Point of Sale User Guide

Point of Sale User Guide


RxOne Point of Sale allows you to fully integrate with your dispensary system. This means that the database that stores information about your stock cards, customers and suppliers is the same. In this User Guide we will introduce you to the main components of the Point of Sale system:

  • Point of Sale

  • Customers

  • Clubs

  • Supplier

  • Stock

As this User Guide is designed for all pharmacies, we have excluded information specific to different buying or franchise groups.

RxOne Updates

In 2019 we embarked on an ambitious project to update the look and feel of RxOne. This included the introduction of the Home Screen and then updating reports and the various modules into a more modern system. This project continues and every month there are updates to the functionality and the appearance of various modules and reports. You will be able to tell the difference between the updated reports and the older reports through their appearance. The new reports display with a light blue background and the options look similar. New reports open within the home screen. The older reports open in a new window.

Home Screen

The RxOne Home Screen is the starting point for all functions within the system. From this screen you can access Point Of Sale, Dispensary, other modules and all reports within RxOne.

The Home Screen is divided into 4 main areas.

  1. Access to Main Menu, messaging, home screen, dashboard, scheduler, search function, additional options and help files.

  2. The body of the page displays commonly used RxOne modules. The default tiles displayed are Dispensary, Sales, Orders and Stock Cards. Other tiles will display depending on your usage. For example, if you use the Stocklist and Value report a lot, the tile for that report will display on the Home Screen

  3. Any Alerts and notices will display in this section. On the most part these are used by our technical support staff to diagnose any problems

  4. From time-to-time RxOne will send notices regarding updates to the system, drug changes or other technical support. These messages will display in this section.

Navigating the Home Screen

Main Menu

The Main Menu option at the top of the screen gives you access to all the reports and modules within RxOne. They are divided into sub-menus to make navigation easier. Our User Guides and help files will show how to navigate through these menus using this format:

Main Menu > Tools > Utilities > Stock Utilities

This means click on Main Menu, then tools, then utilities then Stock Utilities

RxOne Messages

RxOne Messages displays any text messages that have come in, including responses from patients


Displays the Home Screen and tiles in the main section of the screen


Displays Performance indicators where you can view today’s performance or the last 30 days performance.


Displays the calendar module.

Search Bar

You can use the search bar to look for any report or module within RxOne. If, for example, you know the name of a report you can type the name of the report and the search facility will display a list of similar reports.


The main section of the screen displays the tiles most used by individual users. Clicking on a tile will open that module or report.


RxOne will publish notices regarding updates, drug changes and other important information to the Notices section at the bottom of the Home Screen. We recommend that someone checks these notices daily.

Point of Sale – Sales Screen

Click the Sales button on Home Screen to access Sales

The left hand side of the screen shows the quick options.

  • New Sale – will start a new sale. You can also access this by pressing enter, or using Alt+N. Touch screen users can tap the button.

  • Print Receipt – will print a duplicate receipt for the highlighted sale

  • Account Payment – enters the payment screen for accounts

  • Quote Price / Stock Details – will display summary information about a stock card’s pricing

  • Edit Person Details – allows you to edit information about a customer or create a new customer

  • Stock Cards – will display the Stock Cards window

  • Receive Script – is used for receiving in scripts

  • View Latest Newsletter – will display the latest Newsletter from RxOne

  • Exit – closes down POS

To start we will concentrate on entering sales and later in the User Guide we will look at the other options and menu items that are available.

New Sale

When you enter the Sales screen the Salesperson input area will be highlighted Yellow. Enter in your staff code or scan your staff security card to start a sale.

Stock item will now be highlighted. If you wish to record the sale against a customer (for example if you have a club system) then you can search for the customer using the following methods:

Click into the Customer/Account input area <Alt+C> and search for the customer using their name or phone number. If you are searching using the person’s name then it is usually sufficient to use the first few letters of their surname and the first few letters of their first name. “smit, joh” will produce a list of all people with the surname beginning with smit and a first name beginning with joh.

With the Stock item field highlighted you can search for stock by scanning the barcode, scanning the PLU on a price sticker or by typing in the name of the item for sale. Using the up and down arrows on your keyboard, you can move up and highlight the Qty field if you need to adjust the number of items, and you can also adjust the price.

Your pharmacy may have rules around adjusting the price of an item. Check with your manager before doing price adjustments.

If the customer is also collecting a prescription you can scan the Receipt or Bag Label barcode and this will add all prescription items contained within the bag / basket to the sale.

Finishing the Sale

Use the Plus (+) to take you to the Finish Sale section. Use the Up/Down arrow keys to highlight the type of payment.

Cash Sale

Enter the amount tendered, press enter and RxOne will display the change to be given.


