Orders - Frequently Asked Questions

Orders - Frequently Asked Questions

Sales history graph - On an order, as you click on each item the sales history graph for that item is displayed on the bottom left hand side. Click on the circle function to display 'by units' or 'by packs'.

Adding an item to an invoice

When adding an item to an invoice that is already on the invoice, enter in the total quantity Ordered and Invoiced Qty. Follow the message prompt.

Unknown items

When an invoice is delivered that includes unknown item(s), the real cost of the unknown items is included in the real cost total. It will get saved to the GST file and it will appear as the invoice value on the list of current / delivered invoices. If you reopen a delivered invoice with an unknown item on it, you can still see the unknown item.

Editing Invoice or Order

Keeping manual orders in the original order it was entered. When an order is manually created by inserting items manually, when you close the order by default it will remember the order that it was originally entered in. You can re-sort the order by clicking on the column you want to reorder by and when you close this order and re-open it, it will display the in the order it was sorted last. If you want to revert it back again to the original order, then click on the Sort by button on the top tool bar, then select Sort in the Order it was Originally Entered in

Scan to Check

This in on the 'Edit Invoice' screen.  It works in a similar way to the "Scan to Deliver" button, except the item will not be ‘delivered’ and ‘removed’ from the invoice as it is scanned. Instead the item line will be coloured green to show it’s been checked. There's also a "Checked Lines" counter at the bottom just above the scan to check button. This feature allows you to scan items out of a box and keep all the item lines on the invoice screen and at the end check the e-invoice total with the paper invoice total before delivering the whole order. If the totals don’t match, this will allow you a chance to check through the list as to which line is not matching.

Note: there's an option (which is ticked by default) on the main orders screen called "Settings - Print Price Stickers / Shelf Labels as they're being checked". So as you scan to check, the stickers / shelf labels will print, so that as you finish each box of items you can place the stickers with that box.  You can also change the real cost, list cost, retail etc. from the scan to check screen.

Changing SOH from edit item screen

Under Edit Item screen, if you open the stockcard you can change the Min SOH value.

Note that you can't edit SOO (Stock on Order) or SoH (Stock on Hand) in the quantity screen when editing an item on an order.

Changing part codes

When you are adding an item to an invoice , you can now change the partcode on the 'You are adding an item into invoice' box that comes up. See below.

Create Master Order

Orders > Tools > Create Master Order

Use this function if you want to save an order that you make periodically, e.g. monthly, where the stock ordered is not likely to change.

Empty Order

If an order is empty when you create it, check the number of weeks that you set in the Create Order screen. An order of zero weeks will effectively create a blank order.


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