Debtors Options
Debtors options are found in the Debtors Module, under Tools > Options
Print Pharmacy Header
If you have your own Pharmacy header pre-printed on your statement paper, then switch this option off.
Tear off Remittance Advice on statement
If you would like a remittance advice section.
Print Zero value statements
Only check this if you want statements with Zero balances printing.
Display items in detail on statement
This option applies to all statements and will display the full drug and qty of scripts on the statement. If switched it is not checked it will show just the customer’s name and script number.
General account fee
If you wish to charge a general account fee you can set the amount here. It will be applied when the Debtors are automatically rolled over at the end of the month.
Message: printed on All statements
If space is available, a message entered here will appear on ALL statements. Eg, "Now open Sundays", "We do Blood Pressure checking". "Payments made after 25th month will appear on next month's statement."
To extend the message beyond one line press <ctrl + enter> together to move to next line.
Add 'Payment Due Date’ and ‘Bank Account Number’
Set the Payment Due Date and Bank Account Number in Options. When set, they will automatically print on the statements’ Remittance Advice.
If you have entered these details into the Message Printed on all Statements field, you can remove them from the messages. This will free up the Message box for you to add other messages.
Enter your bank account number to alert customers that they can pay online.
Allow overdue charges
If you wish to automatically charge people who do not pay on time you have the option of charging a flat fee or you can charge interest on the overdue amount.
For manual addition of a charge to certain people only, define a stock card as Overdue a/c charge as an ask price item, and sell one of these to those account as you wish.
Overdue message on statement
This message will be placed on overdue statements only.
Min charge for statement to print.
Any account with a balance owing less than this will be suppressed, though the balance will remain and when it gets over the total the statement will print. Eg, if the cut-off is $1.00 and an account of 75c will not be printed, but if then a 50c item is sold an account will be sent for $1.25.
Print credit statement
If Print Credit Statement option is unticked, statements with a negative balance will not print.
If Print Credit Statement option is ticked, then it will work in conjunction with the ‘minimum value’ option. As an example, if the minimum value is set at $20.00 and ‘Print Credit Statement’ is ticked, then statements greater than $20 and statements in credit for more than $20 will print.
Hint: See the display in the yellow box on the right hand side of the options, this explains what will be printed for the options selected.