Highlight the EFTPOS field and press enter (you can go straight to EFTPOS by pressing F11). The EFTPOS system will take over and finalise the sale. If the customer wants to withdraw cash as part of the transaction, enter the cash amount as negative (-$50 for example) and down arrow to EFTPOS.

Other payment types work in a similar fashion.

Account Sales

To charge a sale to a customer account, press F7 and RxOne will prompt you to enter the account details.

There is currently no facility to have a partial cash / partial account sale. If a person wishes to do this, you will need to charge the full sale to an account and then go into account payments and put the cash / EFTPOS amount to that. The advantage of this is that the payment will then go towards the account holder’s oldest balance.

Options within a Sale

At the top of the Sale Screen there are several menu items which give you various options during the sale. There are many options that users won’t need during normal operations, however they are available to make some operations easier to access.


  • Abandon Sale – exits the sale without recording a transaction (Pressing Esc will also do this). This will be recorded on the Discounted/abandoned Sales report.

  • Sale on Hold – puts the sale on Hold

  • Add Note – allows you to add a note to the sale

  • Print Customer Loyalty Card – print a loyalty card for the customer


  • Add Unknown Item (F4) – for selling items that are not available on Stock Cards, allows you to type a description of the item

  • Add Barcode to Shop Item – for items where the barcode is not recorded in the Stock Card. User Guidely look up the item, and then use this option to scan the barcode against it.

  • Dispensary Items on this Sale – will be ticked if there are dispensary items recorded on the sale

  • Delete Item (Delete) – will delete the highlighted item

  • Add Outstanding Scripts (Ctrl+A) – will add any scripts recorded against the person’s name. This is a useful way to check whether there may be more scripts on the shelf

  • Add / Modify Person Details -edit the person’s details

  • Add / Modify Account Details – edit the person’s account details

  • Add to Club – add the person to a club

  • Edit Stock Location / Sale Type

  • Add to Next Generated Order

  • Open New Consulting Form for Person


Enter Value for Unusual Payment Value Prompt (Global)


  • View Other Branches SOH

  • Hide Numeric Pad

  • Show Vouchers on Sale

Price Change

  • Discount

  • Variable Discount

  • Items at LIST Cost + GST

  • Items at Real Cost + GST

  • Items at Retail Excluding GST

  • UFS Discount

  • Change Price on Stock Card

Total Sale

  • Cash


  • Cheque

  • Credit Card

  • Account

  • Send to Online Provider

Hints to make the Sale Screen more efficient

  • Where possible train staff to use the keyboard rather than a mouse. Shortcut keys are faster than using other pointing devices

  • Use customer phone numbers to lookup loyalty programs. Numbers are easier to hear than letters or words. Ensure that customer phone numbers in the customer details screens are entered consistently

  • RxOne allows you to send receipts via email, this is faster than printing and has the bonus of saving money on till rolls. Where possible collect customer email addresses and enable ‘Email Receipts’


Returns and Crediting Sales

If a customer returns an item, for whatever reason, or you need to ‘cancel’ a completed sale you should follow these steps.


Start a new sale (Alt+N), enter your login into the Salesperson text field and if required enter the customer details as if you were completing a normal sale.

Enter the PLU or scan the barcode of the item to be returned, and change the quantity to ‘-1’.


An information window will open, listing previous sales of the item and the customer’s name.



You can either enter the Invoice Number from the customer’s receipt, or click on the relevant sale. Click OK. This action will record the return against the correct customer. The Sale screen will show again. Finish the sale and provide the refund or a credit note to the customer.

A dialogue box will show. Answer Yes if the product is faulty, this will create the credit sale but will not update stock on hand. If you answer No, RxOne will update Stock on hand to reflect the return of the item to stock.

Sales Screen Basics

The sales screen shows a list of transactions. By default, this list will be “Today’s” transactions but you can choose to view other days’ transactions as well. When the Sales Screen loads the New Sale button will be highlighted Yellow, this means that if you press Enter then a new sale will begin. Pressing the Tab key will scroll down the list of options on the left hand side. If a button is highlighted Yellow then pressing Enter will activate that feature.

Printing or Emailing a Duplicate Receipt

To print a duplicate receipt, double click on the transaction, or highlight the transaction and click Print Receipt button (Ctrl+R). To email a receipt to a customer, highlight the transaction and press Ctrl+E (or File > Email Receipt)

Account Payments

Click Account Payment <Alt+A> to pay customer accounts.

Enter your login under Sales Person and search for the customer, using their name or customer number.

The Customer’s name and address will be displayed and the balance of their account. Enter in their payment using the options on the right of the screen. You can also enter any message you would like displayed on the statement with the payment. Click OK (Alt+O) to finish the payment.

Point of Sale Options

Under the Options menu there are many options to customise the functionality of your Point of Sale system. Most of these are self-explanatory.

