Emailing Receipts to patients

Emailing Receipts to patients

Emailing Dispensary receipts to patients:

Ensure that you have a valid email address for your patient and you have recorded it in the email field under the Personal Info tab in the patient screen. Take care to ensure that this email address is correct, as you are emailing confidential information.

After you have processed the prescription, from the main dispensary screen, select the patient you wish to email a receipt to.

Highlight the item you wish to send the receipt for, then right click and select ‘Print Duplicate’. Please note, you only need to highlight one item from the prescription group to print the receipt for the whole prescription.

In the box that pops up, under the area labelled ‘Forms’, put a tick in the box need to ‘Email Receipt’, then press ‘OK’.

Your patient will receive an emailed PDF copy of the receipt that will resemble the below:

You can also follow the above procedure whilst in the Patient History screen, by right clicking and selecting ‘Print Duplicate’ as above.


Sending POS receipts to customers:

To send a receipt to a customer, they need to be in your system first. When you process the sale, enter their name in the top right hand corner under ‘Customer/Account’. Alternatively, you can proceed straight to the next step, if this is a new customer.

To enter their email address go up to Edit and select ‘Add/Modify Person Details’ or use your keyboard – Control D.

Enter the email address in the correct field, then ensure that the tick box ‘Email POS Receipt To Customer’ is ticked too. Click ‘Save Changes’.

Process your sale as usual, and a copy of the receipt should be emailed to the customer on completion.

This customer will continue to receive emailed receipts unless you untick this box.

In order to receive an emailed copy of a receipt, the sale must be linked to a customer. If a customer decides they would like an emailed copy of the receipt, you can highlight the sale, go up to file, and select ‘Email Receipt’, or use Control E on your keyboard. This will only work if the sale was linked to a particular customer.



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