End Of Day Report
The End of Day (EoD) Report is used to determine sales information on a till since the last EoD Report. This is primarily used to balance the till.
 End of Day reports are done by going to the RxOne Start Menu, Reports, Sales Reports, End of Day. They can also be done from the Point of Sales screen. Click 'Reports' and 'End of Day' from the drop down menu.
Link to relevant section in POS Manual
Running Total.
Do an EoD, but don't cut it off. Usually done so staff can empty most of the money out of a till, part way through the day, and bank it.
End Of Day.
Does an EoD. 'Cuts off' all the sales at that point ready for the till to be balanced and float reset.
Display Previous End Of Days.
Shows, in the list to the left, previous EoD Reports for all tills in the shop. To view one, select it before pressing the View EoD button.
Cumulative EOD
To view and print a cumulative EoD, select 'Display previous EoDs', highlight the EoDs you want to cumulate, then select 'Display end of day for a period'.
Options Menu.
The options menu determines which parts of the EoD Report will be displayed and printed. If something is missed off and EoD report, you may change the options settings and reprint it (see Display Previous EoD above).
The options menu allows you to turn off or on the following parts of the EoD Report:
 Full Sales Listings.
Time, Payment, Staff member.
 Detailed Payments.
Shows breakdown of payments received for sales AND account payments into Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS, Credit Card, Other (anything that doesn't fit into the other categories).
More details on transactions such as 'Discounted' 'Abandoned' or 'Price changed' can be obtained by 'right clicking' and asking for the report to be sorted by 'Abandoned', Discounted' 'Price changed' 'Date/time' (the usual) 'Staff' or 'Machine'.
The total is called Total Received.
When the 'amount received for account payments' is deducted the total is Total Cash Sales.
When the 'amount sold on account' is added the total is Total Sales.
Note: There will be a difference on the Totals for the "Full sales listing" and the "Detailed Payments" on any day where and account payment has been made since the first lists the sales made that day and the second list payments received.. This is because the daily till takings (account payment, cheque, cash etc), sales on account.
 Staff Statistics.
Shows the Staff Name, Sales, Total Retail and Average Retail for each staff member for this till. The Total should match the Total Sales figure in the Detail Payments table.
Note: for another staff sales report which spans multiple tills and can be set for any period use the Staff Sales Report. This report shows items sold, average items per sale, total retail, average retail per sale, gross profit in dollars, and gross profit as a percentage
Unlisted Items.
Shows any items sold as unlisted items and their retail price.
Note: if there are common occurrences of an item here (I.e. Freight/Courier etc) consider adding a stock card for the item as it is faster for sales staff and allows sales reports to be more descriptive. Anything sold as an unlisted item will usually show up as unknown on reports such as product group reports.
Sales Graphs
A graph printed on the EoD report shows the number of sales per hour to help determine trends and busy periods.
To toggle on/off a real-time graph during the day, from the PoS screen 'View' 'Display graph' and '<F6>'
Account Sales.
A summary of all the items charged to accounts.
Intensive Daily Reporting.
To set up Intensive Daily Reporting:
From 'Sales Reports', go to 'End of Day', then click on Options and on the drop down menu tick 'Intensive Daily Reporting'.
The Intensive Daily Reporting Setup allows you to set whether a product group will show on the EoD report.
This part of the EoD report has two parts.
·   The top shows the breakdown of Scripts and Non-scripts with the number of items sold and the number of customers.
Note: the total customers at the bottom may be less than the script customers and non-script customers as some customers will have purchased both scripts and non scripts.
The bottom shows each product group being reported on, the number of items sold and the number of customers purchasing items in each group.
Note: for more great reports on Product Groups see the Product Group Report (compares product groups to each other) and the 12-Month History Report (shows the sales for every product in a product group on a monthly basis).
 'All Tills'.
It is possible to report on all tills from the master.
Report All Tills
Once set up, at each EoD from the Sales screen, go up to Reports and End of Day. After the EoD has been done on the shop tills, you should do an EoD on the back office machine.
To switch on 'All tills' reporting
Set the Dispensary computers and your back office to 'All Tills' TICKED on the EoD Options. Â Set the PoS units to 'All Tills' UNTICKED. Â Â Then when you do an EoD on the back office machine, it will include all the units except the shop tills.
Now when you go to the back office machine where you've ticked 'A4 Till Summary' in the EoD Options, you will see all the EoDs for all the tills (the shop ones and the one done from the back office which includes the remainder of the machines). Highlight all 3 EoDs for the day you need and then click on 'Total for selected EoD'. When the report comes up you'll notice there are 3 tabs (The 'Till Payment Details' has the extra details not on the till docket printout. You can then print that.
Note: setting this ON or OFF on the wrong units can cause confusing results.