Receipt Options gives you various options on what to print on your receipts, how many receipts to print and disabling of receipts altogether.

Point of Sale Customers

Within RxOne we talk about customers or patients when referring to the people who use a pharmacy’s services. Generally in Point of Sale we refer to people as customers, and patients are people who have medicines dispensed and other medical services.

When a Patient file is created in dispensary, that person is also automatically given a customer profile to allow us to sell goods to them and to record when they collect their scripts.

Editing a Customer (Edit Person Details)

Click on Edit Person Details to see the customer profile of a person. You will need to search for the person using their name or phone number.


Enter the person’s details. Many fields are optional, however it is important to have a record of the person’s phone or mobile number. If the person is also a patient then many of the details will automatically come across from the dispensary side. Getting an email address will increase Point of Sale efficiency. You can also add the person to any clubs you may have.

From within this screen, you can also view Account Details, Club History and All Sales History. There is also the option to Delete and Merge a customer with another customer (if you have duplicate records).

Receipt Options for Point of Sale

In many cases your receipt printer will be attached to your till drawer. If your printer is not working, generally because there is no paper, the till drawer will not open. Print options for your Point of Sale system are found under options in the main point of sale screen.

Point of Sale > Options > Receipt Options

In the first part of the options, select whether you want to print zero, one or two receipts on completion of a sale. If you choose Zero receipts, you will still be able to print a copy using the Print Receipt option in Point of Sale. If you select Zero receipts, you may find that EFTPOS receipts will still print, this is setup by your EFTPOS provider and you will need to contact them to disable these receipts.

Selecting Print One or Print Two receipts will automatically print that number of receipts on completion of a sale.

The second part of the options give you choices as to what you want printed onto the receipt, including delivery information, account information and script information.

Email Receipts

RxOne enables you to email receipts to your customers on completion of a sale. This is setup through the person’s Customer Details screen, outlined above.

End of Day Reporting

At the end of a sales day, it is important to balance your cash takings for the day for each Point of Sale till. This is achieved using the End Of Day report from the main Point of Sale screen.

Point of Sale > Reports > End of Day

The End Of Day Report lists previous EOD’s. To process the End Of Day for a day’s sales click End Of Day.

You can either run the End of Day for the entire shop, or for a selected till. The default will be Selected Till and RxOne will automatically detect which till you’re on. Click OK.

The End Of Day report will total all sales on the selected till from the time that the last End Of Day was run.

For example:

If you ran End of Day on 1 September at 3pm, then the End of Day on 2 September will include all sales after 3pm up until the time you run the End of Day report.


It is best to Close Off a selected Till. If you choose to Close off Whole Shop the End Of Day report will retrieve all transactions from all computers. There is a chance that there are transactions sitting in other computers. This will create a situation where your End Of Day will include transactions that may have been made on other computers. If you wish to use this option, it is best to run individual End of Days on all machines first to clear all those transactions.

EOD Sections Explained

End of Day Transaction Period

This section shows the date and time of the first sale through to the last sale recorded for this EOD.

Payments Received

This gives a breakdown of the payments received for the period. Use this to process your cash down.

Reporting Group

Gives a breakdown of Script vs Non-Script payments.


Shows a basic graph of the times transactions have happened.

Staff Name

Shows a breakdown of sales by staff member.

Other Details Tab

This Tab shows further breakdown of sales, for example Account Payments and Credit Card transactions.

End Of Day Options

From the End of Day reports screen, select Options to choose extra details you want to see on your end of day report. This allows you to break down the summaries into finer details if you wish.

End of Day – Balancing Cash

The End of Day report is the most reliable way to balance your till’s cash daily and is essential to maintaining good cash security. Each store will their own process for cash downs. But the basic steps follow:

  • Count out the value of the till’s float

  • Remove the remaining cash and count this

  • Check against the End Of Day report to check whether it balances

  • Record any overs / unders

Stock Cards

Home Screen > Main Menu > Stock Cards

Stock cards contain a lot of information about individual stock items. For the purposes of this User Guide we will be looking at 2 tabs: Stock Information and Additional Information.

The first section of the Stock card contains base information.

  • Product Name – this is generally filled from Supplier Price Lists

  • PLU – the code used to look the product up in the database. This can also be the pharmacode

  • Product Group – this is the type of product (for example is it for Sleep / Anti-Inflammatory / Pain Relief)

  • The class of Product – this should be the main type of product.

  • Club – if the product belongs in a club

  • Points – what points will be applied to club sales of the product.

  • POS message – a message to be displayed when the item is scanned for sale

  • Cold Chain Item – select this if the item has to be stored in a fridge

  • Stock Type – this indicates whether the item is POS (Point of Sale) or DISP (Dispensary)

In this section you can view Barcode information, supplier information and previous sales.


To add a barcode to the product, right click in the barcode box and click Add Barcode. Then scan the barcode from the product.

