff to improve access times and improve security
Tab through the fields and complete all relevant information then select the access rights for the person.
Staff Manager – if ticked will give the user access to edit staff. This should only be ticked for those who have that position.
Inactive Staff Member – when ticked will disable the staff member’s access to RxOne
Access Rights – tick the access rights you wish the staff member to have
You must select a ‘Group’ for the staff member. This will dictate what access they have to functions within RxOne. This will become increasingly important for auditing purposes.
Delivery Module
RxOne’s delivery module will help you deliver safely to your patients and track those deliveries. To set up Deliveries, follow these steps.
Open RxOne Editor by either typing RxOne Editor in the search box or clicking through the Menu –
Tools – Utilities – Other Utilities – RxOne Editor
Setup Delivery Provider
Delivery Provider Type can either be external, or Inhouse Delivery if the service is run directly by the pharmacy. Click Save when you have finished.
Setup Delivery Packaging
In RxOne editor click on Delivery Packaging. In this example we are going to set up various delivery groups.
Give the Packaging group a name in the Delivery Packaging column
Type in any measurements (optional)
Select a Delivery Provider
Select the Delivery Packaging type.
Setup Delivery Status
In RxOne editor click Delivery Status. Click New to create a new Status and type the name of the status. Enter as many of these as you require.
Delivery Provider Type can either be external, or Inhouse Delivery if the service is run directly by the pharmacy. Click Save when you have finished.
Using the Delivery Module
Once you have set up the Delivery items you can then use Point of Sale to track deliveries. Click “New Sale”
Enter your code to start the sale and if needed select a Customer.
Scan any items including Dispensary Bags
Click the Checkbox next to Deliver Sale at the bottom left of the screen
Click Finish sale
Choose Payment Type or Account Sale
Delivery Details
Once you have finished the sale, the delivery dialogue box will open.
Enter your Staff ID
Select who you would like the delivery to go to. The options are:
The person that the sale was for
Each person in the sale
Any other person
Select the Delivery Provider and the Delivery package. If you wish, print a delivery slip and Save the delivery, and Exit.
Virtual Dispensing Basket
The virtual dispensing basket allows you to queue Prescriptions, Repeats and Owings to be dispensed for patients. This feature allows you to queue requests for repeats, owings and prescriptions handed over the counter in order that they were received. Other features will be added, and in the future all scripts that are received electronically will be automatically added to the queue.
To add items to the queue:
Through RxOne Point of Sale screen, click on Receive Script. The receive script screen will open if you have access to do this
Search for the patient, either using their NHI number or searching by name.
Select the correct patient by highlighting their name and clicking OK.
Along the top of the screen you will see a number of options. You can choose to Add Owings,
Repeats, Held Scripts, eScripts or Paper scripts with no barcode. If there are any available for Owings, Repeats and Held scripts this will show under the button. Click on the button you wish to add. Select the scripts to add and click OK. Once you have added the scripts the patient requires click Save. These scripts will then show in the RX’s waiting queue in Dispensary.
Dispensary View
Dispensary will be alerted that there are scripts waiting to be processed by the ‘Dispensing Requests Waiting’ tab which will turn yellow and alert dispensary that there are items waiting to be dispensed.
Click into this tab to view the scripts.
To dispense highlight one of the scripts in the basket and click Dispense Selected eScript Basket. This will take you to the patient info screen. Click Dispense Basket, this will take you to the dispense screen. Issue the script items following usual processes.
Repeats Due / Messaging and Dispensing Basket
Reminding patients that they have repeats due is a great way to keep them engaged with their health and ensure medicine compliance. It also increases foot traffic into your pharmacy. RxOne helps with this by providing tools to help you remind patients that they have repeats due.
Repeats Due Report
The Repeats Due Report produces a list of patients that have repeats due before a certain date. To access this :
Main Menu > Reports > Script Reports > Repeat Reports > Repeats Due Report
Or type Repeats Due into the search bar on the Homepage
An options box will display. Default date is within the next 7 days, you can extend this out if you wish. Select any options you require and click OK. The report will produce a list of patients that have repeats due in the next 7 days. You can then remove any scripts from the list by highlighting the script and clicking Remove Script From List. Once your list is ready you can then send text messages to your patients reminding them that they have repeats due. Click Sent Text Message to take you to the Text Message screen.
