Charging Debtors
To charge scripts on an account:
On the main Dispensing screen, highlight the scripts you want to autocharge Right-click to bring up the a menu and left-click on 'Charge Scripts to Account'.
To Auto-charge scripts to patients
From Dispensary, go into a patient, then Patient Information. At the bottom of the screen is a tick box 'AutoCharge Scripts'. If this is ticked then whenever you finish a script, the charge will be charged to the patient's account automatically. Use with caution.
Printing of ‘Auto-charged’ indicator on receipts and dispensary label
There is an option to print any special character next to the patient cost of each item on the receipt and the label to indicate the script has been auto-charged to the account. To switch this on: on the Main Dispensing screen, go to ‘Options’, ‘Print Options’, and tick ‘Print @ on label Auto Charging Scripts’. You will be given a chance to change the special character to anything you like or you can leave it as @. (Scripts with no Patient cost will not have the special character next to them).
Reversing Auto-charges
If you want to display any reverse or change charges on the statement of an auto-charged script eg when deleting the script or making changes to the script, you’ll need to go to Options on Main Dispensing screen and switch on ‘Credit and recharge changes to Accounts’. This just changes what is shown on a statement.
Autocharged Foil Scripts
If the patient charge on a script is $0 (ie. no co-payment or premium charge) but there is a foil fee, the @ sign will print next to the foil fee to indicate the foil fee has been autocharged to the patient’s account.
Note: For autocharged scripts, when you edit the price to zero, the statement will be automatically altered. If the transaction is in the current period, the value is changed to zero. If the transaction is in an aged period then a credit line will appear in the current period.