Supplier Information

Double click on a supplier that you want to view.

In this you can view the supplier specific information.

  • Partcode – this is the code that the supplier has given to this product. It is used when ordering from the supplier.

  • Last Buy / Real Cost – this is the price the pharmacy paid when they last ordered the product from the supplier

  • List Cost – this is the cost price according to the supplier’s price list. Markup is applied to this cost, rather than Real Cost, to get retail pricing.

  • Recommended Retail Price – if the supplier has an RRP then this will be displayed at this point

  • (Use Main Stock Card Settings) – this drop-down box gives you options for ordering.

    • Use Main Stock Card Settings will ensure ordering in outers / packs is the same as whatever is set on Main Stock Card

  • The Supplier is the Manufacturer – set this if the supplier is also the manufacturer of the product

  • Preferred Ordering Supplier – if you want this supplier to show as preferred when preparing orders then tick this

  • Inactive – means the supplier is no longer an active supplier of the product

  • Supplier Note – this will show any notes from the supplier about the product

  • Last Order Calculation – will show the calculation RxOne completed to determine the last order. This can be used for troubleshooting when you think something should have been ordered

Options Section

Print Price Stickers / Print Shelf Labels / Price on Label

This determines whether the item will have individual price stickers or a shelf label, and whether or not a price will print on the label.

Don’t Update SOH

Selecting this option will prevent SOH from being updated when the item is sold. This could be used for providing services

No Loyalty Card Points

Will prevent loyalty card points from accumulating when the item is sold

POS Lookup

This must be ticked if you are selling the item through the POS system

Deleted Card

If a card has been deleted in the past, this will display as ticked.

Max Discount

Allows you to set a maximum discount on an item.


Tick this if the item is to be re-ordered. If you have ordered something in as a ‘one off’ then untick this.

Restricted Med

If the item is Restricted or Pharmacist only then selecting this option will flag it at Point of Sale so that the pharmacist can record the sale and only a pharmacist login can sell the item. A customer’s Restricted medicine’s purchases will show in their Dispensary history screen and on the Sale screen when you bring up their details.


Ticking this on a stock item will act in much the same way as the Restricted Medicine option, and allow users to view a customer’s past history within the Point of Sale screen.

Ordering Information

The default setting for ordering is to order in Outers or Packs. When calculating for orders, RxOne will work out whether to order an outer or individual packs. You can set it to order Outers only, this is for companies that only supply in multiples. An example of this is cosmetic companies who only supply in lots of 3. Effectively, in these cases, an outer is 3 packs. The third option is to order in Breakable packs. This is for cases where an item is sold in a large pack that is broken and items sold individually.

The section on Ordering has more information about orders and the RxOne ordering system.

Stock Cards Additional Information Tab

The Additional Information tab will display information about previous orders and deliveries and the last 18 Months of sales transactions. Double clicking on a sale will take you to the Sales Transaction report for this item.


Essential Point of Sale Reports

This is a quick overview of some of the more commonly used reports for point of sale.

Staff and Sales Report

This report allows you to view a quick summary of sales information for a given period.

Point of Sale Main Window > Reports > Staff and Sales


Open the Staff and Sales report to view the options for your report. You can filter by the options on the left of the report and the date period. You can then choose whether to include scripts in the sales report, to select by product name and whether or not to show Cost.

The screenshot below shows a report for one day and the Report Type is Date. As can be seen, the report gives the details for individual staff members, and a total for the day.

Different types of reports will give you a variety of views of your sales.


Ordering Philosophy

RxOne’s ordering algorithms are designed to look after the interests of the pharmacy. They look for the ideal order quantity for the pharmacy and not wholesalers. To achieve this the program takes into account the following:

  • Current sales levels

  • Sales pattern trends

  • Changes in seasons, including surge seasons

  • Cost of capital

  • Cost of stock holding

  • Risk of obsolescence

  • Loss of goodwill due to items being out of stock

  • Cash flow and liquidity requirements

The formulae used have been refined through our experience in many pharmacies over many years. Experience in those sites shows that by following the suggested order quantities of RxOne will be around 25% better than that achieved by human buyers and 15% better than ordering systems that use a maximum / minimum stock level base.

Re-order point

This is not fixed but is continuously recalculated by RxOne. This is the minimum level of stock required to ensure you do not run out through delivery lead times plus a small amount of safety stock to ensure that you do not have ‘out of stocks’. Towards the end of the month it will allow for lower stock on hand to squeeze through to the next ordering period. RxOne will not discontinue an item, but will reduce an item SoH to one item if it is a slow seller. To prevent an item from being re-ordered you will need to untick ReOrder on the stock card.

Re-order quantity

Orders can be created for "General wholesaler" or "Direct supplier".

