Agency Sales - Full Reporting
Adapted from legacy help - September 03
For most pharmacies, a simple reporting of agency sales is enough. To set up simple reporting go to (insert link)
Full Reporting
This takes a little time to setup but works well and is easy to operate.
Setting up Full Agency reporting
Create 3 new product groups:
Ulilites > Stock Utilites > Modify Product Groups
For each one ensure that Intensive Daily Reporting is selected
 Agency (cash)
Agency (eftpos)
Agency (cheque)
Create 3 new stock cards
For each stock card make ensure that POS Lookup and Ask Price are ticked. Set Cost Price to $88.89 and Retail to $100.00
AE..Agency(Eftpos)Â Â AE..will go directly to Agency EftposÂ
Create 3 new staff members.Â
Agency(cash) staff member code AC
Agency(eftpos) code AE
 Agency(cheque) " "code AQ
They will be easy to recognise in the detailed sales on the EOD.
Create 3 accounts Â The.. is important AE..will go direct to agency(Eftpos) Â
Give an appropriate credit limit larger than days payments, any figure will do,say, $9999.99
Accepting payments:
Put in appropriate special staff member AC for Agnecy(cash) AE agency (eftpos) AQ agency (cheque). This keeps agency payments separate from staff shop sales.
 Put in appropriate item for payment, ie, AC.. will bring up agency (cash) etc.
Press f7 to choose and account. AC.. will bring up agency (cash) etc.
Press f7 to sell to the account. Payments will not be included in payments received for the day.
At EndofDay;
Print EOD. 'Full sales listing' will list every transaction. Agency will be easily recognised by the special staff member.
Payments received will be shop sales - agency payments go to an account.
Staff statistics will give separate totals for agency cash, eftpos, and chq.
Intensive daily reporting will give separate totals for agency, cash, eftpos & chq and will give a total of the lot.
Go to Accounts:
Print individual statements for the agency accounts.
Journal credit entry to make balance 0 (zero).
Delete the Agency account to get rid of the details. (This may not be necessary but can be done initially for safety until you are sure all is well)
Create a new account with the same name to start the next day with no details.
Transaction reports:
Shop payments (ie till takings) on EOD detailed payments
Total shop sales_EOD detailed payments Including shop account sales + total sales- agency payments. - the total is on Intensive daily reporting.
Details of individual agency payments on Agency accounts