Lost Order Recovery
Occasionally an order may disappear from your orders screen. To recover the order follow these steps:
In File Explorer go to the LOTS folder in the C drive
Go into Program LOGS → Order Backups folder, sort it by date modified
The Order Backups folder stores files which specify the contents of any given order; each time after it was saved
Scroll down until you find the order. When you click on it you should be able to see a preview (depending on your windows settings this will display as a grid or a comma delimited file)
Ensure the contents of the order backup match the contents of the Lost Order
Note the particular order number and backup file
Right click on the orders screen and select Recover Order
Answer YES to the first prompt
Answer NO - this will create a new order
In the next window, select the Supplier
The File Explorer window will open to the Orders Backups
Double Click on the order backup you wish to recover
The order will show in the orders screen - you can now double click to edit the order