'General' orders buy enough to last almost until the 'End of the Billing Period', (which defaults to the last day of the month, though this can be user specified), but ONLY on those items which have reached the point where more is needed right now. This type of order should always be used for general wholesalers from whom orders will normally be placed every day or so.

'Direct' orders ask the period to order for. This should be the time until the next order, usually four weeks. This type of order is used for direct suppliers who are ordered from every few weeks, or every month or every few months. An efficient method is to tell the computer to bring the SoH up to 5 weeks stock at the start of each month regardless of the cycle of the representative's visits. If the stock is held lower than the user likes, increase the specified period to 5.5 or 6 weeks. Or reduce to 4.5 or 4.2 weeks etc. (but be careful with reducing it below 5 weeks as this risks many items being out of stock). 'Direct orders' should never be used for suppliers from which the pharmacy buys every few days, as this seriously disrupts the orders... use 'General Wholesaler Orders' for those.


Once the order period is known, the computer will make up a suggested order to run out at the time shown. A small amount of buffer stock is added to appropriate items.

Ensuring correct stock levels is vital for the profitability of your business. To this end RxOne has designed an ordering system that ensures your stock levels are kept at an optimum level to prevent out of stock issues, or excessive stock. Some things to consider when setting up your ordering system:

Time spent by staff processing orders

If you are ordering too often then your staff will spend more time receiving and processing incoming orders, where they could be completing other tasks around the store. If you are ordering more, less often this will increase staff efficiency.

Appropriate stock levels

If your stock levels are too high, then this could impact on cash flow. Many business experts recommend maintaining levels so that you have around 6 weeks of stock. If your stock levels are too low, you could have times when you are out of stock of high sales items. This negatively impacts your customers and may see them trying to get the items at other stores.

You can adjust the liquidity setting from:

Orders > Settings > Order Settings > Choose Liquidity.

Timing of Orders

Try to time your orders with the billing cycles of your suppliers so that you get the maximum amount of cashflow before having to pay for your orders. Some suppliers allow you to order on the 20th of the month, for payment 8 weeks later. If you are ordering 6 weeks supply, then you will have moved through the bulk of that stock before payment is required.

More detailed information on RxOne’s Ordering Philosophy can be found in InstantHelp in RxOne.

Home Screen > Help > RxOne Help

Processing Orders

Home Screen > Orders

The main order screen will open, showing previous orders that haven’t completed processing yet. Previous orders are listed with their order number generated by RxOne, the supplier, the date and time of the order, the staff member who produced the order and the order status.

Order status can be one of the following:

  • New – the order has been generated but has not been sent to the supplier, at this stage you can still open the order and edit it.

  • Ordered – the order has been sent through to the supplier

  • Acknowledged – the order has been received and acknowledged by the supplier.


Create an Order

Click Create Order to start the ordering process. The Order window will display.

Select Order Options

Use the drop-down box to select the supplier you wish to order from.

Use the Product Group and Class to select the categories of products you wish to order from that supplier.

Select the Stock Type – either POS or DISP. In this case we are ordering for Point of Sale.


Select Order Type

General Wholesaler Order – this will calculate the amount of stock required to get to the end of the month. If there are items that have been marked as ‘add to the next order’ on the supplier’s price file they will be automatically added to the order. We recommend using this for all your regular wholesaler orders.

Direct Order – generally used if ordering direct from a direct supplier. Set how many weeks stock RxOne should calculate. If there are items that have been marked as ‘add to the next order’ on the supplier’s price file they will be automatically added to the order.


Blank Order – this can be used if you have ordered from a supplier and need to enter the order in after that. This could be for entering in orders done through sales reps. You can choose to have items that have been marked as “Add to the next order” included in the blank order.


All Stock in Pharmacy with SoH more than Zero


Order from this Special – use this if you want to ensure that you are ordering all items on a special (for example if your buying group is running a special, that has been loaded into RxOne). Select the correct special from the drop-down list.


Re-Order Sold Items

Select this if you only wish to order items that have been sold since a set date or from the last time you ran an order with this supplier.


Credit Order – this is to create a credit order where you are returning items to a supplier.



Use these options if you are transferring stock in or out of your pharmacy.

Order Options

Add Answerback / Out of Stock Items – this will automatically add items from previous answerbacks that were out of stock.

Add ‘In Robot’ Items Only – will only order items that are stored in a robot (Dispensary)

Add Items Created After – if you only want to order new stock, or stock created in RxOne after a set date.

Order Steps

Click OK on the Create Order screen. If you have selected ‘Add Answerback’ the following screen will show

Select which answerbacks you want to include and click OK. This will automatically select items from the answerback which are available from the supplier you are ordering from. RxOne will then run calculations to determine the optimum order for that supplier.

