POS - Processing Sales Transactions
Starting the 'Point Of Sale' module
RxOne Home Screen > Sales
You can also enter Sales from the Dispensary main screen by selecting Window Menu > Sales or using the <F2> shortcut.
Enter your user id and Point of Sale main screen will open.
By default New Sale will be highlighted, pressing <Enter> or <Alt+N> will start a new sale.
Note that RxOne records money in cents. For example:
200 = $2
2.00 = $2
250 = $2.50
Processing a Sale
Enter your user id in the highlighted Salesperson box.
If you are recording the sale against a customer’s record press <Alt+C> to enter their details.
The Stock Item box will now be highlighted
Look up the item to be sold by scanning the barcode or looking the item up by product name. If there is more than one item then you can adjust the quantity by using the arrow keys to move to the quantity field. (It is generally faster to scan the item again if there are only two items)
Add Script items by scanning the Dispensary Receipt or Bag Label. This will add all items in the prescription bag to the sale. It will also update Dispensary to show that these items have been collected
<Ctrl+A> will display all script items that are available for a patient
If an item to be sold is not found you can sell it as an unlisted item by pressing <F4> to record an unlisted sale. Type a description, enter the quantity and the price.
If you need to delete an item, use the cursor keys to move up to the item and press <Del>
Finishing the Sale
Quick Keys
If your sale is an EFTPOS sale only (no cash out, no split payment) then you can use F11 to process the EFTPOS payment quickly.
Note: this will clear all other payments and cash out.
Cash Only
If the sale is Cash only use the F12 Key. This will clear all other payment types, and assume the sale is cash only. It does not ask for an amount tendered so use this carefully.
Split Payments
Use the '' key to go to the payments section and follow the steps below.
To finish a sale press the <+> key. Your payment options will now be highlighted. Use the arrow keys to move up and down through the options and enter the amount tendered. You can also mouse click into the payments section.
Cash Sale
Press <+> to highlight the cash sale box. Enter the amount tendered by the customer and press enter. RxOne will display the change to be given and open the till drawer.
Press <+> to highlight the cash sale box and then use the arrow keys to move to the EFTPOS box. Press enter to start the EFTPOS process.
Cash out with EFTPOS
Press <+> to total the sale. The focus will move to Cash. Enter the amount of cash to be given as a negative number. For example, if the cash out is $50 then enter -50.00 and use the arrow key to move down to the EFTPOS box. RxOne will calculate the correct value for you. Press <Enter>. When the customer has finished entering their PIN, RxOne will complete the sale and prompt you with the cash to be given.
Split Payments
Press <+> to set the focus to Cash. Using the arrows to enter between payment types and enter the appropriate amount. For example if the person is paying $20 cash and $29.95 EFTPOS, then enter 20.00 in the cash field and 29.95 in the EFTPOS field.
Related Pages
Initial Training for Point of Sale (POS) https://support-hs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RXNZ/pages/9175246