Agency Sales - Simple Setup

Agency Sales - Simple Setup

Some pharmacies collect payments on behalf of other organisations, ie, they act as an agent but the payment is not considered part of the pharmacy's own business.

 Most pharmacies only require simple recording of agency sales, to separate them from normal turnover.

If you require Full Report go to Agency Sales - Full Reporting

Setting up for Agency sales

  • Create a stock card with the name of agencies, "Insurance Payment", "Power payment" etc. Tick POS Lookup and Check Price. Set the cost price $88.89 and the retail to $100.00, this gives a markup of 0%.

  • Create a Product group' named "Agency sales" Also set up intensive daily reporting. This can be done when setting up the Product Group by highlighting the intensive daily repotring box and hit the space bar. It toggles between True and False - you want to set it at True.

Staff sales and profit statistics.

If you want the agency sales excluded form the staff statistics, create a new 'staff' member called 'Agency' and select this staff member for agency sales. This will stop the agency figures upsetting the normal sales figures.

 To do an Agency sale.

Use the hot key, or look up the agency by an easy code, and sell the item.

Agency sales can be mixed with other items, reversed like a returned item, put on hold, have reports for any period and generally have all functions available as for a normal stock item.

 At end of day.

Subtract the total for all agency sales from the overall sales if a separate sales figure for the day is required.

 When remitting the agency payments

The total to remit can be obtained by asking for a 'product group report for the 'Agency' group for the appropriate period, usually weekly or monthly.

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