Order Screen

Main Window – lists all the items in the order. It shows the name, suggested order quantity, stock on hand in packs, the pack size, the size of an outer, the list cost (from the supplier price file), the markup, real cost (from the last order), the current retail and the subtotal for that line.

Sales History Graph – this shows the sales of the highlighted item for the previous 12 months.

Item Information and Notes – shows information about other suppliers and provides list costs and last buy costs from those suppliers.

Control Buttons

Navigating the Order Screen

You can use your keyboard or the mouse to move around the order screen.

Use the up/down arrow keys to move through the list of items

The right arrow key will highlight the Qty Ord field so that you can edit the quantity to be ordered

<Enter> This will open the edit item window so that you can see more details, such as order history and prices

<Insert> If you need to insert an item, press the insert key and enter the items PLU, Partcode or Barcode. You can also search for an item using the name.

<Ctrl+S> Edit the item Stockcard

<Ctrl+D> Defer the item to next month’s order

<Delete> Deletes the item from the order and opens the Delete item window.

<Alt+T> Transmit the order – when you are ready you can send the order to your supplier, if they are set up for online or email ordering

<Alt+V> Save the order for editing later.

Ordering Steps

  1. Create the order, RxOne will calculate the items to be ordered based on over 20 algorithms to account for sales history, the period needed and stock on hand.

  2. Edit the order and check quantities

  3. Transmit the order

Once you have transmitted the order it will show on the main orders screen as Ordered. If the supplier uses an answerback system, RxOne will receive a response and change the order to Acknowledged. If the supplier does not have an answerback system, you will need to complete the Acknowledged step User Guidely. This is covered in the Receiving Orders section.

Splitting Orders

If you wish you can split an order to other suppliers. This can be done when you have preferred suppliers or if other suppliers may show cheaper list costs. To do this press <Alt+S> or click Split Preferred.

The Remove Preferred Supplier window will open. Select either “Split All items to the supplier with the Best Price” or “Split items to the supplier(s) marked as preferred”. Then choose the suppliers you want to split to. This will create new orders for each of the suppliers chosen and will remove the items from the current order. You can then edit the orders for other suppliers once you have finished with the current order.

Merging Orders

If you have two NEW orders for the same supplier sitting in the orders screen you can merge them to send one order.

Click on the first order and then, while holding the Ctrl key, click on the second order. This will highlight both orders. Then click on Merge Order <Alt+M>. The edit order screen will open to allow you to edit the items in the order.

Receiving Orders

When an order is acknowledged, either electronically or User Guidely, RxOne creates an Invoice for the items on the order. With automatic answerbacks this will show which items have been supplied and which have been put on backorder or not supplied. For suppliers who don’t provide an answerback, follow the steps outlined next.

Receiving orders – No Answerback

Once you have received confirmation of an order, generally by receiving an invoice from your supplier, change the order status to Acknowledged by clicking ‘Change to Acknowledged’. Enter the Invoice number from the supplier. Enter the invoice date. The Invoice Analysis screen will open, displaying the items from the original order.

There are a number of ways to receive in an order. It is up to the pharmacy to choose a system that best works for the staff and general functions of the pharmacy. While you are accepting items in price labels will print automatically if the stock item has Price Label selected. Shelf labels will print if you change the price.

Option 1 – Deliver Complete Order

This option allows you to deliver all items in one go. Once you have checked that everything has been received, and the supplier invoice matches the onscreen RxOne Invoice Analysis you can click Deliver Complete Invoice and all items will be delivered in. This method can save time, but is more prone to errors by staff.

Option 2 – Scan to Deliver

Using this option, you scan individual items and deliver them into the system. For example, you remove an item from the delivery box, check it against the supplier invoice and then scan it into RxOne.

If needed make any adjustments to the real cost, and retail price of the item. Ensure the quantity to deliver is correct and click OK. If you have received less stock than ordered, a prompt will ask whether you want to put the balance on backorder. This will depend on your arrangements with the supplier. If they have said it will arrive at a later date click Yes and a new order will be created with the backorders. RxOne will also create a comment next to that item which will be shown on the Stock Card.

Option 3 – Deliver Selected Item

Similar to scanning. Select the item and check that the details and the quantity are correct. Click Deliver Selected Item and it will receive the stock in.

Once you have delivered all items the Creditors Screen will open. Ensure the details are correct and click Save to save the details to the creditors file. If you have Xero integration this will create a bill in Xero.

It is important that you ensure the Invoice Number, Real Cost and Date of Invoice match the details from your supplier invoice, especially if you are using Xero Integration.


At this point all the stock from your order will have been delivered into RxOne and the stock on hand adjusted for the received items.

Receiving Orders – Answerback

If your supplier provides an answerback service then adjustments to cost and quantities of items will have been made automatically. In this case, once you have checked all items against the supplier invoice you can click Deliver Complete Order. The rest of the steps remain the same.

