Stock List and Value Report
RxOne Homepage > Search Stock List and Value
When you select this report the Options page will open.
Report Period
Choose the date you would like the report to reflect. Your options are generally the end of month value of stock, or the current stock on hand. Stock values for this report are recorded during the end of month rollover, and it is not possible to adjust them.
To ensure these figures are as correct as possible, try to maintain a rolling stock take program. This will ensure that stock is as accurate as possible. Run the Unusual Card report which will show unusual stock on hand figures. This report will also alert you to other potential problems with stock cards.
SOH Options
Active Stock Only - this will ensure that only stock that is considered active by the system will be included. It will exclude stock with the following attributes: Zero stock on hand that has not been sold or ordered in the last 3 months.
SOH Greater than Zero - by ticking this the report will only show stock on hand that is greater than zero. Note: Selecting this option will exclude stock where there may be a problem. Checking negative SOH is valuable to ensure stock levels are accurate.
Show Negative SOH as Zero - the report will adjust to represent negative SOH as zero. It will not make any changes to the actual SOH on the stock card.
Cost Type to Report On
List Cost - will use the list cost of your supplier to represent the stock value
Real Cost - will use the actual cost paid for the stock items. The real cost is calculated using the last price paid.
Average Cost - this is the average price paid for the stock card. For example, if you have 5 items and 2 of them cost $10 and three cost $12, the Average Cost would be $11.20
Other Filters
Use the other options to filter by Stock Type, Location, Supplier etc.
Once you have selected your options and filters click to run the report.
The Report window is divided into four tabs.
POS by Alphabetical Order
Dispensary by Alphabetical Order
POS by Product Group
Dispensary by Product Group
The top of the report has Print or Export options and the bottom of the window displays summary totals.
Display Options
You can move columns around by clicking and holding the column name and moving it to the position you want. You can also sort by any column by left clicking once on that column name. Clicking it a second time will reverse the order of the sort.
Click Export to show Export options for this report.
You can export the report to a file, email a selected file. You can also open the results in Bulk Stock Edit or export to Orders (as an order, or a transfer)
Export to File
Select To Selected File
Select the reports you want to save. Each will save to its own file
For each report select the columns you wish to include
Click Save to File
The standard windows Save As options will be displayed. Give the file a name and in the Save As Type drop down select a file type to save as.