*** Although these Stockcards may exist in your system already, they would have been created for retail sales only not for the purposes of the Minor Ailment Service. Therefore, a second version may be created in your system (with the same PLU). This is properly set up for the Minor Ailments Service.
Notes: Please ensure the Retail Prices on Minor Aliment Consultation stockcard and the stockcards marked as *** on the above list are set to $0.00
To enable Minor Ailment Service, go into RxOne Options – Disp Switchboard and tick all the C1, C3 and C4 contracts.
When dispensing the claimable product enter the following details into the respective fields:
Rx category - C1, C3 or C4 (Note: do not use these as patient categories)
Doctor - The pharmacist providing the service. Make sure you enter your Registration number in the Prescriber Number and select ‘Pharmacist’ as doctor type.
Drug – Name of product.
Instructions – Instructions for product.
The reimbursement for this service is claimed through two channels