Reconciling Order Invoices with Invoices Received from Suppliers

If you are using Xero integration, RxOne will send the RxOne generated invoices to Xero. This is an additional module to the standard RxOne installation.

User Guide Reconciliation – Creditors Report

You can use the Creditors report to User Guidely compare your stock deliveries to what you have been invoiced for the month. This is an important step as it allows you to compare what you have received vs what you have been charged.

Run the Creditors Report

Orders Screen > Creditors Report > Edit / View / Report on Creditors Report

Select the date range you wish to report on. If you choose ‘All Creditors File’ then RxOne will load the entire contents of this file which could lead to slower performance when generating the report.

You can then filter by supplier, stock card or type of order.

Click Load Creditors File <F5> to generate the report











The creditors report displays a list of the invoices delivered through RxOne. You can re-order the columns by left clicking on a column name and holding the mouse button while dragging the column to its new position. You can also sort the data by clicking on the column header. For example clicking on “Invoice Number” will sort the data in the order of the Invoice numbers.

You can then print this list to compare against the invoices received from your suppliers.

Supplier Updates

Many suppliers provide RxOne with their price list files. This information is available to you so that you can update prices and add or remove stock items using the Supplier Update module. If a supplier is not available in the price file, you can request that they send their details to RxOne.

Main Menu > Tools > Supplier Update

RxOne will display a list of suppliers, divided into four tabs: Direct Suppliers; Wholesalers; Buying Groups; Old Direct Suppliers.

Each tab shows when the supplier file was last updated in your system, the date of the latest price file sent to RxOne, the name of the supplier and their code.

Double click on the supplier you wish to update and click OK.

In the top panel:

select the Price File Supplier and match it to the Supplier in your system. Select whether you want to mark the supplier as the Preferred Supplier.

In the second panel NEW ITEM OPTIONS:

These options define the rules for stock cards that are not in your system yet. Set your preferred markup percentage for new products and an optional prefix.

In the lower panel CHANGED ITEM OPTIONS

Select the options you want to update.

Update List Cost and Retail – the list cost will be updated from the price file and the retail will be adjusted based on markup.

Update List Cost Only – will not change the retail price, so will reflect a lower or higher markup

Select the other options based on your preferences and click OK




You will see four tabs on the next screen

  • Changed Items – a list of items that are already in your stock cards but have changes on the suppliers’ price file.

  • New Items – items that are in the supplier price file but not in your stock cards

  • Previous Month Information – a view of the previous months’ changes

  • Discontinued Cards – stock items that are no longer supplied by that supplier

New Items

You can select the items you wish to add or add all items from a supplier file. To select multiple items drag the mouse, or use <Ctrl+Click>.

To ‘drag’ the mouse, click on the top item you wish to select and then while holding the mouse button down, drag down the list to the last item you wish to select. To select multiple items using <Ctrl+Click>, hold the Ctrl key down and select the items by clicking on them.

Click Bulk Edit. Set Product Class, Product Group and Club. You can set other options if you wish but these will over-ride options already set. Click OK. Once you have edited the items you can click Accept to create stock cards for the selected items or click Accept All to create stock cards for all items on the list.

Changed Items

The first tab displays a list of items that have changed. That is there are differences between the information on your stock card vs the information provided on the price file from the supplier. You can go through the list looking at individual changes or Accept All to change all the items in your stock cards. Remember to check your update options, if you want the retail prices updated with List cost changes make sure to tick that option. RxOne will automatically print shelf labels or price stickers for all price updates.

Discontinued Cards

When a supplier has removed a product from their supplier price file, it will show in the Discontinued Cards tab. You can either edit all items or selected items.

  • Remove Supplier from Card – use this option when you want the Stock Card to remain active but don’t want this supplier attached.

  • Mark Stock Card as Don’t Reorder – this leaves the supplier attached to the card but sets the stock card to Don’t Reorder

  • Mark Stock Card as don’t reorder and add Discontinued Supplier – will show the supplier as discontinued.



RxOne’s Specials module is a powerful tool that allows you to set up a variety of specials and sale items. You can set up special items to run for a certain amount of time, or to run until an item has sold out.

Main Menu > Specials or type Specials into the search box on the Home Screen

Select which specials you want to view. All Specials will load all specials that have occurred, are currently active or are set for a future date. Active Specials will only load specials that are currently running, Active and Future Specials will display currently running specials and specials that are going to start in the future. Starting Between allows you to select a date range.

Once you have selected your option, click OK.


A window will open displaying the specials based on the criteria you selected in the previous options. Click Add Special to set up a new special.

Promotion Name: Give your promotion a name, such as “Summer 2022”

Every Day Special: Selecting this will let sales accumulate club points and will not print Special on the label

Show Real Cost: This will show the real cost, or the last cost, paid for the product

No Further Discount: This option will prevent further discounts on Special items in Point of Sale.


