Stock Take
Regular stock-taking will help with orders, and accuracy of reports. RxOne recommends counting 50 items in your retail side per day as part of a regular rolling stocktake. RxOne has a number of ways that this can be achieved.
Rolling Stocktake
Main Menu > Tools > Utilities > Stock Utilities > Rolling Stocktake
In the stocktake settings window, click ‘New’ to enter the Rolling stocktake.
Select the following options to start, or continue a rolling stocktake for Shop items.
Shop Stock only
Include All Stock
Stocktake by Tradename
Starting point – End of Last Stocktake
You may wish to filter using other options such as Supplier / Group / Class if you need to do an urgent stocktake on a particular area but you run the risk of missing items. Continually doing a rolling stocktake will help prevent issues with stock and reduce the need for an end of year stocktake.
Click OK to open the Rolling Stocktake window.
Click Print to print the sheet for stocktake.
Once you have checked the stock levels for each item on the list, return to the Rolling Stock take and double click on the stocktake you are completing.
The list of items for that stocktake will show in a new window.
To enter in the correct stock on hand, click in the Act SOH(Pks) column for the first item on the list. Enter the number of packs on hand. To continue down the list use the down arrow on you keyboard, Enter the correct SOH for all items on the list. When you have finished, click Save All SOH and Clear Stocktake. This will update the stock on hand and mark that this part of the rolling stocktake is completed.
When it comes time to continue the Rolling Stocktake, repeat the process above. RxOne will keep a note of where you finished on the last stocktake and continue from there.
Do not preprint sheets, as stock levels will change all the time. Print a sheet just before starting the stocktake
If items appear to missing, consider whether there may be stock in another part of the pharmacy. The stock sheets show total stock.
RxOne will take drugs owing into account. If your pharmacy does not do drugs owing then the stock count on an owing drug will be incorrect
You can print and enter stock counts into any computer on your network
Missing Stocktakes
Main Menu > Reports > Stock Reports > More Stock Reports > Missing Stocktake
You can view stock that hasn’t been counted over a given period by using the Missing Stocktake report. This is useful to ensure that all stock has been counted over that period. You may wish to use this as you approach the end of the financial year.
Open the Missing Stocktakes report, and select your filtering options. The following options are available:
Stock Type – POS, Dispensary or All
Stock Take Missed Since – sets the date. Only Stock not counted since that date will be listed.
Ignore Negative SOH Items
Ignore Zero SOH Items
Report By:
All Products – will list All Products missed after the selected date
Product Group – only display products in the selected Group
Supplier – only display items for a given supplier
Product Subgroup – only display items in a subgroup
We recommend the following:
Ignore Zero SOH items
Unless you have identified a problem with a supplier or group, report by All Products
Run the report at least every 6 months and set the date range for a year.
Once you have chosen your options click OK.
RxOne will produce a list of all missed stocktake items. You can choose to sort the list by any column by clicking on the column heading.
Check your SoH against the list and make any changes. If SoH is correct, then tick the Checked box for that item.
You can enter the SoH using pack sizes:
2p for 2 packs
2p + 2 for 2 packs plus to extra units
You do not need to count all the items on the list. At any time you can click Save Checked SoH and this will update the SoH, update the stock count date and Exit from the list. To continue the stocktake, run the report again and those items will be left off the list.