Agency Sales - Full Reporting

Adapted from legacy help - September 03

For most pharmacies, a simple reporting of agency sales is enough. To set up simple reporting go to (insert link)

Full Reporting

This takes a little time to setup but works well and is easy to operate.

Setting up Full Agency reporting

Create 3 new product groups:

Ulilites > Stock Utilites > Modify Product Groups

For each one ensure that Intensive Daily Reporting is selected

  •  Agency (cash)

  • Agency (eftpos)

  • Agency (cheque)

Create 3 new stock cards

For each stock card make ensure that POS Lookup and Ask Price are ticked. Set Cost Price to $88.89 and Retail to $100.00

  • AC..Agency(cash)

  • AE..Agency(Eftpos)  AE..will go directly to Agency Eftpos 

  • AQ..Agency(cheque)

Create 3 new staff members. 

  • Agency(cash) staff member code AC

  • Agency(eftpos) code AE

  •  Agency(cheque) " "code AQ

They will be easy to recognise in the detailed sales on the EOD.

Create 3 accounts  

  • The.. is important

  • AE..will go direct to agency(Eftpos)  


Give an appropriate credit limit larger than days payments, any figure will do,say, $9999.99

Accepting payments:

  • Put in appropriate special staff member AC for Agnecy(cash) AE agency (eftpos) AQ agency (cheque). This keeps agency payments separate from staff shop sales.

  •  Put in appropriate item for payment, ie, AC.. will bring up agency (cash) etc.

  • Press f7 to choose and account. AC.. will bring up agency (cash) etc.

  • Press f7 to sell to the account. Payments will not be included in payments received for the day.


At EndofDay;

  • Print EOD. 'Full sales listing' will list every transaction. Agency will be easily recognised by the special staff member.

  • Payments received will be shop sales - agency payments go to an account.

  • Staff statistics will give separate totals for agency cash, eftpos, and chq.

  • Intensive daily reporting will give separate totals for agency, cash, eftpos & chq and will give a total of the lot.


Go to Accounts:

Print individual statements for the agency accounts.

Journal credit entry to make balance 0 (zero).

Delete the Agency account to get rid of the details. (This may not be necessary but can be done initially for safety until you are sure all is well)

Create a new account with the same name to start the next day with no details.


Transaction reports:

  1. Shop payments (ie till takings) on EOD detailed payments

  2. Total shop sales_EOD detailed payments Including shop account sales + total sales- agency payments. - the total is on Intensive daily reporting.

  3. Details of individual agency payments on Agency accounts