You can then set the duration of the special, such as the start date and finish date, or select Max Quantity which will allow you to set the number of items to be sold on special.


The next step is to Add Products to your promotion. You can achieve this by either scanning products in or searching for products to add.

Add Product – User Guidely add stock items to the Special

Click ‘Add Product’ to bring up the Select Stock Cards options.

You can then select to filter by supplier, product group and class or the club that products are in. You can also add by Tradename.

In this example we are going to be doing a special on Go Healthy products so we select a supplier, and type in a wildcard Trade Name search.





A list of all the products contained within Go Healthy’s supplier file will show if the tradename starts with ‘Go’.

Select the products you wish to put on special, or tick all if you want all the products to be on special. Then click OK.






Scan Product – scan the individual items into the Special

Select scan product if you have items that you want to add individually into the promotion.

Setting up the promotional prices

Once you have all the items you wish to include in the promotion you can start setting up the individual price options for the promotion. The RxOne specials module contains many options for special items, it is important to have a clear idea of the specials you are planning.

Individual Price

To set an individual price for a product, double click on the product to display the Special Options.

Select the following options:

  • When this item is bought

  • The current item or items

  • At Retail Price $xx.xx

Click OK.

Note that on the list, the description for this item now says “Special Price of $20.00”


Group Items

If there are a number of items that will be selling at the same price then select the items for that price.

Click Group\Ungroup. Your new group will move to the bottom of the list and remain highlighted. Click Bulk Edit to open the Edit Special options.

Select the following options:

  • When this item is bought

  • The Current Item or Items

  • At Retail price $xx.xx

Click OK. Note all items in that group now show “Special Price of $15.00” in the description.



Detailed information for loading the various types of specials can be found in our help files.


Regular stock-taking will help with orders, and accuracy of reports. RxOne recommends counting 50 items in your retail side per day as part of a regular rolling stocktake. RxOne has a number of ways that this can be achieved.

Rolling Stocktake

Main Menu > Tools > Utilities > Stock Utilities > Rolling Stocktake

In the stocktake settings window, click ‘New’ to enter the Rolling stocktake.

Select the following options to start, or continue a rolling stocktake for Shop items.

  • Shop Stock only

  • Include All Stock

  • Stocktake by Tradename

  • Starting point – End of Last Stocktake

You may wish to filter using other options such as Supplier / Group / Class if you need to do an urgent stocktake on a particular area but you run the risk of missing items. Continually doing a rolling stocktake will help prevent issues with stock and reduce the need for an end of year stocktake.

Click OK to open the Rolling Stocktake window.

Click Print to print the sheet for stocktake.







Once you have checked the stock levels for each item on the list, return to the Rolling Stock take and double click on the correct stocktake.

The list of items for that stocktake will show in a new window.

To enter in the correct stock on hand, click in the Act SOH(Pks) column for the first item on the list. Enter the number of packs on hand. To continue down the list use the down arrow on you keyboard, Enter the correct SOH for all items on the list. When you have finished, click Save All SOH and Clear Stocktake. This will update the stock on hand and mark that this part of the rolling stocktake is completed.

When it comes time to continue the Rolling Stocktake, repeat the process above. RxOne will keep a note of where you finished on the last stocktake and continue from there.

Missing Stocktake

Main Menu > Reports > Stock Reports > More Stock Reports > Missing Stocktake

You can view stock that hasn’t been counted over a given period by using the Missing Stocktake report. This is useful to ensure that all stock has been counted over that period. You may wish to use this as you approach the end of the financial year.

Open the Missing Stocktakes report, and select your filtering options. The following options are available:

  • Stock Type – POS, Dispensary or All

  • Stock Take Missed Since – sets the date. Only Stock not counted since that date will be listed.

  • Ignore Negative SOH Items

  • Ignore Zero SOH Items

  • Report By:

    • All Products – will list All Products missed after the selected date

    • Product Group – only display products in the selected Group

    • Supplier – only display items for a given supplier

    • Product Subgroup – only display items in a subgroup

We recommend the following:

  • Ignore Zero SOH items

  • Unless you have identified a problem with a supplier or group, report by All Products

  • Run the report at least every 6 months and set the date range for a year.


Once you have chosen your options click OK.

RxOne will produce a list of all missed stocktake items. You can choose to sort the list by any column by clicking on the column heading.

Check your SoH against the list and make any changes. If SoH is correct, then tick the Checked box for that item.

You can enter the SoH using pack sizes:

  • 2p for 2 packs

  • 2p + 2 for 2 packs plus to extra units

You do not need to count all the items on the list. At any time you can click Save Checked SoH and this will update the SoH, update the stock count date and Exit from the list. To continue the stocktake, run the report again and those items will be left off the list.




























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