AA Smartfuel
Please notify us in advance of installation as you will need to obtain a Registration code from us and a Terminal ID from AA Smartfuel.
To set up AA Smartfuel
Go to Tools → Options
Select Loyalty Schemes
Tick 'Enable AA Smartfuel'. AA Smartfuel options will show on the screen.
Enter the AA Smartfuel Registration Code
Enter the TerminalID.
If you want to exclude scripts, tick ‘Exclude Rx Items’ under AA Smartfuel.
Processing A Sale
Process a sale using your usual process. If the sale is above the minimum amount to earn AA Smartfuel points a prompt will display asking if the customer has an AA Smartfuel card. If you select 'Yes' you will be prompted to scan the barcode.
Adding AA Smartfuel Card after sale is complete
Staff who have permissions to action Loyalty Rain Checks will be able to add AA Smartfuel loyalty points after a sale is complete. To give staff permission to access this open Modify Staff and tick ‘Loyalty Rainchecks’.
To add a Smartfuel card to a sale, open the POS screen and select the sale from the Sales Log. If the sale is from a previous day you can find the sale using the following methods:
In POS click View → Display other days sales and enter the date or
In POS click View → Display an Invoice, type in the invoice number and click OK
Highlight the sale and click File → Add AA Rewards Card → Click Yes → Scan the AA Smartfuel number → Click OK
File Transmission
The transaction file will be sent from the Master at 5pm each day. The file to be sent is stored in
C:\Lots\AA Smartfuel
These files can be recreated if required.
(Link to modify staff)