Account Payments

Account Payments

Payment at Point of Sale

  • Select 'Account payment' and enter sales person ID.

  • Type in the account name and select from the list displayed.

  • Add the amount in the 'Account Payment Amount'

  • Enter through to the payment type and finish the payment.

  • A receipt will print.


To get cash out from Eftpos at the same time as paying into an account:

  • Enter the amount to go into the account in the 'Account Payment Amount' field.

  • Enter down to the Eftpos field and type in the amount going into the account PLUS the cash out (e.g. $30 if the customer wants to put $10 in their account and get $20 cash out).


When entering in payments from customers made on an account, always use the "Account Payment" button in the Sales screen (even if you only have RxOne Dispensary).

It is a good idea to use a non-POS (i.e. a Dispensary or back office RxOne) computer to enter in your payments off a bank statement. Make sure "All Tills" is unticked on the End of Day menu and that "Account Sales" is ticked to list on the End of Day. By doing this on a separate non-POS till, the normal cashing up of tills will not be affected and will not require any adjustments.

For printing the End of Day report, you only need to have the account payments ticked in the End of Day options.

Do an End of Day first, then put in your payments using the "Account Payment" button on the Sales screen. After you've finished you can do a Running Total to check against your statement and ensure all have been entered. Once all are correct, do an End of Day to clear the entries ready for next month and print it to get a list for your records.

Payment on account with Dispensary-only system

Dispensary-only systems will not have a computer on the counter, so collect account payment cheques or notes of payment and enter all payments as a batch when convenient using the 'journal entry mechanism on any dispensary unit.

  • From the Debtors menu, select the appropriate account.

  • Select Tools then Journal Entry (or the <f3> shortcut key )

  • Specify credit and the amount paid.

If required, an explanation can be entered, Payment.

  • Click OK to complete.

Note Because the Dispensary-only systems have no POS module to provide a 'received on account' function, all payments are entered by ''journal entry' and so will be applied to the current month. This can cause the analysis of previous months to be wrong, though the total owing will always be correct.

Suggestion for avoiding DCs/APs affecting cash balance.

  • If Pharmacy has only one RxOne computer and uses RxOne Debtors for accounts. Then Direct Credits should be entered as a separate session after an End Of Day is done for the normal till transactions. An end of day after the Direct Credit session will clear the computer for recording normal sales again.

  • If an End of Day is done separately for each till then the Options for End of Day will be set with All Tills not ticked.

  • Dispensary or Stockroom computer should be set the same way. This will isolate all computers with regard to transactions done.

  • Direct Credits can then be entered on the Dispensary or Stockroom computer as normal Account Payments. When an entering session is finished an End Of Day should be done to clear the computer and give a checking list of payments entered.

  • If an End of Day is done globally for all tills then the Options for End of Day will be set with All Tills ticked.

  • Dispensary or Stockroom computer should be set as Local . Options for End of Day will be set with All Tills not ticked. This will isolate this computer with regard to transactions done for End Of Day purposes.

  • Direct Credits should then be entered on the Dispensary or Stockroom computer as normal Account Payments. When an entering session is finished an End Of Day should be done to clear the computer and give a checking list of payments entered and ensure that the Direct Credits are not recorded as till takings when a Global End Of Day is done for the days sales.

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