If you have a template prepared, select the template from the dropdown box. Ensure that you also tick Create repeat basket on Y. To send the messages – you can choose to preview messages first if you wish.
When the customer replies with a Y or Yes a dispensing basket will be created and show in your Waiting RX’s tab in the main dispensary screen. When this occurs the RX’s Waiting tab will highlight to yellow to show that there are dispensing requests in the queue.
Click on the highlighted tab to view the waiting scripts.
Double click on one of the scripts for the patient. You will be taken to the Patient’s Repeat tab. Click Dispense basket and the standard dispensing screen will open for each of the items in the Dispensing basket for that patient.
RxOne automatically creates a backup of data on a daily, fortnightly and monthly basis. These will be saved to your main drive (Generally the “C”drive), and will be copied to Client computers. We recommend that you set up a regular program to ensure backups are happening correctly. You should use a flash drive for backups, you can set this up in Backup Options.
Main Menu > Tools > Backup RxOne
RxOne does three types of backups:
On a monthly basis this does a backup of all forms, files and data
Every 14 days RxOne will do a complete backup of data
The daily backup will backup changes to data from the last fortnightly backup
There are 3rd party providers who will download your latest backups on a daily basis and store it offsite – this gives extra protection in case of fire or physical damage to hardware. KeepItSafe is one of these providers. Contact RxOne if you would like this installed.
Performing Daily Backup
Go to Backup RxOne
Main Menu > Tools > Backup RxOne
Select the backup you wish to do (Daily / Fortnightly / Monthly) and the destination drive. Click Backup. While the backup is occurring you can continue to use other computers, however any transactions completed while the backup is running will not be included in that backup. If you are not using an offsite automated backup we recommend you run the daily backup to a flash drive and remove the drive from the premises. This will give you added security.
Sending Backup to RxOne
On some occasions you may be asked to send a backup to RxOne so that we can diagnose problems. Simply go into the Backup screen and click send Backup to RxOne. This will send the last completed backup to HealthSoft to help diagnose any problems.
Stock Take
Completing regular stock takes is an essential part of inventory control. Accurate stock recording ensures that your order system runs accurately and prevents stock shortages and over-purchasing of medicines. We recommend that dispensary staff aim to count 50 stock items per day to ensure accurate stock levels. This will also save you from having to do a complete stock count at the end of the financial year.
Open the Stocktake window
Main Menu > Tools > Utilities > Stock Utilities > Rolling Stocktake
Click New and select options in the Rolling Stocktake window. You can choose to count all stock or you can filter by Product Group, Supplier, Class and Location. In this example we will be using a rolling dispensary stocktake.
Select the type of stocktake – Dispensary or Shop
Select your filtering options: Supplier, Product Group, Product Class or Stock Location
Choose whether you want to count all stock, active stock or inactive stock
Select the number of products per page. This is the number of stock cards you will be counting at a time
Select whether you want the list sorted by Generic or Tradename 6. Select a starting point. The default is End of Last stocktake – meaning that your Rolling Stocktake will just continue from where you left off
The example in this manual assumes we are doing a rolling stocktake for dispensary and counting all stock.
Click OK to start the stock count.
The ‘Editing Rolling Stocktake’ screen will show.
There are two ways to complete the stocktake at this point. Either you can print a stocktake sheet and count, or you can enter the figures directly into the stocktake window.
To start your stocktake, click Print to print a stocktake sheet. Physically count your stock and once a sheet is completed, enter it into the Stockcount window.
Click on the first row in the Act SOH(Units or Pack) row. Type in the number of units or packs depending on how you have counted. Once you have entered all details click Save All SOH & Clear Stocktake. RxOne will update your stock on hand for the stockcards.
[Reviewed: 24th August 2022]