Selling on Account
You can charge items to an account from Dispensary and Point of Sale. If both are available then you should consider scanning scripts and charging from the New Sale screen.
Account Sale from Point of Sale
Scan items and scripts as you normally would through the New Sale screen. Once you have finished, enter the account name to charge to that account and click Account Sale.
When you scan a script, the customer’s name will automatically be selected, and you can view what account will be charged at the bottom of the screen, in the Info tab.
If you wish to change the account that will be charged, then search for the account that you want it to be charged to. This can happen when a person might charge some things to an organisation and others to a personal account.
After you have changed the name, you can see that the account that will be charged has changed - the statement for the account reflects that script was for patient A Test.
It is important that you check the Info tab to confirm which account will be charged before you click Account Sale